Monday, December 18, 2017

5 Board Games that You Should Buy to Have Fun with Your Family

The advent of technology and smartphones has sucked away family life to a great extent. Kids have become more isolated from their parents, which in turn have proven to have a negative impact on their psychological and mental health. A healthy family environment and bonding between parents and kids is extremely important for positive mental growth and nurturing the kids in a healthy way. A good way to address this issue is to indulge in family board games. Here are some of the best board games that you should invest in to have some great family entertainment.

1. Sequence

Sequence is one of the most popular multiplayer games that emphasizes on strategy skills. It can be played by two or more players. The players can either play individually or can split themselves in teams. The game requires each player to draw a playing card from a deck of cards and place a colored chip on the matching space on the game board at the same time. On each turn the chips are placed on the board game and sequence of colored strand may or may not be created. The player who completes two sequences first wins the game. Being a multiplayer game that can be played with almost all age groups, Sequence is one of the most favorite family board games.

2. Monopoly

The famous classic Monopoly is one of the cult favorite board games that is fit for all age groups. This multiplayer board game also has a special variant for younger kids named Monopoly Kids. The game revolves around buying and selling properties and managing one’s finances, investments and loans. Monopoly can not only be a great choice for a family game night but can also help in teaching financial management skills to young kids.

3. Scrabble

Another classical favorite, Scrabble has remained one of the world’s most played board games. While the game can be truly enjoyed if the players are expert enough, however, it can also be a fun family game where kids and adults can compete with one another to build grids of words on the board. Scrabble is also a great game to make kids learn new words.

4. The Game of Life

The Game of Life is also an interesting classic family game that revolves around making key life choices such as marriage, employment, education and financial management. It is one of the most fun and entertaining family games to date.

5. Sudoku

Sudoku is a very addictive multiplayer game that is based on solving numerical puzzles through reasoning and logic. Sudoku game is very challenging and helps in positive brain development and problem solving and reasoning skills.

Since most board games are based on multiplayer layout, they are an excellent way to have fun and bond with other members in the family at the same time in a healthy and fruitful manner. Apart from that a good board game also develops mental strength and helps in strengthening skills such as problem solving and strategy


  1. These are great picks! We have all of these except Sudoku. We're not great with the maths. LOL

  2. I friggin' LOVE board games. One of my favorites is actually LOADED QUESTIONS. You get to know those around the table so much better! :) And it's a game to show off your cleverness!

  3. We love board games in our house! Game night is one of our most favorite nights to have!

  4. You have listed three of my all time favorite board games here...Monopoly, The Game of Life and Scrabble! I could play those over and over and over again! LOVE them!!

  5. We are a huge game playing family! We have not played Sequence in so long. I need to find it and play with my kids over the holidays.

  6. There's nothing like a simple and fun game night with the whole family! I think these board games are awesome choices and I definitely love Monopoly!

  7. We love our Family Game Nights. These are some great additions or our game collection.

  8. All great and classic games! We play monopoly and scrabble all the time!

  9. We love monopoly and the game of life. It has been a while since I have played board games with the boys. I also loved Clue when I was younger.

  10. Ohhh we have never played Sequence before. I'm going to have to check it out for our next family game night.

  11. Family game nights are the best! You listed a ton of our favorites on here!

  12. Our kids aren't quite old enough for most of these games yet. However, they totally will be introduced to them once they are!

  13. We have a TON of board games stashed away in our home and my son loves them. We're finally at a point that he can play more adult games (like Scrabble) and he doesn't feel so intimidated

  14. My kids love monopoly, it looks really fun. Board games are perfect for family.

  15. My kids and I have the most fun playing card and board games! Great choices!

  16. Family board game nights are so much fun! We try to regularly devote a night to having fun with the kids playing board games. We discovered a new one called CROZZIT that has become a favorite of the kids. I remember playing the Game of Life as a child but don't recall playing it with my own kids. Nice suggestions of some classics in your post.


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