Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Staying Warm at Home #Family Bonding

Celebrating birthdays doesn't have to be extravagant.  Simple celebration  with family is  enough for us.  Our son just turned twelve  last week and we did not go anywhere but stayed home.  We are however  planning to take him somewhere later when the weather permits.  
The weather here at our side of the world has been so cold that we were not able to  go anywhere, even school has to cancel and operate on two-hour delays because of the extreme weather condition.  Staying at home wearing the most comfortable clothing like their favorite tees while Mom  snaps few photos while they bond, is the safest thing to do.  
Aside from the severe weather condition, my body was also  not in good  condition to go somewhere.  Hubby and I thought that we probably having a third child because I was 6 weeks delayed but then bloody mary came so there's that.  But then we knew it's impossible because I am almost 46 so it was really a wishful thinking on our part.  I am thinking that I am nearing menopause?  What do you think?
Anyway, we got him some  sweets as part of his presents.  
 I tried to make him a card but I think I failed ha ha.  He loves  minecraft so I looked on Pinterest for some DIY cards and this is what I came up with.
 We got him a cookie cake asd that's what he wanted.
 His present was a new bike since he outgrew his bike already.  He won't be able to use it till the weather gets warm.
 One more year and both our kids are teens.  My daughter will soon be preparing for her  driving lesson and I am kind of nervous about that.  Driving is one of my biggest fears so I am even  scared that it would be my daughter.  I think she will do good though, she's very courageous and also cautious.  Parenting never gets easier, I thought for sure when they are a bit older, it's a lot a lot easier but I am wrong lol.


  1. T-shirts is what makes the world go round and round. Something everyone wears, easy to launder and last a long time.

  2. Happy Birthday to your son! I prefer small birthday parties. My daughter had a big one last year, but this year I told her we're going small. I'm an introvert and I don't like to be around too many people. My daughter got a larger bike too that she loves!

  3. We always where T-shirts around the house. It's just more relaxed and I just like it. Sounds like your son had a great birthday. I would be nervous too if my kiddo was about to start driving.

  4. They grow up so fast, don't they? Happy Birthday to your son! Looks like you all had a wonderful time together.

  5. I have a kid who prefers cookie cakes over regular cakes. Come to think of it, all of my kids prefer another dessert over cake when they get to pick!

  6. Happy Birthday to your son. It looks like you all had a nice celebration at home, plus you were all able to stay warm.

  7. Happy Birthday to your son. I love the idea that he wanted a cookie cake for his birthday. I've always wanted one.

  8. It looks like your son had a happy birthday! Winter birthdays are tough here too!

  9. I remember driving lessons. I thought they went well, but my daughter has different memories! Ha!

  10. Aww! Happy birthday to your son!! And I love the Minecraft card!! My son loves MC too, so I may steal this idea! ;)

  11. Happy birthday to your son! It looks like he had a great birthday!

  12. Kids grow up so fast! Love that he asked for a cookie cake, those were always my favorite when I was his age.

  13. What a lovely way to spend a birthday! I'm glad to hear your family enjoyed a wonderful celebration at home.

  14. Happy Birthday to your son. Wow, a new bike. It's always a great gift. Hope he enjoyed his cake!

  15. Happy Birthday to your son! I hope you figure out why you were feeling so off!!

  16. Staying home with this weather is the best part. I love watching how it snows outside with a hot chocolate in my hands. I love making tasty treats with my kids!

  17. I live in t-shirts so I completely understand. I hope you son had a very happy birthday!

  18. Wishing your boy a wonderful birthday celebration! Love his t-shirt!

  19. Kids grow up so fast! Happy Birthday! Hope you all had an amazing time!

  20. Birthdays are so much fun and I always enjoy the simple ones at home with family. Happy Birthday to your son! They do grow up quickly.


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