Monday, November 27, 2017

November Family Photo at Tappan Lake

November is coming to an end here soon.... Are you done with your holiday shopping yet?  Did you avail of the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale?  Have you decorated your home for Christmas?  How did your Thanksgiving go?  I know, lots of question but hey, sharing is caring right?

Our Thanksgiving was fun.  Our original plan was to dine out but  the restaurant we were going to was close so I cooked.  I did not cook much this year because I tried  to cook  traditional  Thanksgiving food last year but we end up so many left overs  since it is only the four of us here.  So this year, I only cooked  just enough for us.
  November  was a a bit mellow for us but we  did a lot of things too.  We decorated the house  before Thanksgiving  and we did some shopping done.  I even  wrapped some gifts already and the kids are  excited.  I got our holiday cards as well and I will just have to fill them out and send it out to friends and family.  So far, my holiday is going well.  All I have  in line now is volunteer works in school for  events like  Christmas pageant and Secret Santa  shopping.
 Anyway, these photos were taken on the first week of  November.  We wanted to see some Fall foliage  at Tappan Lake and we also went to the Amish place in Sugarcreek Ohio.  
 It was a bit chilly  that day so the kiddos  busted some moves to warm them up While I was  setting up the tripod for our family pic this month.  We thought that  taking our family pic  in this scenery would be great.  Glad it did not rain that day.
 There were birds flying around on that afternoon and it was beautiful.
 We finally got a picture with a nature background.  I was planning on doing that last October but it did not panned out as the weather did not cooperate with us.  So far, we are consistent in taking one family photo each month, one more month and our goal will be completed.  

I have so many things to write about but my mind is just not cooperating.  I get sidetracked so easily and I don't like that because I am getting forgetful lately.  I can't even remember the places we  went to so I have to constantly asked my kids or my husband.  I am not sure if that is something I have to be concerned about but hopefully it is  not  something serious.  I hope you guys are having a great month.


  1. The place looks amazing! <3

    I have to admit, I am a big fan of Rylie. She just have this bright, infectious smile. Seeing her smile makes me smile as well. :D Love her hair now. It suits her well.

    Nice family photo, Ate. Everyone looks great!

  2. Awww you got some great family photos by the lake. What a great memory and photos that you will cherish forever.

  3. It looks like the view of the lake is lovely. I haven't decorated for the holidays yet and have barely started my shopping.

  4. These are some great Fall pics. I love taking weekend drives to see the changing colors of the leaves. It's so beautiful. Praying the memory lapses aren't anything serious.

  5. These are great photos of your family. It's so important to spend quality time together whenever possible. With the hustle & bustle of this season, it's great to relax and enjoy good times together.

  6. Oh you are way ahead of me in the gift area. I have not even purchased one single gift yet for my kiddos. I need to get busy and get shopping from their lists!

  7. I love the idea of taking a family photo every month. What a great way to make family keepsakes!

  8. That is a beautiful family photo. We did the traditional Thanksgiving meal but the nice part is all the leftovers means no cooking for 3 days.

  9. This looks like a nice day and some great photo oops! I love taking pics outdoors.

  10. What a pretty lake. I would love to take my family there. I'm glad you had a fun Thanksgiving.

  11. The lake is a great place to take family photos!! I love spending time outside with my family!

  12. These are great photos. I would love to go to see Tappan Lake in person. I will have to start taking a monthly family photos.

  13. I can see you had a great family outing inn the great outdoors. The outdoors is really the place for some good, old fashioned family bonding.

  14. I always love the activities you and your husband choose for your family. How nice it is to spend time together exploring the outdoors and just having fun! Oh, BTW, I think your daughter looks prettier with shorter hair. :)

  15. Aww these pictures are great! It looks like such a fun place to visit for the kids and the whole family too. Love this!

  16. The view is beautiful! Love the colors of the lake. My family would definitely enjoy a nature getaway here.

  17. Great photos! I am a huge family photo person and take photos whenever I can. These are lovely. - Jeanine


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