Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Amidst school work for the kids and work commitments, making a common schedule to spend some quality time together as a family can be tricky. This becomes particularly difficult when at the end of the week everyone is worn out and all they want is to stay indoors and watch some TV or spend time on their phone.

It is then becomes more important to deliberately go out of your way to find ways to spendtime together as a family. That’s how you strengthen your family bonds and grow closer. The best way is to go outside and enjoy some sunshine and fresh air together as a family. Everyone will be grateful at the end of the day.
A family road trip is the best way to get outdoors as a family and do exciting things together. Plan a short road trip so that the kids don’t get too tired and burned out midway which will put a damper on the whole trip.
Have everyone suggest destinations they would like to visit and settle on one or two that works within your schedule and plans and drive there.

That shouldn’t limit you though. You can still spruce up the family RV using tips from Black Smoke Media News and take the trip of a lifetime especially during the long vacations.

Traveling is a great way to expose your kids to beautiful sceneries and nature and inculcate in them the love of traveling.

 A family that stays together exercises together. Hiking is a fantastic activity for getting fit together as a family and also breathing some much needed fresh air. Find some comfortable clothing and shoes with good grips to avoid slips and falls which could cause nasty injuries and you are good to go hiking as a family.
You can spice things up by having family picnic at the end of it all sitting on green grass with birds chirping all around you. You can go hiking at locations that have interesting natural attractions to further make the experience more memorable.

The terrain and steepness should however not be too harsh as to be unfriendly to kids.

Fishing is a classic family outdoor activity. You will to invest in some quality gear and drive up to the nearest pond, river or lake.
Since some rivers and lakes are prone to freezing during the cold winter months, you should find out if fishing is still possible beforehand so you don’t get disappointed when you get there. Otherwise you can restrict to the warm summer months.
Take safety cautions when you go fishing with the kids to avoid accidental drowning.

What better way to teach your kids the importance of giving without expecting anything back than volunteering for charity. The charity activity you choose to involve the whole family in should be age-appropriate for the young ones.
You can volunteer to clean up your streets or visit an orphanage or any other charity of your choice.  


  1. We like to go hiking and fishing too! I like the idea of doing charity events together.

  2. Being together outdoors is key. If the parents are out willing to have fun and explore the kids will learn this and do the same.

  3. These are some great ideas! We're generally boring and just go out to eat or see a movie as a family. We might go fishing this summer though!

  4. We LOVE doing stuff as a family and we like exploring the outdoors by our house! It looks like there is a lot to do and where you live. I know there is here and I'm always trying to find new things to do for the family on the weekend.

  5. These are all wonderful ideas. I love that you've mentioned volunteering as well. It's so much fun to do it as a family.

  6. I exercise daily at the gym but I would much ratherbe out in the fresh air with my family. A good strenuous hike or bike ride is a great way for the family to exercise together.

  7. Outdoors activity makes the family become more closer. Nowadays Millennial kids are too dependent on their gadget, it always good to advise them to use it moderate and be more active outdoor. Lovely Family as always.

  8. We love taking road trips and hiking. We try to do it often- it is nice to explore different areas! Staying active is always a big goal for me and my family

  9. Volunteering for charity is a fantastic way of teaching your kids to give back. Love that your setting that initiative with them at a young age.

  10. A road trip is always a good idea to spend quality time with the family! Hoping to go on a couple this summer with friends and family.

  11. What some fantastic ideas, some of them really do seem to think outside the box as well such as working with a charity as a family such a great idea.

  12. We all have completely different schedules so it's pretty rare for us to all be together at one given time. When we are its inside for maybe a movie, we all don't do well outside.

  13. These are awesome suggestions for families. It's nice to find something to do together especially activities that are outdoors, I think it's important to do so!

  14. These are all great ideas. We love to go fishing together as a family.

  15. My girls have been asking to go fishing, here you need a licence so we are looking at getting one for the Summer.

  16. These are all great ideas! We love to go fishing and to give back to a charity as well!

  17. Jennifer MitchellMay 12, 2018 at 5:30 PM

    Getting outside as a family is always so much fun. These are some really great ideas.

  18. These are awesome suggestions for families.We love to go fishing together as a family.Best Dermatologist in Delhi


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