Saturday, December 3, 2016

Their Christmas Wishes

There are   many events that I captured in photos but haven't got the chance to write yet due to lack of time.  I miss the days when I was just starting to blog because I would write  about the things that happen right away.  Nowadays, I am lucky to  write  one in a day.  We are just too busy that I can't really  focus  my time in blogging.  But anyway, these photos were taken during the last day of school last school year.  Imagine that, this was seven months ago!
 We were  already starting to pack our things  on this time as you can see in the picture, there is a box.  By this time, our basement is getting full with  packed boxes.  The process of buying a house takes a long time.  I remember putting a bod  on a house in January but we didn't get to move till June.  
 She was very excited on this day because she works hard in getting high grades all through the school year and I promised them that if they get all hundreds in their report card, they will also receive a hundred dollars from us.  She was however devastated when she had one 99 in her report card.  I told her that she will get the reward anyway but she still cried because she really  studied hard.  
Rewarding our children with their effort is a good incentive for them to strive hard.  Since both of them really tried their best effort to maintain their  high grades, hubby and I are getting them what they want for Christmas.  We already got  the  one wish that she really wanted since last year that  we weren't able to get.  I am sure she will be surprise to  have the violin for Christmas.  I am still looking for a good deal for what  our son  wants.  It ain't the weather king but something that he wants to try in music.  We might just go back to the  the music store in our area to get it since I can't find it  online.  Their Christmas wishes will come true this year.  

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