Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Father's Day 2018

Glad everybody was feeling great on Father's  Day unlike Mother's Day where my daughter was sick.  We all got to go to church and the kids served at the mass.   I was able to give him   his gift  in advance and I preparing  him home cooked meals was all I did on that day.
 If you remember last year, I made a  goal of  taking one family photo each month and we got to accomplish that, this year, we changed it up a little bit.  We take pictures on special occasion such as Father's Day and the like.  Even the fur babies were up to it this time.  
I am grateful that our children has a great Dad and I am so lucky to have him as a husband, we are so blessed.  I love the quote "Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special  to be a Dad",  that's exactly how my husband is.  I hope that when our children have their own family, they can look back and say "We are blessed with a great Dad".
The kids made their card  for him.
As part of the Father's Day weekend celebration, we  visited my  brother-in-law whom we haven't seen since my  father-in-law's funeral, it's been over a year.  He live a little ways but it was nice to visit him and his wife and catch up.

We also visited my in-laws' graves, his Dad, Mom, and 2 brothers.
I will leave you with this  quote by Ezra Taft Benson
"Fatherhood is not a matter of station or wealth. It is a matter of desire, diligence and determination to see one's family exalted in the celestial kingdom. If that prize is lost, nothing else really matters. "

Mother's Day 2018

"As it stands, motherhood is a sort of wilderness through which each woman hacks her way, part martyr, part pioneer; a turn of events from which some women derive feelings of heroism, while others experience a sense of exile from the world they knew." - Rachel Cusk

My daughter was sick on Mother's Day and I felt so bad.  Both of my kids were supposed to  serve at the mass  on that day but since big sister  was sick, our son  had to do it alone and  we were very proud of him for stepping up.  He was nervous but he did it anyway and he realized that he doesn't have to depend much on her sister.  It gave him  the confidence he needed to believe in what he can do on his own.
They got me some  athleisure outfits and a pair of Jordan Air running shoes for me.  I didn't really want anything but they got it anyway.
Motherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me. When I was still single, I used to think that finishing my education on my own and having a job in school that I like was pretty awesome but when I became a Mom, none of it really comes close to feeling accomplished knowing that I have two wonderful children.  I  have given  up my career for them and  that's okay, they are my priority and they are everything to me and my husband.
I grew up with 8 siblings and it was never easy but my parents made it work. We did not have fancy toys or store-bought stuff but we had great childhood memories because my parents were always present, they made themselves available for every moment and that's what I would like for our children. We might not have the most expensive stuff or fancy things that their friends have but they will always have us. That's why it was easy for me to give up my career and focus on them, it's challenging but very rewarding at the same time.  Motherhood is really a great blessing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Weekend with Friends

Our parish had a seminarian visitor for two weeks and he wanted to meet some families with children to share some  fun experience that he learned through his vocation.  Our friends invited us over to  share the same experience with them since our children our close with each other.  We also got to bond with our parish priest so it was a great time  for us all.  
Get together means  catching up and lots of food to eat.  I am very grateful that our friends invited us over.  I am not a very good host so I don't really invite people to my home, I think that is something I need to work on.  Hosting a party is just something I am not  comfortable of doing.  I guess, I am always worried about what people will say about my home, the food, and all that stuff, that's why I shy away from opening our home to people.  
 I used to host a party when my kids were little for their birthdays but ever since they started going to school, we stopped doing it.  Anyway, here are some of the foods that the host have during the get together.  
Their dog is such a ball of energy, he is a sweetheart and very playful.
Aside from seeing our friends, the part that I love about the whole thing is the  sharing exercise we did.  The last time I have experienced doing it was when I was still working at a catholic school.  We used to have an annual retreat and I kind of miss doing that so I am grateful for the opportunity  offered to us.
The kids had fun playing and  swimming at their pool.  It was chilly but  they didn't mind.
It's always great to visit  our friend's home but  at the end of the day, it is hard  because the kids don't want to leave.  I feel bad that we always overstayed lol.  We all had a great time though and I really do appreciate  them welcoming us to their home all the time.  It means a lot because we don't have many friends and it's nice to have few but very close friends.  

Thursday, June 14, 2018

How To Look After Yourself After Giving Birth

Giving birth is the equivalent of running a marathon, so it’s no wonder that a woman is going to be exhausted after going through labor. Whether it was a vaginal birth or a c-section, the body has gone through a lot, and will need to recover. Here are some excellent tips for taking care of yourself after you have given birth.
Plan Ahead
It’s important to plan ahead for after you get home with your new baby before you even go into labor. Food is something that is particularly important, for example. You’re going to need to eat regular meals, particularly if you are breastfeeding, but you may not feel much like cooking for yourself when you’re recovering. Therefore it makes sense to prepare a load of meals in advance and freeze them so that all you have to do is defrost and reheat them after giving birth. You can choose pretty much anything, and you can even freeze mashed potatoes.
Drink Enough
Something that can happen easily after giving birth is dehydration. Everything is so busy and there is such a lot to do that you may well completely forget to drink. However, you really need to ensure you get enough water; being properly hydrated is essential for a good milk supply. Every time you have a chance to sit down, have a drink. Sip water throughout the day. When you are breastfeeding continue to drink to keep your silk supply flowing.
Nothing is going to stop your baby from waking during the night; it’s just how their little body clocks work. So you know you’re going to be tired, and you know you’re not going to get a good night’s sleep for a few months. That means that you should grab a nap when you can. You might think it’s more important to do the housework, for example, than sleep, but you’ll be a much calmer, happier parent if you’re well rested, even if the house is a bit of a mess. A tidy clean house isn’t worth the exhaustion of not getting some sleep when you can.
Don’t Use A Rubber Ring
Your lower regions are going to be super sore after you’ve given birth, and they’ll take a little while to get back to normal – they will though, so don’t worry about that. However, as tempting as a rubber or even foam ring might be when it comes to added comfort, they can actually do more harm than good because they allow your perineum to sag down, pulling on any stitches you might have and delaying healing).

If you’re feeling sore down below then there are special creams and tinctures you can buy that will soothe but not irritate the area, and this can definitely help you.

Go Outside
Don’t just stay in your home with your baby and forget about the outside world. It’s great to go for a walk with your little one and get some freshair – it’s good for both of you. It’s true that when you go out you won’t have your home comforts around you, and your baby may well scream, but so what? Breathe deep, comfort your child, and go home again. You can try again another day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

List of Healthiest Foods For Your Kids

Yes, it is the biggest worry of every mother, day and night. Children today are very demanding when it comes to eating. They are very choosy about the choice of foods, their taste, texture and the visual appeal of it. Mothers’ (or those who cook) today have the need to cook for the eyes, tongue and the health of the child. Yes, this weird reality is what happens in many homes today. Deciding on the menu that equally gratifies the taste and health needs of children is more like climbing a mountain with high heels! Considering the busy schedules of mothers’, this post gives them a helping hand on some healthyfood choices for kids.
Health vs Taste   
This has always been a tough race to win, but with the modern digital world, people across the globe virtually meet each other to share healthy food menu which can be made in delectable ways. It’s good that there are plenty of online resources such as Finddigitalmagazines.Co.Uk available today that offer digital magazines for your iPad and you can easily have access to healthy food recipes for kids.   
Healthy Food Choices
Choose foods that are fresh and organic for giving a healthy lifestyle to your children. Giving fresh fruits and vegetables to children as an everyday snack will boost the health of the toddlers and growing children. A minimum of two servings of colourful, bright looking fruits and three servings of vegetables has to be a regular routine.
Spinach: Some kids might not be a big fan of spinach and greens, but all kids love cartoons. Showing cartoons like Popeye to make children learn about the health of spinach and other green leaves will kindle their interest.
Homemade Cheese Spinach Puff.  Click the link for recipe.
Peanut Butter: The goodness of peanut can be fully absorbed by the body through this form of peanut butter. Spreading a lavish scoop of it on top of pieces of bread or tortillas or even having a spoonful just like that will help meet the nutritional requirement of the child on the daily basis.

Lentils and Beans: Protein-rich foods are very healthy for growing children. Giving lentils and different varieties of beans as part of a regular diet will improve their overall health and stamina.
Beans that we grew organically.  See my kids harvest it here 
Yogurt or Curd: Be it the sweetened yogurt version or the plain curd version as per your child’s taste, somehow include at least one cup every day for having all the essential pro-biotics.
Eggs: Minimum of two eggs per day, preferably in the mornings, either poached or full boiled as per the taste of the children must be a compulsory of a daily meal.
Eggcellent breakfast for my kids
Nuts and Seeds: Children’s snack time must have a strict healthy choice, such as nuts, seeds and other cereal choices, whatever they make less fuss to eat.

Fruits and Veggies: Fresh fruits and vegetables always have their health goodness, especially when they are organically grown.
Some children might be fussy eaters while some others really love eating. Every child’s eating habit varies. Mothers must bring in a healthy eating practice right from the early age, and healthy foods should be a meal for the family, instead of just forcing them on children.

Monday, June 11, 2018

How Cooking Websites Are Bringing The Food Lovers On A Single Platform?

People who are fond of food, love to cook whenever they get time. As a house wife or house husband, there is a lot of time at hand to think, design and make delicious food for your family. However, the passion and creativity to do these traits slowly fade away if you don’t get the required encouragement from the people you love the most, your family. Tough we all love our family but we also need the required encouragement from them as well. There is a lot that you can learn while you are freeing your time for cooking.

If you are someone who loves to cook you know that you want to learn about all the famous cuisines of the world. This way you grow and rise in your love for cooking food. Different cuisines have different method of cooking and hence different ingredients too. For that matter it is best to share your passion and recipes with those who have the same line of interest. There are many websites who are sharing recipes with the world but very few who ask others to share theirs’s as well. Cuisine Study is one of those websites which is sharing its love of cuisines with the world and also asks others to share their feedback and recipes in it. You can View Site to see the various kinds of cuisines and flavors.
The site is not only about the recipes but also encourages people to connect with others and help them if they want a specific recipe or advice about their food. There are several recipes and suggestions about food, utensils already shared on the web and we can get some more if you want. If you are new to the cooking side and are planning to purchase a set of new utensils, it would be best to seek advice from someone who has already used many and can give the best suggestions. Not only that, you should also know the health benefits of using and eating green foods. There are various ingredients in your kitchen which can help with fat burning only if you know how to use them, similarly the olive oil which is used for cooking also has various health benefits about which mostly people are unaware.

There are several recipes of home cooking which are in practice for several years and are loved by many people on the site. Apart from recipes, there are also cooking tips in the kitchen which allows a person to cook as well as make use of the organic ingredients as home remedies. You can also find tips to handle the tough ingredients like how to pear a glove of garlic fast, how to remove a flesh off a whole fish quickly, cooking different cuisine like French with toast and cassoulet, Italian pasta with risotto, and several other Italian and Japanese cuisines. If you are looking for good homemade recipes, tips and tricks to be used in the kitchen, and ingredients which can help you enhance your health, you might as well look through the site.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The 4 Unproductive Morning Habits that every 21st Century Girl Should Quit Today

Perhaps it’s coincidence, but it seems that every time one happens to have a goodnight sleep, and wake up fully rested, they always seem to have one of the most productive days of their lives? Alternatively, when one has a horrible morning, the same energy spews out to the rest of the day, and they end up having quite an unproductive, forgetful day!

Which goes to show that the way a person begins their day really plays a vital role in how the rest of their working hours will be.

Keeping this in mind, here are some routines that one might be doing which are proving to be a recipe for disaster for the rest of their working day.

 Having a breakfast packed with sugar
Perhaps the sugar cubes in that morning cup of coffee or tea are just a little over the top? Or maybe it goes hand in hand with assortments such as waffles, cakes, or even muffins.
Then this is quite the wrong way to start up any day. That’s because food stuffs such as carbohydrates, or those laden with sugar usually give one a massive sugar high (insulin spike), which then comes crashing down; leaving one irritable and quite hungry for another bite even before lunch time!

Instead, kick-start the day with the likes of fruits (for the sweet-tooth), or satiating veggies that will keep those unnecessary food cravings at bay, leaving one feeling excited and in good spirits during the working hours.

Eating when one is not hungry
Yep, this is still taking a shot at breakfast.  Sometimes one might wake up not feeling hungry at all, but because they’ve been brain-washed to believe that breakfast is extremely necessary, they go ahead and chow down something before heading to work. However, as earlier discussed, this could be more harmful than one might expect.

If breakfast is not one’s cup of tea, then other effective methods such as intermittent fasting can come into play.

In fact, intermittent fasting is essential for optimal health because it not only helps in stabilizing blood sugar, but also reduces inflammation, and helps one maintain a healthy heart.

That being said, Chicks News further provides more essential content on improving the lifestyle of the modern day lady.

Failing to workout every morning
If one hopes to plan their day on their high, then a great way to boost their energy levels, sans taking caffeine, is to set that alarm clock early, and incorporate morning exercise before heading to work.
It’s even better to workout during the morning hours because it’s been proven to lead to higher quality sleep, as well as boost one’s energy levels exponentially.

Taking lattes in the morning with additives
Sorry to say people, but it’s about time to quit adding those syrups and sugar to that latte. In fact, this could be the reason why one is experiencing weight gain without having a solid explanation.

Yes, despite exercising and eating healthy, lattes containing sugar and syrup come quite high in terms of their caloric intake, causing one to pack up those pounds, and feel more depressed about their weight and their physique!

Fort Pitt Block House

Another cool part of the Point State Park is the Fort Pitt Block House.  It is one of the historic landmark at this  beautiful park.  It is located  in the heart of the park and is open year-round and the great thing is that, it's free-admission.  You will learn its history  which is interpreted through on-site educators, period artifacts, digital presentations, and exhibits.
This block house was built in 1764, the Fort Pitt Block House is all that remains of Fort Pitt, one of the largest and most elaborate British forts in North America and a key defense during the French and Indian War.  I never knew these facts until I went inside this block house.
According to the information, the Block House has stood in its same location for nearly 250 years.  It has become the  witness to Pittsburgh's history as a frontier fort, large industrial center and leading modern city.
Adjacent to it is the Fort Pitt Museum which we did not go to.  We are reserving this for another time.
Thanks to historical  parks like this, it's one of those places I love taking my kids because they learned so much about history.  A lot of people are trying to erase history by  removing landmarks and statues  which I think is wrong.  Soon, the young generation will not be able to tell their children what transpired in history.  I hope that museum will stay.
This park is really a gem  in the middle of the  city.  If you are visiting Pittsburgh, I highly recommend this  place to explore.  The Carnegie Science Center is also a great place for  all ages to visit.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Top Three Breakfast Shakes for Busy Dental Assistant School Students

The life of a student is one that is busy and hectic at the best of times. For students who may also be juggling a job, a family, and a social life, you have even less time available. Maybe you haven’t yet enrolled in school, rather you are just in the process of finding the best Lake area tech dental assisting school in South Dakota for example, and you don’t yet realize just how much your life is about to change.
A typical student’s day can involve an early start, and a late bedtime with the day filled rushing around, doing errands and tasks, studying, and fitting in all your other responsibilities. It’s not surprising that some things end up falling by the wayside thanks to your busy schedule. Your own health and well-being are often one of those things that are pushed to the side. With that in mind, here’s a look at the top three breakfast shakes/smoothies that are ideal for a busy student’s schedule providing them with the nutrients and energy they need to get their day started.

Coconut, Grape, Spinach Smoothie

If you're looking for a smoothie that packs a real punch in terms of energy boosting, this one is the way to go. The coconut milk will provide a touch of sweetness to it, and because it's only got a few ingredients, it's fast and easy to make. All you'll need for this one is onecup of baby spinach, one cup of seedless green grapes, 1/4 cup of coconut milk, and a 1/2 cup of ice. Place everything in the blender and blend until it is smooth.

This one can easily be poured in a to-go mug so you can take it with you as you walk out the door for the day.

Oat and Gingery Berry Smoothie

Here's a smoothie that not only tastes great but thanks to the oatmeal it will fill you up and provide you with the energy you need to get through the morning. To make this smoothie, you'll need to start by adding a 1/4 cup of old fashioned oats to the blender and a 1/2 cup of water. Let the oats soak up the water for about 15 minutes before you blend it or add the other ingredients.

After 15 minutes you can add 1/2 cup of ice, 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup of plain low-fat yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon of grated ginger (fresh), and two tablespoons of brown sugar. Blend until smooth.

Orange Protein Smoothie

If you love the refreshing taste of oranges, especially in the morning, then this orange protein smoothie is perfect to start your day with. All you'll need is one frozen banana that has already been peeled and sliced, two medium seedless mandarins or tangerines, a bit of honey to taste, 1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt, a handful of ice cubes, and 1/2 serving worth of vanilla protein powder. Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.

No matter which of these smoothies you choose, it is bound to give you the boost you need to get your day started in a healthy way so that you can tackle your studies head on.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Quick Pointers to Make Sumptuous BBQ Pork Ribs

Family barbecues can be tricky business. There’s lots of planning that needs to go into organizing the event, inviting friends and family over and getting all the small details right. All that, in preparation for a munch-session.
After such preparations, it’s always advisable for one to be sure that what they cook up will be sumptuous enough to reward all the hard work put in. We’ll be listing out a couple of quick pointers for one to easily make their own BBQ pork ribs right at the comfort of their own backyard, without having to worry about making a trip all the way down to Texas to get some.

Go Electric

Smoking ribs is an ancient practice. Through the years, electric smokers have become the preferred choice of many cooks because they tend to produce neat results. The electric smokers on Rangemaster Electric Smoker come highly recommended because they always get the job done.

Something Meaty
Sounds obvious right? Well, not really. One should always ensure that they pick out pork ribs that show adequate meat distribution over the slabs of ribs. It’s never a good idea to pick a rack of ribs that has a lot of fat or meat on one end while the other portions are bare bones. A good estimate is that most adults are likely to be satiated with a half of a slab of ribs. On the other hand, children are typically contented with about a third of a slab. To ensure that everyone leaves happy, getting the math right is of the essence.

Remove the Silvery Skin & Marinate
The silvery colored skin usually found on the underside of the ribs is undesirable, therefore, it should be tossed. When marinating, it’s best to use a refrigerator, never at room temperature. Plastic pans with lids are the ideal choice for storing ribs.

Pre-Cook the Ribs
It’s good culinary practice to precook the ribs in a pot of boiling water. To add some flavor to the meat, one can incorporate a cup or two of apple cider vinegar during the boiling process. Once the meat starts to get tender, the ribs are ready to go on the grill. Precooking helps make tenderize the meat and add some layer of sumptuousness.

Ideally, the smoker needs to be preheated and the temperature should be at least below 250 degrees. To avert possible fire disasters, it’s good practice to stay close to the grill at all times. In situations where the meat catches fire, spraying the hot spot with a spray bottle of water is the best way to handle the situation.

Maintaining the temperature below 250 degrees ensures that the meat is ready in 2-3 hours. If a BBQ sauce is available, it should only be basted on the meat in the last 45 minutes of cooking. This is because application of the BBQ sauce at an early stage may make the ribs burn because of the sugars contained in the BBQ sauce.

Rest & Serve!
Once the ribs are ready, let the cooked ribs cool out forabout 15 minutes before serving. This is an important step because it allows the juice contained in the meat to evenly spread out for an even more sumptuous taste.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Why Bob Haircuts Are The Best For Black Hair

If you are looking for ways to change and enhance your overall look and personality, you can do it easily only by making small changes in your overall appearance, you can make great differences and can make your presence felt in a gathering. Apart from updating your dressing, you can bring great changes to your overall look if you change your hairstyle as well. Many working women wear their hair simple and straight every day to their desk jobs, however, if you add slight changes to your haircut and hair styles every day, you can not only feel good but you will also become the inspiration for many to wear their hair well.

Hairstyles and haircuts evolve with time, however, there are some cuts and styles which are classic and can stay in fashion for a very long time and become the classic. Bob haircut is one of those classics. Changing hairstyle and haircut bring a lot of positivity and freshness to a person’s overall look. Black women often face a hard time when they are deciding a new hairstyle for themselves. The reason is that they have unique hair and it can be difficult for them to manage or to maintain them. This can be the reason that black woman chose to have a short haircut. This is indeed great for you since most of us are living in the age of bob. If you are looking for something similar, you can check the Bobs For Black Women and choose the one which you like the most.

Black hair are the sassy, sophisticated, colourful, organic and sexy among all other hair colours. Those with black hair can actually show-off themselves as the goddess among all others. The basic bob haircut was introduced backin 90s. There can be several lengths for bob cut but the straight and shoulder length. It works well for thin and fine hair since you can achieve a minimalistic and elegant look with it easily. All you need to do is to use your hair curler to curl the hair from the bottom and use a hairspray to make the hair stand still and you are ready to go to the evening gathering. If you don’t have a curler or like your hair better when straight, you can go with a straight bob as well. This is the perfect choice for everyone since it can look nice in the office and can go straight to the evening party as well. 

Your hair give the personality and add charisma to you. Therefore it is very necessary that you pick your haircut very wisely. The correct selection of haircut will not only add to your personality but will also help to enhance it. Keep in mind your face cut and hair texture, you can choose the hair cut for you wisely. Choosing bob will certainly be the best decision since it’s a classic and its is sassy which will never go out of fashion ever.