Friday, August 13, 2021

Our 18th Year Wedding Anniversary

 Our 18th anniversary falls on the day of the funeral of a family friend.  So glad that my husband  worked at home that day, not that he intended it to be for our anniversary but for us to attend the funeral.  He was super busy with work that he actually forgot that it was our anniversary.  To be fair though, he  so mentioned it to me few days ago before  the exact date and bought me  a gift already  so I didn't mind.  It was funny, I handed him the card after we attended the funeral and he said "what is this?"  Lol, I just laughed.
I am grateful everyday that I married a man that really values family.  I always tell our children of how lucky they are to have a loving Dad like him.  
For our 18th wedding anniversary, our major project was the kitchen.  We're both glad that we have it done finally.  It's not cheap and it might  put us in a bind with  budget but I'm glad it's done and over with.  
We didn't do anything fancy, I didn't even cook a meal since we were too busy, in fact we  just ate  pizza from Di Carlo's!  It might sound terrible but we were all together so that's what matters.  Again, with funeral and everything, I just didn't have the energy to  do something special, I was emotionally drained.  Our friend's mom was a special lady, she was part of my children's childhood memories so I was very emotionally affected by her passing.