Monday, October 30, 2017

October Family Photo and Football Banquet

I can't believe that  October only has one day left, time  flies so quickly.  It's time to post our monthly goal of taking a family photo.  Our plan was to take some  photos at the Williams Golf and Country Club at Marland Heights but it was raining and  cold that we  scraped the idea.  We just took a couple  of shots when we arrived home after the party.
This year's football season was not a really victorious for the Junior Dons but still a learning  season for all of them.  My son is  discouraged and doesn't want to play next year, we will see.  This is his second season playing and I think he wants to be able to have a and on the ball, after all he is given the position where he is supposed to get the ball  through the course of the  each game but nothing.  He wanted to quit  in the middle of the season but we told him to finish  it and  have a break  next year.  
He wasn't feeling well  since Friday but since we already paid for the  banquet, we went there and celebrated with the rest of the  team and their families.  One thing I like  about the football program is that at the end of every season, the  coaches  give each athlete the recognition they deserve which means  that they care.
 All  players were given  a Jr. Dons  blanket and a hat and  the older boys get big framed photo which is nice.
It's hard taking  clear photos with my long lens.  My short camera lens got damaged when we  had our vacation in Las Vegas so I am using the long one.  Hopefully, Santa will bring me a new lens to replace  the other one.
 The scenery going to the golf course is beautiful.  Photos were not as bright as it was raining and taking photos in a wet windshield is  rough.
 I love  Fall but when it rains, it  is depressing. 
 Anyway, here's to another month that will passed by.  Two  more months and 2017 will be history.  MY daughter is already asking when we are putting the Christmas decor.  I told her that we might get it up after the Halloween.  We will see.  
 Hopefully, my son will feel better so he could enjoy the occasion.  I am not  looking forward for the cold  but it is  always safer to go with the kids when trick or treating.  With the crazy things happening these days, it's hard to not worry about your children's safety.  Have a safe Halloween celebration everybody. 


  1. The football banquet sounds really fun. My kids aren't really into sports, so I have never attended an event like that with them before.

  2. Celebrating a wonderful season of sports is always fun. Doesn't matter how many games they won or lost it is about team cooperation and learning skills. Plus having fun.

  3. I hope your son is feeling a lot better! It sucks when your plan of something in the kennel get sick. But it looks like you guys had a good time anyway. I do love without the rain. I agree with you I can be depressing but fall itself is beautiful and I love looking at the colors.

  4. When our son played football many years ago, the football league would put on a banquet at the end of the season. It was always good to get together after the parents and coaches had had time to cool off from emotional times during the games.

  5. What some lovely photos it looks like you had some lovely family times in October and how awesome does the football banquet sound!

  6. This looks like it was a great time! What a fabulous banquet. I hope you have a wonderful Halloween.

  7. I hope your son gets to feeling better soon!! And yay for celebrating sports!!

  8. I think it is a great idea to take a monthly photo of your family. Kids change so fast. It is nice to be able to look back and see the differences.

  9. Too funny that your daughter is already asking when you can get the Christmas decorations up! My daughter was always the same way!

  10. It's great that you take lots of photos, especially ones of your family together. Looks like you guys have a lot going on!

  11. I can predict rain - I plan on doing some outside painting or taking pictures. Never fails. We need a new family photo.

  12. I love that you set a monthly goal of taking a family photo each month. Time flies so fast and it'll be so wonderful to have all of those memories years from now.

  13. This looks like such a fun and memorable day. We need to take more family photos.

  14. I love your photos, you look all look great. The banquet looks like you had a fun nice time too. I need to take more family photos. Or at least ones with all the kids at once anyway.

  15. It is always so fun to celebrate your child when he or she is on a team and learns so much in a season, from athletic skin to teamwork. Congrats to him!

  16. I hope your son is feeling better. I like the idea of taking a family picture every month.

  17. I hope your son get well immediately in order for him to enjoy the treat or trick. Happy Halloween! Been looking at the pics and noticed that they are really growing up too fast!

  18. I think that's a cool goal, Sis, to take a family photo each month :) Recording memories of the family in pictures is always a good idea :) Sis, I just realized I have "known" you through blogging for 6 years now! Wish we could meet some day.

  19. I enjoyed reading your writing, it's very interesting and inspiring. God bless your family!


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