Thursday, December 21, 2017

2017 Monthly Family Pictures #MissionAccomplished

At the start of this year, we were talking about things to do as a family that we could stick to.  We thought it would be fun to take family pictures every month.   This is the last  photo of us together for the year 2017.  I am not sure if we will keep what we have started but I thought  would be a fun thing to look back to after the year has passed.
December 2017
In November, we decided to go to Sugarcreek Ohio to see how it looks like in the Fall.  On our way home, we dropped by at Tappan Lake  totake our family picture.  I came prepared, I took our tripod on our trip.  I love the birds on the background.
November 2017
October was fun, we attended my son's Football Banquet over at William Golf and Country Club in Marland Heights.  I will miss this  event next year if my son does not play.  He said he will take a break so we will see what he decide.  We don't want to  force him to play if he does not want to play.
October 2017
September was full of school activities so I was always out of the house and attending their events in school.  I am so blessed to be able to  witnessed every event that my kids have.  Being a work at home mom, I can say that  it has so many advantages.  I can't thank my husband enough for letting me 
September 2017
August was  my favorite.  We went on a vacation in Las Vegas and also had a road trip from Vegas to Arizona  and saw Grand Canyon.  It was  the most exciting  wedding anniversary we had, great way to celebrate our 14th year!  We also had an upset  moment  on this month as we lost a dear friend  to a cancer.
August 2017
Our daughter turned 12 in July.  This month was full of outdoor activities for us all.  We normally celebrate her birthday on  a vacation but  this was different because of conflict in schedule.  Nevertheless, we had fun during her birthday at home.
July 2017
June is my birth month, I turned 44.  Although my mind  still thinks I am in my younger 20s but my body says  otherwise lol.  Oh the  fun of getting old!
June 2017
May is  special, celebrating mother's day always makes me appreciate the sacrifices my Mom did  for us growing up.  So even if I have tough time with my own  motherhood experience sometimes, I always remember that my Mom  had it  worse than what I have.  If I would compare my experience to her, I  can totally say I am super blessed!
May 2017
April was the first Easter that we realized, my FIL was no longer with us.  We normally visit him but this time, he was gone.
April 2017
March was a tough month for us, we lost my husband's Dad.  He was a great father-in-law, he treated me like his own daughter so it was so tough for me and my kids.  But as hard as it was losing him, we were relieved that he finally rest in peace.  He lived a great life and left us great memories.
March 2017
Hubby turned 48 on this month.  He said, he has a couple of years to enjoy his 40s before  he turn golden lol.  I am so proud of this guy, he never gave up on continuing his education.  He is now on his last two subjects for his master's degree.  He will graduating next Spring.
February 2017
This was the  conceptualization of our goal of taking monthly family picture.  It was a fun  experience.  The kids are not up to it all the time  but I am sure, when they are  all grown, they would appreciate these photos that they can look back to.  Speaking of which, I have yet to print some of the highlights of our year.  I have been slacking of  printing photos, hopefully I can do it before the end of the year.  I have two more weeks to do it, we will see.
January 2017
Anyway, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. May the new year brings you all so much happiness, good luck and prosperity, and great slate of health.  God bless us all and thank you for being part of my online adventure.


  1. What a great idea! Taking a monthly photo of the family not only preserves precious memories but you can look back and see how much the kids have grown.

  2. Beautiful pics of you and your family. Wishing you a season full of happiness and joy as well.

  3. It is very important to document our family. We look back with fond memories and stories looking at all the different photos over the years.

  4. How great to look back and see your family over the last year. I hear you on your body not agreeing that you are young...

  5. I love to look back over the year to see where we cam from! It looks like you all had a great year, but I am sorry for your loss of your friend. It does make it hard to look back over the year when that happens!

  6. These are some great family photos! We really need to do this more often. It's been a while since we got a family photo.

  7. It is such a great idea to have family photos every year. You see how your kids grown up each year. It's always a pleasure to see happy family traveling together.

  8. This is a great idea to do monthly family photos. Especially with the kids constantly growing.

  9. You guys are such a photogenic family! Merry Christmas from my family to yours. I can't wait to check out the Grand Canyon too!

  10. I love that you all took monthly family pictures. What a good way to track your lives, tastes, and looks.

  11. It sounds like you made a lot of memories throughout the past year. I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon.

  12. I think it is a fantastic idea to take a monthly family photo. Kids grow up so fast it would be nice to be able to look back and see the changes.

  13. So sweet to capture these memories regularly. As time flies you will look back at these and be swept by nostalgil. Have a Merry Christmas.

  14. Your family is beautiful! I think it's so awesome that you stuck to the picture a month idea, now you have a whole collection to look back on!

  15. You have a beautiful family! My family and I seldom have pictures taken together, but we definitely need to start doing this. :)

  16. I have made this a resolution for years and I always forget! I need to make sure I do it in 2018!

  17. You do such a good job of taking family photos. And it's so important! Looks like you guys had a great year filled with adventures.

  18. This is a great idea. We are terrible about taking family photos!


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