Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year, New Beginnings, New #FamilyGoals

We are few hours away from  saying goodbye to 2017.  I am grateful that despite the fact that we lost loved ones this year, we are still blessed that we have food in the table in every meal everyday and that my family is healthy.  The kids  and husband suffered from  cold here and there but it wasn't   serious so I am so grateful for this year.  
 Our  weather advisory said that  a frost bite can be possible for longer exposure outdoors but we can't  let the  2017 end without us  playing in the snow.  This is my first time  going out with them but they have been out playing for few times ever since it started snowing.
 Before we went to the  place where they want to sled ride, we took  some  family photos first at our backyard.
 There's a community  college campus a few blocks away from our home and  it has  slopes that  is good for  sled riding so we always go there during winter.
 I can understand  that my husband  does not feel the  cold because his body is always warm but I don't  get is how my children can stay outside without  feeling the pain  that I was feeling being out for half an hour.  I guess, their bodies are designed for cold temperature when they were born, since I was't born and raised here, I could never get used to cold weather.
 But anyway, as long as the kids are having fun, it's what it counts.
 As we were having fun, we  were talking about how appreciate we  were of the  home that we have.  My son said that he feel so bad for the homeless who doesn't have  a home that they  can stay warm or even a heater to  make them stay warm the whole winter. We told them that we can always pray for them that may God comfort them in this  intense  condition.
 I am glad that our kids are aware of other's people's  situation.  They don't only focus on themselves.  I just wish that we could help   all of the  homeless people.
 Here are the  rest of the photos of our cold adventure outdoors.

We had to cut the fun short  because my  hands and feet were so painful that I thought I  will lose them lol.  I was bundled too, I used the  socks that was suppose to keep my toes warm  and  I also worn  two pairs of gloves, still did not help.  It was just to cold.
They were not successful at first but they eventually got it by changing the lane. Our son even rolled down the hill, he couldn't wait for the sled.   Below are a couple of short clips I recorded.  Please don't mind my laughing spill lol.

After our little adventure outside, we all sat down with a hot coco and  talked about our goals for next year.  It's a weekly plan that we plan to do as a family for next year.
From my family to yours,  happy new year!  May the new  year  bring us good health, peace of mind, and prosperity.  God bless!


  1. It is important to get out no matter the weather and enjoy some fun and stretch those muscles. Don't let some snow stop you just go have fun. From the looks of the photos you had fun.

  2. Happy 2018!

    It looks like everyone had a great time in the snow.

  3. I so wanted snow, but we only got a dusting. Nothing like what you guys had. This looks like great family fun.

  4. This looks so fun and I am so glad you and your children all appreciate what you have in life. Your son is right - there are many who go without the basics in life let alone a cozy home. I am terrible in the cold weather! I need heat!

  5. I love playing in the snow but I don't do cold weather so I never last very long! How fun that you get enough to sled in!

  6. Setting goals as a family while sipping on hot cocoa is sweet. I just can't get over the snow there. It's so gorgeous. We don't get snow here so I'm a little envious even though I'd probably be too cold to go in it, lol.

  7. My goodness, it looks like so much fun where you are! I am missing the snow this year (I just recently moved to Hawaii, so no snow for me!)

  8. They look like they were having so much fun! All children can brave the cold when it comes to sledding! I was born here in snowy New York and I still can't deal with the freezing temperatures we get.

  9. Sounds like you guys ended 2017 the right way. And how fun to set family goals?

  10. Awww what a fun post!! Wishing you all the best as you head into 2018!!!

  11. It's nice to see you guys having the best time during this season before everything goes back to normal! It looks like you had a great time in the snow! Cheers to another year filled with blessings!

  12. I am not a person that loves the cold but I will go check out snow for a bit. I don't get how the kiddos stay in it for so long either!

  13. I love your family goals. Sure looks like you and your family are going to have a great start this year. Lovely kids too.

  14. Rain or shine! We MUST be outside... or at least MOVING! No excuses here!

  15. Even my kids sis. My little is so thin, not an ounce of fat in her body, I think, but she sleeps without a blankie even when the aircon is in full blast and we are all shivering! haha I guess kids have better tolerance to the cold. :) Happy new year! :D

  16. Helping homeless people is an awesome thought. These types of activities are good for kids as humanity needs good people now.


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