Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Father's Day 2018

Glad everybody was feeling great on Father's  Day unlike Mother's Day where my daughter was sick.  We all got to go to church and the kids served at the mass.   I was able to give him   his gift  in advance and I preparing  him home cooked meals was all I did on that day.
 If you remember last year, I made a  goal of  taking one family photo each month and we got to accomplish that, this year, we changed it up a little bit.  We take pictures on special occasion such as Father's Day and the like.  Even the fur babies were up to it this time.  
I am grateful that our children has a great Dad and I am so lucky to have him as a husband, we are so blessed.  I love the quote "Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special  to be a Dad",  that's exactly how my husband is.  I hope that when our children have their own family, they can look back and say "We are blessed with a great Dad".
The kids made their card  for him.
As part of the Father's Day weekend celebration, we  visited my  brother-in-law whom we haven't seen since my  father-in-law's funeral, it's been over a year.  He live a little ways but it was nice to visit him and his wife and catch up.

We also visited my in-laws' graves, his Dad, Mom, and 2 brothers.
I will leave you with this  quote by Ezra Taft Benson
"Fatherhood is not a matter of station or wealth. It is a matter of desire, diligence and determination to see one's family exalted in the celestial kingdom. If that prize is lost, nothing else really matters. "


  1. Family time is always special and home cooked meals is always the way around our home. Visiting with family and taking the kids to visit grave sites and learn about their ancestors is wonderful.

  2. I bet that was a fun way to celebrate Fathers Day! I adore those handmade cards!

  3. It is so nice that you and the kids made Father's Day so nice and showed your feelings. I was so happy when my kids made my husband sweet cards for the day.

  4. Lovely recap of Father's Day. Love the pictures of the family. It looks like you guys really had an amazing day.

  5. It sounds like you had a lovely Father's Day. My kids made a cute card for my husband and he absolutely loved it.

  6. I love that five things I love about you card!what a sweet token of appreciation for Father's Day.

  7. Looks like you had a great day! I love that you included your family that has passed on as well. That's sweet.

  8. Aww so cute, even furbabies are part of the family. I know many families also do that to make sure they take a picture in every special moment together.

  9. Looks like you all had a terrific Father's Day. It's always nice when everyone can get together and have a beautiful day together.

  10. It's nice to celebrate holidays like this together, as a family. That's nice you all spent some quality time together and even visited those who have passed.

  11. Sounds like you had a great Father's Day surrounded by family. Great post!

  12. Sounds like you guys had a great time during Father's Day. Those handmade cards are so adorable.

  13. Such a lovely Father's Day celebration! I'm glad you got to take adorable family pictures together. I love that the dogs were there in the moment as well.

  14. Looks like a wonderful day together! Such a nice celebration!

  15. It sounds like it was a wonderful day together! Love the handmade gifts!

  16. Looks like Father's day was well spent! Love that you guys made sure that your husband had the best day! Simple celebrations are always the best!

  17. Father’s Day is always a great time for me. It looks like you guys had a wonderful day and some great food to celebrate. I especially like the homemade gifts

  18. What a great time for family! Looks like you all had a wonderful Father's Day.

  19. Oh taking aa family photo each month is a great way to keep memories. It'll be interesting to see how things change in a few years if you continued it. Looks like a pretty fun Father's Day for your family too :)

  20. That is a great quote. Sounds like you have a great partner and dad to your children. Hope he felt celebrated on Father's Day.

  21. The gifts are so cute! Something about handmade gifts and home cooked meals for Father's Day make the day even more special.


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