Friday, January 27, 2017

Sibling Love and the Joy of Being a Parent

Having a boy and a girl is perfect for a small family.  Our children always wish that they have more siblings but  for me, two is  enough.  Even my husband   wishes we have more lol.  Having children is a blessing and a joy.  You get to experience the wonderful feeling  of being a parent and it makes you stronger everyday.  
Parenting is an everyday learning experience in my opinion.  There is no book that can define or tell you how to properly raise your child.  Every child is different  so you could never rely on someone else expertise as it might not be applicable or would not work with your children.  As I mentioned, it is an everyday learning experience.  
 My kids taught me so many things that I never thought I could do.  It can be hard sometimes but that is a part of learning and growing.  
 I am fortunate enough to stay home and take care of  my kids.  I was once a workaholic person that  works in an office  from Monday to Saturday.  I thought I would grow old doing the same thing everyday until I met my husband and became a Mom to these two beautiful and loving kids.  I gave up my career  and  took a role of much important  career at home, being a Mom.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.
 These two  have  a sweet and sour kind of relationship.  One day they are very sweet to each  other and   other days they're not.  I guess, that is just normal for siblings.  I remember my older brother and I always  bicker growing up but there's no doubt that we  love and support and each other.
 I may never give them everything or  be able to afford this fishman triple play from MF but I can truly assure them of my love.  I am blessed to have a husband who  loves  us and supports us  with everything.  For that I am grateful to God everyday.
I couldn't agree more of how parenting was said by  James E. Faust "To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of this sacrifice, conscientious parents develop a nobility of character and learn to put into practice the selfless truths taught by the Savior Himself. "


  1. You have a beautiful family! I have been following along with your adventures for a while now and love how close you all are :)

  2. Parenting is definitely an everyday learning experience. Nothing prepares you for this challenging, yet rewarding life of being a mom.

  3. We always told our children that after we are gone they will only have each other and so they need to become good friends. Thank goodness they took our advice.

  4. It's so nice to see that your kids can get along. That would come a long way when they grow up.

  5. James Faust definitely got it right. I can say parenting three kids has been an adventure. It was not always easy, but I would not trade it for a million dollars.

  6. It's great to have kids that can get along together so well. Raising two kids can be tough, so having two that love each other and get along well makes the job a lot easier.

  7. Being a mom is the best job in the world! I loved being able to be home with mine. I'm fortunate that mine have gotten along fairly well during their growing up years too.

  8. I enjoyed reading your post. My parents were wonderful people and I know how much they sacrificed to be able to give me and my siblings a life of comfort. The only way I can repay my parents is to give my children as much love,care, and support as they gave me.

  9. My girls are 8 years apart and while they still fought growing up, they are very close now. It seems like they were babies just a few weeks ago. Time goes by too fast. We have to enjoy them while we are raising them.

  10. I definitely thought I knew about what I would do as a parent before I had my son, but the reality is very different!

  11. Family is everything! I am glad you get to spend lots of time with your kids and watch them grow together.

  12. I enjoyed reading your post. Now I am remembering my parents. They love us so much. They did a lot of sacrifice in order to give us a good life. To do this to my future children I think will be my way of repaying their love for me and my siblings.

  13. They are so cute. My kids are very similar with the sweet and sour relationship. I also have a boy and girl. I'm always amazed by them, they make me a better person.

  14. They are so cute! I have three kids and I adore seeing their relationship grow, they are a close knit crew.

  15. That quote is perfect. When you become a parent, you have to decide to put yourself aside to raise them correctly.

  16. My brother and I were less than 2 years apart, and we were not great friends. He was allowed way more freedom than me and would just destroy my stuff. However, my kids are spaced about 5-6 years apart each, and they are all such good friends together. My older ones take care of the littler ones, and I'm so glad they all get along.

  17. Hehehe my brother and I were a year a part and hated each other growing up!!! Then out of no where became such great friends


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