Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Celebration at Home

Celebrating Christmas at home is the best (I just wish that my family can celebrate it here with us but that is impossible as they are thousands of miles away).  The kids were part of the St. Joseph Choir that  sung at the 4:30 mass at church so went there early so they could practice.  We took some photos before  we left..  
I think the color of the night was maroon and burgundy because I saw a lot of   similar colors to the dress I was wearing at church.  It is nice attending Christmas masses because  you get to see  different faces you've never seen before.  Some families have other family members with them who are visiting from other places so it's nice to see the church filled with people.
I bought a  set of church clothes for our son with bowtie.  I wanted to see how he would look like with it, I think he looked cute.  The most important thing was the fact that he liked it.  It is hard to shop for clothing for my little guy, he does not like to try clothes on at all.  I was surprised that the clothing I bought him online fit him perfectly.  
Hubby  never liked wearing  suit but  for Christmas, he didn't mind.  He only wear suits on funeral, job interviews, and  Christmas mass.   
Ever since  I started the one-photo-a-month project, they gotten used to taking photos with little resistance so I  think I will have to keep going on that.  It's good to look back to old photos and see how much they have grown.  
The mass was beautiful.  The voices of the children singing  are like the bonus to  receiving the good news.
I hope that you all had a great Christmas celebration.  We had a simple but very meaningful one.
Below is the video I recorded while the kids and hubby opened their presents.  This is the first time that we woke up  before the kids did.  I think it's because my daughter was not feeling well.  For some reason, both of the kids had a sore throat.  I gave them some ginger tea and they feel a little better.  Today, my daughter is down with  a flu, she feels horrible.  I am just glad they are on Christmas break and doesn't have to go to school.  They can rest and relax.


  1. You have such a beautiful family! Thank-you for sharing some of your Christmas celebration with all of us. I also had a very simple, although, blessed Christmas. My children and grandchildren came for the day and everyone had a great time!

  2. You have such a lovely family and I like that you guys dressed up for Christmas! I love all the clothes, your kids look so cute! You definitely should continue with the one photo a month idea.

  3. Looks like your really had a wonderful Christmas. Celebrating it is one of my favourite day. Nothing compares the happiness of celebrating Christmas with our Family

  4. What an absolutely beautiful family you are blessed with. Christmastime is one of my favourites and it certainly looks like you enjoyed yourself with your family :)

  5. Such a nice way to celebrate the Christmas. Surely, you had a very wonderful time with your loved ones.

  6. This looks like it was such a great way to celebrate Christmas. I am loving all of the burgundy colors.

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas celebration! Hope your year is starting off right as well.

  8. Lovely photos sis and you have a very lovely family too, including the fur babies :) I see a lot of Asian influences in your home decors. Does it remind you of your stay in the Far East? They are all gorgeous pieces.

    Nice to see everyone in your photo sis. Hope your holiday was splendid!

  9. That's wonderful that your kids are part of the choir at church. I loved all your family photos - what a lovely family you have.

  10. This looked like the Ultimate Christmas. Loved the video clip. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time.

  11. Everyone is looking so dressed up and color coordinated. Something I don't always think about on the spur of the moment. Everyone looks handsome and beautiful.

  12. The entire family just looked absolutely beautiful! I love how you all tied in your outfits with a burgundy color - so cute!

  13. I'm so glad you had a fabulous Christmas! Everyone looks great in their outfits. It's so cool that the kids are in the church choir.

  14. What a beautiful way to celebrate Christmas! You have such a beautiful family and I adore the colors of your home. Isn't Christmas such a wonderful holiday to celebrate with the family, it's my favorite holiday!

  15. Celebrating Christmas with a big cozy fireplace would be so dreamy. I love your decor and all of your photos. Christmas is my favorite time of year.

  16. You all are a beautiful family! It looks like it was a wonderful concert that you all got to enjoy! I love seeing photos of families. It is fun to see how they grow up.

  17. I love Christmas time. This year I had to skip out on some of the Christmas services and activities because of the flu going around. I have a compromised immune system and didn't want to catch it. Usually we are pretty active in the church.

    I love that your kids were involved in singing. It also looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas together.

  18. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. Celebrating these special moments with family is so important. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

  19. What a wonderful family you have! Your photos are beautiful!

  20. This is a great family photo. I love you and your daughter's outfit choice.

  21. Nancy at Whispered InspirationsApril 13, 2018 at 7:20 AM

    This is a beautiful family photo oh my goodness! Christmas is one of my all time fave holidays!

  22. Looks and sounds like a lot of fun. We do the at Home thing for Christmas too. Less hassle and more fun for all.

  23. What a gorgeous Christmas you had! It feels like a long time ago now! It will soon be here again!

  24. Looks like you guys had a lovely holiday. It's so nice that you get so many photos of your family. Staying at home for the holidays is a nice break from traveling!

  25. Looks like some good memories. Christmas with your family almost always brings good memories.

  26. I do like to be home for Christmas the most. I like it when family comes to us. But ohhhh the stress of getting ready.


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