Thursday, June 14, 2018

How To Look After Yourself After Giving Birth

Giving birth is the equivalent of running a marathon, so it’s no wonder that a woman is going to be exhausted after going through labor. Whether it was a vaginal birth or a c-section, the body has gone through a lot, and will need to recover. Here are some excellent tips for taking care of yourself after you have given birth.
Plan Ahead
It’s important to plan ahead for after you get home with your new baby before you even go into labor. Food is something that is particularly important, for example. You’re going to need to eat regular meals, particularly if you are breastfeeding, but you may not feel much like cooking for yourself when you’re recovering. Therefore it makes sense to prepare a load of meals in advance and freeze them so that all you have to do is defrost and reheat them after giving birth. You can choose pretty much anything, and you can even freeze mashed potatoes.
Drink Enough
Something that can happen easily after giving birth is dehydration. Everything is so busy and there is such a lot to do that you may well completely forget to drink. However, you really need to ensure you get enough water; being properly hydrated is essential for a good milk supply. Every time you have a chance to sit down, have a drink. Sip water throughout the day. When you are breastfeeding continue to drink to keep your silk supply flowing.
Nothing is going to stop your baby from waking during the night; it’s just how their little body clocks work. So you know you’re going to be tired, and you know you’re not going to get a good night’s sleep for a few months. That means that you should grab a nap when you can. You might think it’s more important to do the housework, for example, than sleep, but you’ll be a much calmer, happier parent if you’re well rested, even if the house is a bit of a mess. A tidy clean house isn’t worth the exhaustion of not getting some sleep when you can.
Don’t Use A Rubber Ring
Your lower regions are going to be super sore after you’ve given birth, and they’ll take a little while to get back to normal – they will though, so don’t worry about that. However, as tempting as a rubber or even foam ring might be when it comes to added comfort, they can actually do more harm than good because they allow your perineum to sag down, pulling on any stitches you might have and delaying healing).

If you’re feeling sore down below then there are special creams and tinctures you can buy that will soothe but not irritate the area, and this can definitely help you.

Go Outside
Don’t just stay in your home with your baby and forget about the outside world. It’s great to go for a walk with your little one and get some freshair – it’s good for both of you. It’s true that when you go out you won’t have your home comforts around you, and your baby may well scream, but so what? Breathe deep, comfort your child, and go home again. You can try again another day.


  1. It's really important for mothers to look after themselves after giving birth, it's something that mothers forget to do especially since they're so focused on their newborns. These are all lovely suggestions.

  2. Totally agree with you on the napping part. After I gave birth to my little boy, I had trouble adjusting with sleeping but all is well now.

  3. Key is to planning ahead. Stock up on freezer meals. Keep the house and laundry clean and up to date before heading off to have baby. I always had wonderful friends who helped afterwards.

  4. It is so important to keep your nourishment up when you are breastfeeding. The journey is just starting so prepare for another marathon.

  5. These are great tips to keep in mind. Exercising and eating healthy is something everyone should prioritize!

  6. I've never had children but I sure know how important it is for a mom to take good care of her well being. These tips are a must to follow especially if you're a new mom!

  7. I needed to keep this in mind after having my kids. I usually put myself on the backburner, which wasn't healthy! It took me ages to lose the weight.

  8. Great advice, especially the hydration and taking care of your mental health by heading outdoors. Fifteen minutes in the sun will change your whole attitude.

  9. Giving birth and then caring for a newborn is a very rough time. These tips are important since moms can not pour from an empty cup.

  10. Giving birth is definitely hard work. These are great tips for getting on the road to recovery afterwards.

  11. These are all great tips. I know I lived with a sits bath after I had my first. It was the only thing that saved me.

  12. These are such great tips and I couldn't agree more. Water and sleep are so key!

  13. These are all great and useful advices! And we need to find time for all these!

  14. Wonderful tips. After our last my wife didn't really look after herself as best as she wanted to. She was so focused on our new little one and some NICU and jaundice issues, I wish she had the chance to take care of herself first and not have to worry right after a baby - Peter

  15. It's so important to take care of yourself after giving birth. Take your time to heal

  16. She is such a beautiful girl. You are looking so well now too!

  17. These are some great tips. You definitely have to take care of yourself in order to be there for your little ones.

  18. One thing I always struggle with is making sure I drink enough! I swear water is sometimes my worst enemy.


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