Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Fifty Shades or Golden Years?

I was teasing my husband if what should I call him now that he turned 50 years old.  I said "Should I  go on a sexier version, Fifty Shades of Grey (hair) or Golden Man", he just laughed.  Anyway, he had this weight lifting goal of reaching 1000 pound before he turned 50 but he did not achieved it, he was so close though.  He did 900+lbs and I can see the big difference now  that he is really trying to live a healthier and more active lifestyle.  
He was a fit guy when he was still in the Navy but after he retired, he slipped downhill with his  exercise routines and gained weight. He is however getting back to shape although it is a bit harder now that he is older but that's the price you pay when you let yourself go.  He gets frustrated  sometimes because he couldn't do the things that he used to when he was in his prime 20s.  I have to remind him of how old he is now in order for him to realized that he ain't as strong as he used to be 30 years ago.
I had fun taking pictures of him when they had the Father and Daughter Dance last Friday.   He was exhausted but still managed to have fun with our daughter during the event.  He said that the whole day  we spent at the  History Bowl and the end result was the best birthday gift he has received.  He is always supportive of what our children wants to do and I love him for that.
I am so proud of this  guy.  After  serving 20 years in the Navy, he went back to school and got his master's degree.  He  started a new career  after  a couple of years of retirement and has been a huge support for us.  
He said that being in the military taught him  a lot of things  in life.  It's funny to think that when he was still in the service, he couldn't wait to retire but when he finally retired, I can tell he misses it.   I wasn't fond of the constant move but I do love the travel that comes with it.  He was spent his  tours in Asia so that gave us the opportunity to live in other places.   
Good health is always my wish for my family's birthdays.  I hope that you will have another 50 years of healthy life so we could be together for a long long time. 


  1. Happy Birthday! My husband is currently in the military, and likes it. He has to work to stay in shape due to the PT tests. I know it can be tricky!

  2. Sounds like you have a really good husband there. My husband is struggling with wanting to even exercise so your husband has been is about five steps ahead of mine LOL. Tell him to keep up the good work.

  3. Happy 50th Birthday to your husband! Your affection for him radiates off the screen.

  4. Happy birthday to your accomplished husband! May this new chapter in his life bring happiness, prosperity, good health and joy.

  5. Happy Birthday to your husband!It is good to hear he is almost to his weightlifting goal.

  6. Welcome to the fifties club. I am getting closer the the 60's now but it is all good. It is what you make of it.

  7. Aww happy birthday to your husband! Good luck to him achieving his weight lifting goal he is so close as you said.

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband! I hope he had an amazing birthday. Cheers to 50!

  9. Good for your husband trying to reach healthy goals and happy birthday! Also good for you for being his biggest fan, I love seeing that!

  10. Hey 900+ is a HUGE accomplishment! Happy 50th! My husband served in the Marines and he misses it so much. Unfortunately, he was shot in Iraq his second tour and his third he was again severely injured which ended his career! These men and women who serve our country are amazing! Tell him thank you for his service!

  11. Happy birthday to your husband. He looks great for his age! My husband will be 50 pretty soon too!

  12. 50 is such a great age! There is so much freedom in your 50s! He should be really proud of that 900 pound accomplishment. MANY people NEVER make it that far!

  13. 900 pounds!!??? Oh my goodness that is insane! So sweet of you to dedicate a post to him. Hope he had an awesome 50th!

  14. Happy Birthday to your husband. It must have been hard to be back on being healthy and fit.

  15. Happy Birthday to your husband! 50 is nothing, wait until he hits 60. Thats when the knees start telling you to slow down. lol I'm there, I know.

  16. A lot of people want to retire, but then they miss their old job. My dad felt the same way. Happy birthday to your husband.

  17. Happy Birthday to your husband!It is good to hear he is almost to his weightlifting goal.

  18. Happy birthday to your husband! Wow, he's almost at his weightlifting goal! Such an accomplishment!


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