Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hair, Skin, and Nails Supplement and September Family Photo

I woke up with a migraine today but we had things to do so I  took some headache medicine and   went on with our plan.  Before we left,  I reviewed my  to do list panicked a little because   I thought we still  have another week with September but I was completely   surprised that today is in fact the last  day of the month, ugh.  Where did the time go? 
Anyway,  before my  pregnancies, I used to have thick hair and seldom  get skin allergies.  For some reason, after my son was born, my hair started falling  off and now it is getting thinner and thinner  that you can almost see my  scalp  which  makes me seek for some alternatives to get my thick hair back.  I was lucky to have been sent  a bottle of this Ultimate Hair, Skin, and Nails dietary supplement from SeabuckWonders.  
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This product has a combination of  biotin and  sea buckthorn oil that boosts  the health of your skin, hair, and  nails. The Sea buckthorn oil's omega content nourishes and restores the  cellular health throughout the body. People like me who have issues with  skin and hair can really benefit  the soothing effect of this supplement.    I have only been  taking this for a week and I can already  see the effect it is  creating on my hair.  I've seen lesser hair in the shower drain now and I am very happy about that.  
To continue with our goal of taking one family picture every month, here is for the month of September.  This was taken  a couple of weeks ago after we attended the mass at church.  We thought of taking it in the backyard while the weather still permits us to do so.  
September 2017
And yes, there is always a goofy  shot  after  the first one.  They warned me not  to post it but hey, it's nice to  show the goofy side of them lol.

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the complimentary product/s mentioned  for testing purposes and to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.


  1. Oh, I have to check into this stuff! After my second was born, my hair is stringy, thin, and always falling out. Multi vitamins did nothing for my hair..So this sounds promising!

  2. You are such a beautiful lady. If I can take something that will help me get hair that looks healthy like yours, I'm all over it.

  3. I have to try this! I'm always on the lookout for anything that helps me make my hair, nails, and skin looking more beautiful. Thanks for the heads up!

  4. I've heard of women losing their hair after giving birth. My daughter-in-law went through it with both of our grand kids. Her best friend just gave birth last week to her first child. I'll make sure to pass this info along to her so she can recommend it to her friend.

  5. You have beautiful hair! I really should get this! I have long hair, but it is so brittle and so very thin!

  6. That looks like a great product! As we move in to the winter months, all three of those take a huge hit! I need something to keep them looking great!

  7. Oh indeed, I too had those same changes after having children. It's crazy how the body changes isn't it! I need to give this a try!

  8. This sounds like a great supplement!! It's definitely important to make sure you're getting these no matter your age. I have to look into this brand, they sound amazing!

  9. It's good to have vitamins to help us take care of our hair, skin, and nails! I would like to give those a try. I really love that you take pictures every month! That's a fun tradition!

  10. I've never had kids but hair has been shedding like crazy lately! I need to check out these vitamins ASAP!!

  11. This supplement looks so awesome. I have to try this. It will helps make my skin, hair and nails more beautiful.

  12. It's great when you can find supplements that are good for you. I know I need a few of them daily.

  13. What a cool supplement. I would love to give this a try to strengthen my hair and nails, and give my skin a healthy boost. Sounds like a fantastic product - you look great!

  14. I take a hair skin and nails supplement and I love what it has done for me! This looks like a good one.

  15. I need to try this supplement, I am getting old and need to recharge my skin, nails and hair! Sounds like a great product.

  16. Taking supplements are great and it can help boost things up. I love the way you guys are having fun doing a wacky pose.

  17. My nails could use some DIY and TLC. I don't know why they sometimes just start breaking. I think these supplements will do wonders on my nails and skin.

  18. That's a great idea - taking a family picture every month. :) Anyway, I haven't tried taking supplements for hair and nails. Interesting!


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