Thursday, June 29, 2017

#BirthdayPresents #THankfulThursday #MonthlyFamilyPhoto #BeautyBox5 #FamilyPictureJune

I love the message that SparkPeople  sent me during my birthday, it's inspiring.  Sometimes, we forget  what matters the most and get distracted  with so many little petty things that we neglect what is important.  
I also love  this quote from Buddha.
To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. Buddha
Now that I am older, I do appreciate every moment that I get to spend with my family and friends especially my husband and children.  My world  revolves with them 24/7 .  My goal  is to spend as much time with them while I am still given the chance.  I know that  they will have their own lives  soon and while they still at home, I would love to spend mine with them .  I wish  that my husband  could retire now so we can  enjoy spending time with each other  as much as I'd like to but since he is the only one providing for our family, it is not feasible at this time.  
I love homemade personalized cards from my kids, they are the best.  I compiled them in  scrapbooks or albums.  The sweet little notes  makes my heart  melt, it's rewarding.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. Earl Nightingale

The kids got me  this  dehydrator for my birthday.  They are so sweet.  I haven't tried it yet since we are still so busy with our fence  projects but I will get to it once I have the time.
They always  make fun of me when I open gifts because I don't tear the wrapper .  I always  op\en them carefully lol.
I didn't even know that they are going to get me this.  I mentioned this before to my daughter that it would be nice to have a dehydrator.
We had a little  shopping trip at Robinson mall on my birthday.
My husband gave me this set of matching  bag and wallet.
It matches perfectly with my shoes, it's awesome!
Thanks Hon, I love them!
I took a short video of the  card that my daughter made for me.  It's a progression of a  rose flower.  I thought it was really neat.  My son's message was great too, very tpouching.

A good friend of mine from Japan  sent me a  box full of Japanese goodies, they are all yummy and kawaii!  Thanks a lot Clang and Sasaki family!  Clang is one of the  many bloggers I have met online but few of the ones that really became  great friends with me.  We haven't met in person yet but  our friendship grow stronger even though she no longer blogs.  I get updates on their family's lives on her Instagram and Facebook pages.
Another very good friend of mine who also sent me presents is Dhemz from Texas.  I also met this wonderful lady  in my early days of blogging and became friends with her and  her family for life.  We met personally in Disney World  five years ago  when we came back here from Korea and  we also visited  and traveled with them in Texas.  We can't wait to  meet with them again and visit their new home and see their new baby, we're excited!  It's great to met  people thru blogging and become friends with them for life.  

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when. Simon Sinek
Last but not the least is this month's goodies from Beauty Box 5.  It contains Jesse's Girl liquid eyeliner, Prestige Cosmetics my biggest lashes mascara, Did Hair's  jeweled hair tie set, Larizy's lip pencil, and Coastal Scents' reveled 3 palette sampler.  
I mentioned in my post that I am embracing  the color purple  now that I am in my mid 40s.  BeautyBox5 must have sensed that and I got this eye shadow sampler.   Check out BeautyBox5, it's a fun subscription since you get 5 different products every month.  Most of it are full sizes too.  
I think purple is actually a beautiful color.  I wasn't fond of it before  but I am starting to like it.  

And for the month of June, here is our family photo.  So far, we haven't failed to take   a family photo each month since January so hooray for that.

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.


  1. Oh my gosh, those cards are so cute. I LOVE handmade gifts like this.

  2. That matching bag and wallet are so cute! Also, I loved getting personalized cards from my kids when they were younger.

  3. What a lovely and thoughtful birthday. Sounds like your family really put together a nice day. Homemade cards are such a nice thing to receive.

  4. These gifts are precious, especially the birthday cards from your family. Happy Belated Birthday!

  5. I am OBSESSED with those cards. Handmade gifts are seriously the best! I love anything personalized.

  6. I'm LOVING this! BeautyBox5 seems like something I could totally get into and love, too. I've bookmarked this page to come back when I need a great gift idea.

  7. Your daughters card is so creative and sweet! Watch out hallmark! There's a new cardmaker in town!

  8. Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday!! Happy late Birthday to you!! I love your matching bag and shoes and your kids homemade cards will be something to treasure forever!!

  9. Happy Birthday - and such a great pile of gifts, and especially important the notes and the congratulations from the family! Hope you enjoyed your day!

  10. Oh wow you got some amazing gifts. The cards are my favorite. They're priceless and should be cherished forever.

  11. ohhhh, love that purse! the color is bright and fun! the best gifts of course are the handmade cards though... I keep all of mine that my kids make me ; )

  12. Happy birthday. I always love getting homemade cards from my kids.

    The purse is super cute too. I need a new one but I have an image in my head but can't find it in stores. :/ It always seems to happen that way.

  13. What a great birthday you had, Happy Birthday to you! I also love those throw pillows! :-)

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  14. Misty Nelson DawnJuly 3, 2017 at 5:23 PM

    Happy Birthday! I really love your bag and your shoes it's a perfect combination

  15. Happy birthday! Your family is so sweet! My kids also gave me handmade birthday cards when they were young. I have kept them in a special box together with the little gifts they gave me on special occasions.

  16. Happy birthday to you! You are fortunate to be surrounded by a loving family and a great set of friends. Wishing you all the best this year and in the years to come.

  17. Getting older definitely makes you appreciate the times you get to spend with loved ones!


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