Tuesday, May 29, 2018

4 Educational Family Vacation Ideas

There are many reasons to have a family vacation – to bring your family together, for adventure or for the opportunity to get away from it all and relax. Yet more and more people are eschewing these in favor of another purpose for their holidays – education.
It makes sense. Why not combine a great trip away as a family with the opportunity to educate your children and maybe even yourself? Whether it be a trip to Washington DC to help them better understand the history and governance of the United States or a visit to Alabama to learn about the universe at the U.S. Space and Rocket Centre, there are plenty of vacation destinations across the world that can teach us stuff while we are away.
Here are four educational family vacation ideas.

Washington, D.C.
A trip to any capital city will teach you plenty about that country, but Washington D.C. is especially brilliant at helping kids learn about the United States. The National Archives and Records Administration is fantastic for the history of America, being the home of the original Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. The White House and Congress teach us about how the country is governed, the Supreme Court about how laws are applied and the Smithsonian Museums cover so many different topics that there is guaranteed to be something for everyone.

Huntsville, Alabama
If your kids have a keen interest in space and science, then Huntsville, Alabama is one place you should definitely look at holidaying. It is home to the U.S. Space and Rocket Centre, a museum filled with exhibits about NASA’s achievements in space. There are dozens of interactive exhibits such as the Mission to Mars Simulator, the Spacedome IMAX Theatre and the Space Shot and G Force Accelator which gives visitors and idea of the physical impact astronauts experience when inspace.
With Astronaut Mr. Ron Garan - 2014

Dominican Republic
The DominicanRepublic  was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, one of the first landing points of the great explorer in the Caribbean. As such, it has a rich educational history to go with its beautiful beaches and stunning greenery. There are a flurry of historical colonial cities on the island which can teach plenty about how the Americas came to be colonized and it can also educate on the beauty of nature with its vast rain forests and pristine waterfalls. For more information on holidaying in the Caribbean, check out Caribbeansbest.Org

There probably isn’t a more educational city in the world than London. It’s home to two of the greatest museums in the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum – both of which are free to enter. They cover science and nature and the Imperial War Museum looks at some of the worst conflicts that have been fought in recent times by humans. You have the worlds first parliament at Westminster, the home of the royal family at Buckingham Palace and lovers of the English language can visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and see some of the inspirational sites behind the Harry Potter books.

Friday, May 25, 2018

How to Support Your Teen with their Studies

As your child moves into their teenage years, the relationship you share is sure to change. Instead of telling your little one what to do, you will need to work alongside your young adult as they try to achieve their goals. You will also need to offer up unwavering support, as they find their feet and learn from their mistakes. One of the most important areas to focus on is your teen’s education. If they are going to enjoy a bright future, it is essential that they put the work in and access their full potential. In order to make sure this happens, you will need to work your way through the following four steps. They will help you to support your teen with their studies.
Buy them the right digital devices
First things first, you should buy your teen the right digital devices. In this modern age, it is likely that their teachers will expect them to have easy access to a laptop computer. It is also possible that some of your teen’s assignments will require them to take pictures and to put together dynamic presentations. If this is the case, you should seriously consider buying your teen their very own laptop. You could even go all out and treat them to a tablet and a smartphone. Whatever you decide, just remember to protect these devices at all costs. If your teen is relying heavily on technology, you can’t run the risk of them losing their precious data. Luckily, you can play it safe by placing your trust in companies such as Secure Data Recovery.

Set a good example
The next step is to set a good example for your young adult. If you have study space in your home, why not join your teen whenever they settle down for work? You could use this time to power through your own tasks. Of course, you should stop if your presence becomes a distraction, but it is possible that your teen will be inspired by your willingness to match their efforts. Getting on with your own work will also make it easier for you to encourage your teen, without appearing hypocritical.
Don’t forget to support their mental health
Another vital step is to support your youngster’s mental health. Although it is important to promote hard work and dedication, this should never be at the expense of your teen’s personal well-being. If they are struggling to cope under pressure, you need to reassure your loved one that you will be proud of them no matter what. You could even put them in touch with a counselor, as a trained professional will help your teen with reducing their stress levels and putting their problems into perspective.

Reward them for all of their hard work
Finally, you should be rewarding your teen for all of their hard work. This could involve anything from planning a fun-filled vacation to buying your loved one their first car. Whilst it is important that your teen recognizes the intrinsic benefits of focusing on their education, there is no shame in providing them with a source of motivation. You might be surprised by just how effective this method can be.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

How to Relieve Tired and Swollen Feet

How many times have you been on your feet all day whether for work or just because you’ve been busy, only to find yourself in pain by the end of the day? Tired and swollen feet aren’t always localized either. They can also lead to back and knee pain and just leave you feeling miserable in general. So, rather than hobble to the couch and lie down in agony, there are things you can do to help relieve that pain and discomfort that you are feeling. Let’s take a closer look.

Pick Up an At-Home Foot Massager

If tired and swollen feet are a regular occurrence for you, it may be worth your money to invest in an at-home foot massager. There are all kinds of models available from high-tech massagers with pre-set functions and settings, to basic roller massagers. Each style has its own pros and cons and they all vary greatly in price.

For all things foot massager related, be sure to check out Foottherapy.Net, as it features a number of in-depth reviews.

Investigate Various Essential Oils and How They Can Help

If you're looking for a natural approach to relieving tired and swollen feet, then you may want to do some research on essential oils. There are a number of oils that are known to help, with peppermint, eucalyptus, and clove oil being the most popular. You can use a couple of drops of each in a basin of hot water and then soak your feet for 10-15 minutes. This can be done a few times a week as a way to relieve pain and help to bring down inflammation.

Try Some Foot Exercises

Just like how stretching can help tired and tight muscles, feet exercises can also help to relieve some of your pain. There are a number of exercises you can try such as sitting on a chair, extending one foot at a time, and then slowly rotating the ankle. Another stretch that can be done in a seated position is to extend your foot, stretch it, and try to create a straight line with your foot and leg.

Elevate Your Feet

If you are experiencing a lot of swelling, there's a good chance it's causing the majority of your pain. Elevating your feet while you are sitting can do wonders for inflammation. The key is to raise your feet at least to the level of your heart. This promotes circulation so that blood won't be pooling in your feet. When doing this, make sure you don't cross your legs or feet.

Start Wearing Supportive Shoes in the House

Rather than kick your running shoes off at the door, it can be wise to invest in a pair of good quality supportive athletic shoes that you can wear indoors. This will ensure that your feet are cared for, both inside and outside.

Tired and swollen feet can be more than an inconvenience - it can put a wet blanket on your plans and just leave you feeling miserable. These tips are sure to help relieve some of that pain and swelling that you are dealing with.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Jump Rope Rack #Fitness

This month is not as active as April when it comes to my fitness routine.  I slowed down from running and using the Bowflex Max Trainer 2 because my left  lower leg was so painful.  I am not sure what hurt it, its either my 2 10ks that I did or the constant use of the MT2 programs.  I am just slowly getting back to it now because  I don't want to  have a painful leg or knee again.  
Anyway, I got this stainless steel 5 hook rack from Cavetools.  I was gonna use it for my husband;'s tool in the garage but decided to use it in our gym to hang our  jump ropes.  This rack is multipurpose, you can use it in the kitchen for your kitchen wares and other BBQ tools, for your bathroom, or anywhere that you need a sturdy rack for stuff.  
 I love that it comes with all the hardware that it needs to install it.  Installation is not  hard, I did it myself, which I always ask my husband to do it when it involves some drilling and stuff like that.  This one, I didn't need his help, I was  proud  to do it myself lol.
I love the screwdriver that comes with it because  you can either use it as a flat tip or slot head and philips head.  All you need to do is insert it in the handle and voila, you have a heavy duty screwdriver.  
You can buy this multi purpose hook rack via amazon or the link I provided above.  You can use this coupon code HOOKRACK15 for 15% off upon check out.
As I have mentioned above, April was my super active month.  I did my first 10k Run on the treadmill (I haven't tried  joining any race).  This way, I am only  racing with myself so I can stop anytime or  speed up, it is up to my brain what it tells me lol.  
My 2nd 10k Run was also in April, this one is a lot better.  I improved my calorie burned and also  shorten the time that I spent  during my first time.
I was trying to  change up my routine a little bit so I stop running and tried to use the Max Trainer.  I think I used it three days in a row, which was a big mistake because after that, my leg was hurting so bad.
I was happy with the result of my workouts though.  I can actually fit into the dress that I tucked away a couple of years ago because my tummy was bulging everytime I wear it. Now I can confidently wear it without sucking in my stomach ha ha ha.
I am slowly testing my leg  now and it still hurts a little bit but not as much.  I am taking it  slow and light this time, no more pushing too hard.  I gotta say though, it's awesome to push yourself, you get to learn that you can do better than what you think.  You also  learn your limits.  No matter what, just keep moving, do not give up.  Below is a video of my favorite jump rope exercise.
Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the complimentary product/s mentioned  for testing purposes and to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Graduation Pictures At Home

My husband does not like to take pictures especially when there's a big event he has to attend to but he did not have a choice lol.  I told him that this is a special occasion and  capturing it is  important that way we will have something to look back to someday.  
We got ready  few hours early so we could drive to Duquesne University before the heavy traffic  pour in.  Friday is when the  traffic is so bad in going to Pittsburgh.  So we want to get there before all the  workers get out and head home.  We  even got the kids   2-hour early from their school so we could all get ready.
My husband was kind of regretting attending the  graduation because the kids had  a dance that  night  but I told the kids that they will have another dance next year but their Dad will only graduate once.  I mean, we did not  attend his college graduation  even though I encouraged him then as he graduated  Magna Cum Laude  but he said that it's not really important.  To me it is.  
I mean not a lot of people goes to graduate school when  they  already retired from the  service or already have a job but it is something that  he wanted to do.  He never got the chance to do it when he was younger so it's quite an accomplishment especially that  he  achieved it while working so I am beyond proud.
He missed out on a lot of stuff when he was younger serving the country so I told him that  it is not  too late to do it now that he has retired and working a civilian job.  I think it is a good example to the children as well, that you can pursue your education no matter how old you are.  It is just a matter of  your own will.
He did not attend the Kick Off to graduation so no professional photos for him.  I said we can just do it at home with us in it lol.
For some reason, our daughter was having an attitude that day so I had a one on one talk with her.  Glad she came around and  joined us.  
I think the photos turned out okay, it's not professionally done but why pay big bucks if you can do it yourself for less.  
I told my husband that  he should get used to having pictures taken every time because he is married to an Asian woman.  In Asia, taking pictures is very common, we do it all the time.  I was kind of shocked when I first came here because there are people who doesn't like their picture taken.  Over there where I grew up, nobody says no to pictures ha ha.  Anyway, we had fun attending the diploma ceremony.  I'll post about it next time.  

Keys to the Great Outdoors

The great outdoors are a fantastic place to be. Research has shown that spending time outside every couple of days can help calm the nerves because of the ambiance associated with Mother Nature’s artful work.

While the environment is usually pleasing, there are times when one can stumble upon hindrances during treks and hikes from one place to the next. Thus, it’s always handy to have some info on what to do when that happens.
Our focus today will be on weeds. Essentially, weeds are plants that grow in unwanted locations. While their growth causes a hindrance, it is important to note that their growth occurs naturally without any human intervention. Amazingly, plants that are considered weeds in one environment may have some aesthetic value elsewhere. Thus, it’s always down to what one is looking for.
Typically, weeds grow rapidly and reproduce in no time. Weeds can be found in almost all spheres of human life, in walk paths, patios, gardens and lawns. Given the fact that weeds reproduce en masse, it is important to have mitigation strategies at the ready in order to cull their influence and prevent them from taking over other vegetative forms.

Weed Killers
Garden maintenance can be an arduous task especially if there are weeds running rampant. Such growths can wreak havoc on the flora and fauna and diminish the quality of soil if left unchecked.
Hence, the emergence of weed killers in the market. Weed killers are also known as weedicides or herbicides. They have chemicals that kill off unwanted plants and stop their growth. Given the wide array of weed types, weed killers are specialized to deal with killing particular kinds of weeds.
The variations depend on what one is really looking for in a weed killer. Some of them are pet friendly; some are industrial, commercial, professional, systemic or residual. We look into a couple of things that need to be taken into account when choosing the Best Weed Killer.

Selectivity is an essential part of the process. Selective weed killers objectively target specific types of weeds like dandelions or blackberries. Most people prefer selective weed killers since they pose no harm to the grass.
On the other hand, non-selective weed killers immediately destroy any vegetation they lay their hands on, be it trees, grass or weeds. Typically, non-selective weed killers are used in areas like driveways, paving stones and concrete cracks.
Another brand of weed killers takes into consideration the emergence rate of weeds. Thus, they are best applied right before the weeds germinate. Systemic weed killers tend to get absorbed into plants at later stages and attack the leaves, roots and stems and their effectiveness occurs after some time, ranging from a couple of days to weeks. For a quick turnaround time, one needs to use contact weed killers that essentially start working within a couple of hours. 
Persistence is another grouping factor when it comes to choosing weed killers. For effectiveness, weed killers need to be persistent in order to stop future regrowth. Non-persistent weed killers need to be sprayed after every couple of weeks or months in order to realize best results.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Amidst school work for the kids and work commitments, making a common schedule to spend some quality time together as a family can be tricky. This becomes particularly difficult when at the end of the week everyone is worn out and all they want is to stay indoors and watch some TV or spend time on their phone.

It is then becomes more important to deliberately go out of your way to find ways to spendtime together as a family. That’s how you strengthen your family bonds and grow closer. The best way is to go outside and enjoy some sunshine and fresh air together as a family. Everyone will be grateful at the end of the day.
A family road trip is the best way to get outdoors as a family and do exciting things together. Plan a short road trip so that the kids don’t get too tired and burned out midway which will put a damper on the whole trip.
Have everyone suggest destinations they would like to visit and settle on one or two that works within your schedule and plans and drive there.

That shouldn’t limit you though. You can still spruce up the family RV using tips from Black Smoke Media News and take the trip of a lifetime especially during the long vacations.

Traveling is a great way to expose your kids to beautiful sceneries and nature and inculcate in them the love of traveling.

 A family that stays together exercises together. Hiking is a fantastic activity for getting fit together as a family and also breathing some much needed fresh air. Find some comfortable clothing and shoes with good grips to avoid slips and falls which could cause nasty injuries and you are good to go hiking as a family.
You can spice things up by having family picnic at the end of it all sitting on green grass with birds chirping all around you. You can go hiking at locations that have interesting natural attractions to further make the experience more memorable.

The terrain and steepness should however not be too harsh as to be unfriendly to kids.

Fishing is a classic family outdoor activity. You will to invest in some quality gear and drive up to the nearest pond, river or lake.
Since some rivers and lakes are prone to freezing during the cold winter months, you should find out if fishing is still possible beforehand so you don’t get disappointed when you get there. Otherwise you can restrict to the warm summer months.
Take safety cautions when you go fishing with the kids to avoid accidental drowning.

What better way to teach your kids the importance of giving without expecting anything back than volunteering for charity. The charity activity you choose to involve the whole family in should be age-appropriate for the young ones.
You can volunteer to clean up your streets or visit an orphanage or any other charity of your choice.