Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ready for a Family Close Up #FamilyPIctureJanuary

Our family goal this year to  take a family photo at least once a month.  So before January  ends, I am posting the one that we took  for this month.  This was taken last Sunday before we went to church.  We all wore something blue and here we go, month of January - accomplished!
I am also sharing the first box  that I got from Beauty Box 5 this year.  This month's content includes light diffuser, soy milk cleanser, leave in conditioner, nail polish, and anti blemish clear spot patches. 
My daughter is almost 12 so she is starting to  experiment on these beauty products especially hair and skin care.  On the photo above, I am wearing the light diffuser from So Susan, you can't really see it since  our photo isn't  a close up one but I used it and I thought, it is  really nice.  I love the scent of cocoa and coconut in it.  
I have tried  the Novex conditioner  before and loved it  for my hair so I got excited for this one but my daughter said she wants to try it for her long hair too so I gave it to her.  She  said that she likes it because it makes her hair  very  soft and  easy to brush.  I noticed that it makes her black hair super shiny too.
One of my favorite this month is this Pur-Lisse delicate soy milk cleanser.  I love using it before I go to bed.  It  has a blend of soy milk, soy protein, whole oat and white tea.  If you wear make up during the day, this would be great to use to remove that at the end of the day.
Another favorite of mine is this nail polish, it is called Best of my Love from Nanacoco.  I love  Nanacoco's nail polishes!  
This makes for a great DIY spa-day at home.  
A photo posted by Chubskulit Rose (@chubskulitrose) on
Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Sibling Love and the Joy of Being a Parent

Having a boy and a girl is perfect for a small family.  Our children always wish that they have more siblings but  for me, two is  enough.  Even my husband   wishes we have more lol.  Having children is a blessing and a joy.  You get to experience the wonderful feeling  of being a parent and it makes you stronger everyday.  
Parenting is an everyday learning experience in my opinion.  There is no book that can define or tell you how to properly raise your child.  Every child is different  so you could never rely on someone else expertise as it might not be applicable or would not work with your children.  As I mentioned, it is an everyday learning experience.  
 My kids taught me so many things that I never thought I could do.  It can be hard sometimes but that is a part of learning and growing.  
 I am fortunate enough to stay home and take care of  my kids.  I was once a workaholic person that  works in an office  from Monday to Saturday.  I thought I would grow old doing the same thing everyday until I met my husband and became a Mom to these two beautiful and loving kids.  I gave up my career  and  took a role of much important  career at home, being a Mom.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.
 These two  have  a sweet and sour kind of relationship.  One day they are very sweet to each  other and   other days they're not.  I guess, that is just normal for siblings.  I remember my older brother and I always  bicker growing up but there's no doubt that we  love and support and each other.
 I may never give them everything or  be able to afford this fishman triple play from MF but I can truly assure them of my love.  I am blessed to have a husband who  loves  us and supports us  with everything.  For that I am grateful to God everyday.
I couldn't agree more of how parenting was said by  James E. Faust "To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of this sacrifice, conscientious parents develop a nobility of character and learn to put into practice the selfless truths taught by the Savior Himself. "

Young Musicians Audition

My daughter has been practicing the songs that she plan to play at the Young Musicians Auditions at West Liberty University this year.  Last year was her first time participating and she was very nervous as she didn't know what to expect.  She got an excellent rating on her first try sop she wants to do that again this year.  Hopefully, she would get  the same rating but if not, that would give her a room for improvement. You can watch her songs  below from last year's performance.   
Anyway, I was browsing online and found that the guitarcenter.com has keith merrow electric guitar.  The price is not within my budget  so I won't be able to get it for my son but I love the design.  He has been dreaming of having an elextric guitar although he hasn't really learn the basic of strumming  a guitar.  I am thinking that maybe, a guitar of his own will ignite that passion to learn how to play the instrument.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Playing Tennis During Winter

We are having a mild  winter this year.  Some days, it feels like Spring so we  always  take advantage of those days just like last week.  We went to the tennis court and played  tennis with our  kiddos and I am so glad that we did because this week, it is back to mid 30s again.  I feel bad that some states are getting hammered with  storms.  That's one thing I am  grateful about living in a mountain state, we seldom get  heavy storm here.  
Anyway, I was given an opportunity to  work with LimeApple.  They sent my daughter this seamless long sleeve top and seamless mini shorts.  She love  both pieces and  plans to wear the shorts for the upcoming volleyball season  comes Spring.  LimeApple is a lifestyle girls apparel store with a great variety of style for young ladies.  They have dresses,  swimwear, activewear and I even love their  fun bubble set selection.

The long sleeve top is cozy and she love the slit on the side of the sleeve for  her thumb.  I have a  fitness top  that is  designed like this  so  she's happy that she have one now too.  
Tennis is something that  my family enjoy doing.  It's a great exercise for   all of us and it is fun.  I remember when I was growing up, I  would always watch people who plays tennis and  was always  wanting to play but  we  couldn't not afford to buy  rackets and balls so I  was never given a chance to  try it.  I am glad  that my kids love playing  tennis because both my husband and I  love playing it.  We learned the rules from them when they   started   attending last Spring.  We were not able to sign them up last Fall but we're looking forward for the next Spring season.  
We are working on our son's attitude of  losing and winning because he doesn't take it  well when he lose a match.  He is very competitive that when he lose, he gets upset (you can tell in the first photo lol).  We always  tell him that losing is a part of the game and that you can't always win.  Sometimes he is okay with it but most of the times, he doesn't take it well.  Any advice on how to handle this kind of thing properly?  
LimeApple is having an activewear sale on January 27th  which is tomorrow.  You can enjoy a  25% off for all of their activewear including their new 2017 collection. So check  them out.   

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why Moisturizer is Important for Skin

Each season brings new experiences to our skin. Summer and air conditioners make our skin sweaty, greasy, and dehydrated. Neither winter does cuddle our skin, when outside air is cold and  when we are at home, heaters  draw moisture from the air and makes our skin warm and dry. All of this is harmful for our skin all year round, so you need to take care of  it.  Moisturize it to avoid  premature aging.
Our skin should be treated gently and not be allowed to be left without protection from the weather, either summer or winter.
Even 90 percent of the human body is actually water, hydration is important for the normal functioning of the whole body.   It helps your  body to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins.  It helps maintain pH balance and it also  also prevent kidney stones, urinary infections and improve digestion. Equally important factor in preserving beautiful and healthy skin. Hydration of the skin remains supple and soft, mitigate the negative effects of aging, and the water in the skin has an additional function - enhances its protective role.

There are several ways to maintain a good skin moisture, especially by drinking sufficient amount  of liquids.  It is estimated that you have to drink about 6-8 glasses of water a day.  Please don't count coffee on it as coffee is  diuretic.

The skin can be further hydrated using  face creams and lotions for the body.  Products should not contain alcohol because it enhances the skin from drying out.

The skin can be further hydrated after workout with our FRE PURIFY ME.  FRE's  Facial Creamis made from a unique combination of desert plants : Argan and Jojoba 

Below is a 12 tricks for better skin hydration:

1 Avoid long hot baths and showers. Take a shower in 10 minutes in lukewarm, never too hot, water.

2. Check how much dry your skin is. Scratch the small area of skin with your fingernail such as  arm or leg, if  you see  white residue,  that means that your skin needs exfoliation and hydration.

3.  Treat your neck and chest the same way you treat your face.

4. Make sure that  your beauty products are clean and simple, avoid those labeled 'antibacterial' because they  can  irritate the skin.

5. For soft hands and feet,   lubricate them with good moisturizer before bedtime then slip soft gloves and socks for the  cream to absorb overnight.

6. Before  tanning, avoid perfumes and perfumed lotions.

7. Soften rough elbows after peeling with the help of a grapefruit. Divide grapefruit and dip your elbows into it every 15 minutes.

8. Exercise and sweat - sweat stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body, and exercise ensures good circulation

9. Change creams and lotions changing seasons - in summer you needed more lenient, and winter strong hydration.

10. Avoid smoking, tanning and sunbathing - all that accelerates aging.

11. For double protection lubricate the skin cream with vitamin C over a cream sunscreen. The cream will prevent skin damage, dehydration and wrinkles.

12. Do not touch your  face with your hands.   Especially the eye area. Do not rub your eyes, the skin around them is very sensitive and delicate.

Funding for hydration are very diverse: fruit and mass solutions, emulsions, creams. Skin should be hydrated when needed and at least once a day if the skin is dry. Oily skin, naturally, requires less  hydration. Hydration can be combined with facial massage.

One of the products for skin care is  lard. It is prepared in a porcelain mortar, detailed decomposition grinded or mashed raw materials with a vegetable or animal fat to obtain a homogeneous mass. To obtain the fats used and liquid extracts from plants which are mixed with fat.

Lack or loss of moisture strongly affects the skin. Therefore, apply different cosmetic treatments - steam baths, compression, rubbing the face with ice cubes, etc. Steam baths are usually done before other cosmetic treatments.

Amber Kennedy from freskincare.com

Disclosure:  I was not financially compensated for this  post.  The article above was provided by  FRE Company  and the products were also sent to me for testing purposes.  I am including my own take on the products.

FRE is short for Fit, Resilient, and Elegant.  Yes this   specific line of products are  created  for  active women who love to  workout, sweat it out and stay fit.    It's a comprehensive  3-step treatment that builds skin resilience day after day.  I like the fact that  for every set  a customer purchase, FRE will  plant a tree of life or Argan tree.  I have .heard so much good stuff about argan oil and was happy to see that the Argania Active complex  is one of the active  ingredient of this line.  Argania Active complex is created  from kernel and leaf of the argan tree.  This products
The Purify me is is the hydrating facial cleanser.  I love  cleaning my face with this after my  workout and my face is all swety.  It  smells good and it feels great as you  gently massage your  face with this cleanser.  This is another motivating factor for working out, at least for my own personal  opinion.  
After the cleaning, this  Protect Me  defense facial moisturizer can shield your skin  from UVA and IRA rays.  This also prevent dark spots which I like.  Jow you can use the Protect Me  before your workout but I love using it  after I shower and go on with day.  
The Revive Me is the deep replinishing serum.  You can use this after work out but I only use it at night.   This makes my skin  feel rejuvinated.  This year, I promised myself that I would take very good care of my skin so .I am glad I was offered the opportunity to  try these products.  

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Welcoming 2017 at a Friend's House

Our plan was to  stay at home and wait for the ball drop during the new year's but a family friend invited us over to their new house  so we could ring the new year together.  It was a fun night for all of us.  
We had some  delicious foods to eat while catching up and waiting for the ball to drop.
We didn't even  watch the performances of  celebrities because we were busy talking to each other.  It 's been a while since we  got together so there are so much to catch onto.
Our children had so much fun playing with each other.
Thabnks Marie and Steve for  opening your home to us, it was a night to remember  for sure.  One of those moments we shared with you that we will treasure forever.
We love  the Mascio's, they are the most kind-hearted, and down-to-earth people you will ever meet.  Despit their status in life, they keep their feet on the  ground.  I admired  and respect them for that.  
We didn't   come home until after two in the morning.  We took some photos together before we  left.
While having a blast at their home, my mind kept thinking of my Mom because I wasn't able to call her and talked to her.  There's still no electricity  when my siter  visited  her.  When she came back to the city, I learned that she was sick and  very weak.  It's so jhard when you are so far away from your love ones.  I feel helpless.  I asked my other sister to go home and  take care of our Mother for a while and bring her to the hospital.
We started our new  year with friends and it was  wonderful.  We  saw each other again  at the  mass in the morning.  We also  visited my  father-in-law  after attending the Sunday service at Gables Care Center  in Hopedale Ohio.