Friday, May 12, 2017

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and New Sports Towel from Aurorae

It seems like April flew by so fast  in front of my face without me realizing it.  During that month when we decided to start taking Jiu Jitsu classes as a family.  A new  place just opened  here in our area last month and we  took the opportunity to avail their  introductory price of $120  a month for family.
Doing it with my husband is  really fun, it is exhausting but  fun!  We get to learn  on how to defend ourselves in dire situations.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu  is a martial art, a combat sport system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. This martial art was formed from Kodokan judo ground fighting (newaza) fundamentals that were taught by a number of individuals including Takeo Yano, Mitsuyo Maeda and Soshihiro Satake. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu eventually came to be its own art through the experiments, practices, and adaptation of judo.  It's an intense form of martial arts.
The warm up exercises are super tough but I like doing it.  The only part that I don't like is  wrapping your legs around some people  I don't really know.  At first, my husband and I were partners but then the  instructor said that we should be partners with someone who  are experienced already so they can teach us.  I was hesitant to do that because I am not comfortable with it.
There are some women doing it but they are big and  I get the sense of feeling that they don't  really want to partner with me since I am so little  so I ended up wrestling with guys.  I wasn't fond of it, so since then, I haven't return lol.  I told my husband  to continue so that when he is good at it already, I could return and be his partner again.
My kids are encouraging me to go back but I haven't really decided yet if  I will or not.  That's why I haven't buy me a Gi (the uniform that  they wear).  My husband has two pairs of Gis that he used when he was taking  martial arts (Aikido)  lesson when he was still in Guam but he hasn't wear it yet.
Thanks to my daughter for taking these photos.
Our kids are doing  this too so we bough them  new Gi's.
A post shared by Chubskulit Rose (@chubskulitrose) on

 Since Mother's Day is this weekend,  I would like to share these  special deals from  Aurorae Yoga that you can enjoy for the best Moms in your life.
  • All 6.8oz Candles are on Sale 20-60% off (no code required) 
  • All Yoga Towels are on Sale 20% Off with code CWU4K8GV 
  • All Sport & Swim Towels are on Sale 20% off with code TOWELS17
 I love doing yoga once in a while because it relaxes me and it gives my body a break from doing the normal  exercise that I do.  Aurorae Yoga is one of the best companies that provides yoga products such as  yoga mats, towels, candles, yoga apparel, and  other accessories.

I have their yoga  tote and towel.  My husband wishes  he has his own so that he could use it during the Jiu Jitsu training so I am  glad that Aurorae Yoga sent me a blue sports towel  one.  I told him before that he can use my purple one but he wasn't digging it lol.  So now, both of us ill have each own.   Please check  their website  or you can find them via Amazon for their  products.  
 Happy Mother's day to all the Moms out there including Eileen!

To my Mom whose love  for all her children is  unconditional, my love and respect for you Mama.  I love you very much and I miss you a whole lot.  Hopefully we could see each other next year, fingers crossed!  Living thousand of miles away is  tough.  When you are living on the other side of the world, traveling is expensive so I can't always visit   as often as I would love to but please know Mama that I am thinking about you every day!


  1. I don't think I would be comfortable with putting my arms around other people either, but I guess you need to do that to properly learn self defense. I do like that the classes are for the entire family.

  2. My sister does Jiu jiutsu and loves it! I would like to try it out sometime as well!

  3. I have a friend who runs and owns one of these places. He does just women classes and combined classes which I think is really fun and very helpful.

  4. This does look like fun. I'd like to try it out. I'm all about knowing how to protect myself if something happens.

    Thank you for the deals too!

  5. Such an intense experience of jujitsu. I want to try this too but I need to make my body ready.

  6. My daughter's best friend does Jiu Jitsu! I have considered it for her, and also for me. I don't know any self defense.

  7. Those yoga towels and bags are nice. I'm not really into jiu jitsu but it seems a good sports.

  8. I would have loved to have learnt some sort of self defence when I was able to, it really seems like a good thing to have under your belt.

  9. Our daughter loves to do yoga. I'm just beginning to learn. I've been wanting to give it a try for years.

  10. One of my husband's best friends studies Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and absolutely loves it. He has been studying it for nearly a decade now.

  11. This looks like a great workout and a great way to stay in shape! Very cool that it focuses on ground fighting.

  12. This is something that I really want to try. Those photos look so cool. Great post!

  13. Very cool yoga gear that you have here. And it's so nice that your husband continued on for you, even if you don't end up going back to it. He must be a great guy.

  14. This Brazilian Jiu Jitsu looks like lots of fun and I love you are doing it as a family. The Aurorae yoga gear would make a great mother's day gift for sure. Thanks for sharing your family fun.

  15. My dad tried to get me into martial arts at a young age. I probably stopped at 8 but its fun for kids to learn especially as a family!

  16. My son used to want to take martial arts when he was young until he saw the warm-ups! Needless to say our family could be a little more athletic.

  17. This sounds like so much fun!! I tried to get my son into this when he was younger! I wish he did now!!


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