Thursday, January 26, 2017

Playing Tennis During Winter

We are having a mild  winter this year.  Some days, it feels like Spring so we  always  take advantage of those days just like last week.  We went to the tennis court and played  tennis with our  kiddos and I am so glad that we did because this week, it is back to mid 30s again.  I feel bad that some states are getting hammered with  storms.  That's one thing I am  grateful about living in a mountain state, we seldom get  heavy storm here.  
Anyway, I was given an opportunity to  work with LimeApple.  They sent my daughter this seamless long sleeve top and seamless mini shorts.  She love  both pieces and  plans to wear the shorts for the upcoming volleyball season  comes Spring.  LimeApple is a lifestyle girls apparel store with a great variety of style for young ladies.  They have dresses,  swimwear, activewear and I even love their  fun bubble set selection.

The long sleeve top is cozy and she love the slit on the side of the sleeve for  her thumb.  I have a  fitness top  that is  designed like this  so  she's happy that she have one now too.  
Tennis is something that  my family enjoy doing.  It's a great exercise for   all of us and it is fun.  I remember when I was growing up, I  would always watch people who plays tennis and  was always  wanting to play but  we  couldn't not afford to buy  rackets and balls so I  was never given a chance to  try it.  I am glad  that my kids love playing  tennis because both my husband and I  love playing it.  We learned the rules from them when they   started   attending last Spring.  We were not able to sign them up last Fall but we're looking forward for the next Spring season.  
We are working on our son's attitude of  losing and winning because he doesn't take it  well when he lose a match.  He is very competitive that when he lose, he gets upset (you can tell in the first photo lol).  We always  tell him that losing is a part of the game and that you can't always win.  Sometimes he is okay with it but most of the times, he doesn't take it well.  Any advice on how to handle this kind of thing properly?  
LimeApple is having an activewear sale on January 27th  which is tomorrow.  You can enjoy a  25% off for all of their activewear including their new 2017 collection. So check  them out.   

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.


  1. You know. One of the best parts of living in the south is that we can do most of the outdoor activities we love right through the wintertime.

  2. So important to stay active in the winter months as well!!! I love that you have the whole family out there playing tennis.

  3. I don't play a lot of tennis because well I suck at it haha. I am glad the court is still open so you can play all year around.

  4. Staying active during the cold weather is very important. It's nice when you're doing this as a family. It's more fun!

  5. These are great winter tennis outfits. It is such a fun way to get some exercise. I would love to play if we did not have so much snow.

  6. My family enjoys playing tennis together too! I'm actually looking forward to playing tennis with my dad this weekend.

  7. I love playing tennis and my son is just learning to play! I always look forward to it, and finally we can play together

  8. We haven't had much snow this year so we could go play tennis if we wanted to. This is actually a great idea. Just have to dress for the colder weather.

  9. I would love to be able to play tennis in the winter! Those pieces you received from LimeApple are so cute!

  10. I loved the kids tennis outfits. This is something i wish i had learned to do.

  11. We have had the same type of weather here this year, barely a winter at all! We too love tennis, even more so when my kids were younger. Tennis is a GREAT activity for families! I love the clothing your daughter received. I bet she was thrilled!

  12. I'm not much of a tennis player these days. I used to play when I was a teenager. I will say, though, I'd much rather play tennis in the winter than in summer, lol.

  13. How awesome that you and your family are keeping active even in the winter time! Good for you!

    Jasmine /

  14. Its Gotta be chilly out there. But the heat of the game should warm us up.

  15. I would love to know how to play tennis, but it is a pretty expensive hobby (at least here in Estonia). Your kids' outfits look just perfect!

  16. Those are great tennis outfits. As long as it's not super windy or cold, we like to get outside in the winter and play, too!

  17. I love to play tennis. I was on the tennis team in high school. My husband and I now play tennis even during the winter.

  18. I would love to have my daughter learn tennis. I love the game. Sadly, we dont have the space to teach her.

  19. I'm pretty sure that your kids had fun! I really love their active wear, especially your daughter's leggings I really love it.

  20. Tennis is a great sport for kids and adults to play during the winter if possible. I think it is great you are trying to teach your son he does have to get upset when he looses. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  21. I loved tennis growing up. I played all the time. I should do it again! Super cute clothes for tennis!

  22. Tennis would be so fun. We've never played but I wouldn't even think of doing it during the winter! Love the outfits! - Jeanine

  23. That means the outfit that they sent must be pretty warm and cozy if you can wear it outside in the cold to play tennis without a jacket on. But that is good that you can still do what you love to do during the winter time. Always fun and engaging.

  24. I don't have any sports but swimming. I'd love to try tennis though because some of my friends are planning to play it altogether this summer. I guess I have to get ready first with my clothes, got to check that! :D

  25. My brother is really into tennis. For some reason I never really got into it. I wish I had since it's such good exercise.

  26. Love that you and your family are enjoying an activity together and getting out as much as possible. Winter always gives me cabin fever so any opportunity to get out, I take it.


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