Saturday, March 25, 2017

Spring Forward to an Optimal Health with Natural Dynamix #FamilyPictureMarch

Oh where do I begin?  March has been a tough month for  my family.  We lost a loved one who kept us all  feel loved but now he's gone.  To continue on with  my goal of taking family picture every month, here is for the month of March.  

Losing someone whom  you dearly loved is so hard but we hold on to the memories that he left us and that comforts us.  It's not an easy thing to go through.  Even though we know that he would go anytime soon but still hard to think that he is now on the other side, that we won't see him in this   side of life.  It is comforting to know that he is now pain free and resting in peace with his  dear wife and two  sons.  
I didn't think that it would affect me too much but it did.  It was like  going through with my father passing  over again.  He was the one who assured me that I was home when I first came here in the US so it was a tough loss for me.    I have never seen my husband wept that much.  
In times like this, even your eating habits is  affected.  I am glad that we have something  to supplement our  healthy habits in this difficult times.  Natural Dynamix sent me these  three different products to try.  

Natural Dynamix is created by a group of individuals that are into nutrition and health.  People, planet, and Profit are the three P principals of their foundation.  They believe that they can only feel good about making a profit if they are helping people in a way that doesn't hurt the planet. 
I have been wanting to do some body detoxifying so I am  thrilled to find this  Green Detox  in the box.  It is a is a powerful formulation of bioactive compounds, phytonutrients and antioxidants which stimulate and support optimal health.  This really works and I am glad that  blkoating feeling that I used to have  is now gone.  If you are looking for something to help you detoxify, I recommend this green detox from Naturla Dynamix.
Having a good night sleep is what I struggle  the most especially if I am thinking of something.  I tried  different kinds of  sleep aid and although it works, it somehow  had some side effect on me  so I was  kind of hesitant to try this one but I am glad that I did because this is so different.  First off, it is in the form of gummies so it's not hard to take it.  Then it really put me to sleep without me waking up in the middle of the night.
A post shared by Chubskulit Rose (@chubskulitrose) on
The Fiber DX is an adult gummy that provides 4 grams of fiber per serving. The reason I am not fond of taking supplements is the yucky taste and texture of pills but this one I don't mind at all because they're like candies. The gummies are easy to chew and swallow. What I like is that it is gluten free and made no added sugar. My husband love taking it too because it helps him regulated.

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.


  1. We take gummy melatonin regularly in our house. It really does work and we love the little extra help.

  2. I know it is really hard to take care of yourself after losing a loved one. I would like to try that green detox. I think it would do me some good!

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. You are right situations like this affect your overall well-being. It's nice that there are supplements available.

  4. When I'm stressed I tend to eat horrible things for my body. I think the green detox would be worth the try!

  5. I dont really take supplements only vitamin c and only in recent months and it has made a big difference so may try these

  6. Always so difficult to lose a loved one. Sorry for your lost. Vitamins are always a great way to help especially if your not eating properly.

  7. Sleep is so important, but sometimes I don't get enough. With two young kids, I still am awoken at night. These supplements look interesting and potentially very helpful.

  8. The detox and the deep sleep sound like something I would like to try. I know my husband could definitely use the deep sleep since he has such a hard time sleeping.

  9. I am sorry for your loss. This product sound like a great vitamin, I need to check them out.

  10. I need to check out that Deep Sleep. I don't sleep very well at all and this might just help me out.

  11. I feel like I need to try a detox. I'm constantly fatigued and sluggish. Need more energy and overall better wellness.

  12. My heart goes out to you and your family. It is so hard to loss a loved one even though you know they don't have much time here. The Deep Sleep DX I would love to try. I have always had trouble falling asleep. Thanks for sharing the supplements and again so sorry for your loss.

  13. Your family is wonderful. I love that more vitamins are coming in gummy form!

  14. I must try the deep sleep gummy.

  15. I love the green detox. Green Detox DX is a powerful formulation of bioactive compounds, phytonutrients and antioxidants which stimulate and support optimal health.

  16. Prayers of peace and comfort for you and your family. We don't take any daily supplements but as I get older I'm looking into it.

  17. I am so sorry you and your family went through that. I am interested in the sleep aid, I have a very hard time falling asleep and would like to give something like this a try.

  18. Sorry for your loss. Good to know about this detox, will look into it.

  19. Victoria heckstallMarch 30, 2017 at 7:48 AM

    Sorry to hear that. Thanks for this vitamins. Maybe I should try the deep sleep because I am so hard to sleep.


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