Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

"As it stands, motherhood is a sort of wilderness through which each woman hacks her way, part martyr, part pioneer; a turn of events from which some women derive feelings of heroism, while others experience a sense of exile from the world they knew." - Rachel Cusk

My daughter was sick on Mother's Day and I felt so bad.  Both of my kids were supposed to  serve at the mass  on that day but since big sister  was sick, our son  had to do it alone and  we were very proud of him for stepping up.  He was nervous but he did it anyway and he realized that he doesn't have to depend much on her sister.  It gave him  the confidence he needed to believe in what he can do on his own.
They got me some  athleisure outfits and a pair of Jordan Air running shoes for me.  I didn't really want anything but they got it anyway.
Motherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me. When I was still single, I used to think that finishing my education on my own and having a job in school that I like was pretty awesome but when I became a Mom, none of it really comes close to feeling accomplished knowing that I have two wonderful children.  I  have given  up my career for them and  that's okay, they are my priority and they are everything to me and my husband.
I grew up with 8 siblings and it was never easy but my parents made it work. We did not have fancy toys or store-bought stuff but we had great childhood memories because my parents were always present, they made themselves available for every moment and that's what I would like for our children. We might not have the most expensive stuff or fancy things that their friends have but they will always have us. That's why it was easy for me to give up my career and focus on them, it's challenging but very rewarding at the same time.  Motherhood is really a great blessing.


  1. Motherhood really IS a blessing. It sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day and I loved all the photos you shared!

  2. To bad your daughter wasn't feeling great, hope it didn't last long. Wonderful that your prayed with your son to calm and let him know all would be well. Sounds like you had a good day.

  3. Motherhood is the BEST thing ever!! I feel so lucky to be a mother. Loved reading this! Hope you have a lovely day!!

  4. Motherhood is such a wonderful feeling and nothing can come close to the way it makes you feel. Good for your son for stepping up! It sounds like you enjoyed your Mother's Day.

  5. One of my favorite jobs I've ever had is being a mother! Job is not even the right word because it is not it is something that is just me. I love everything about being a mother. What a blessing your kids are!

  6. Love the handprints! Super cute. Looks like you had a nice Mother's Day :)

  7. I love being a mom and glad you enjoyed your walk and pancakes! Those are the special things kids will remember.

  8. Mother's Day is one of my favorite celebrations unless my daughter can't make it home. Then it is just another day. (Ha! I love the attention my husband gives me!)

  9. It sounds like you had a nice day. I wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. It's the best job in the world and I am very lucky to have my two boys.

  10. What a lovely and heartfelt mother's day celebration. All moms deserve the recognition. And our children make life so much more meaningful. You have the sweetest kids!

  11. I love being a mom too. My daughter took me out for a tea party and we got to wear hats. It was her idea of the best day ever. :)

  12. It looks like you had a great Mother's Day. I love the handprints that you got from your kids.

  13. Sounds like a great mothers day! being a mother is such a blessing I cant even describe. Being a mama is the best. - Jeanine

  14. Sounds like you had a great day! I honestly can't even remember what we did for Mother's Day but I do know it was with family and certainly a great day together.

  15. Yay for new workout shoes and gear! And Happy late Mother's Day to you, I hate that your daughter didn't feel well that weekend!

  16. What great photos. Looks and sounds like a great mothers day. You have such sweet kiddos! - Peter


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