Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rain or Shine, #Football Must Go On

 On August 31st, Jr. Dons had a  football game in Steubenville, Ohio  against the Steubenville Central Saint team.  It was raining but the game must go on.  I was worried that our son will get sick after that but glad that he didn't.  I think his immue system is getting stronger  in fighting sickness.
Before leaving the house, we checked the weather  and it said that it was going to rain right around the game time so we brough towels and umbreallas with us.  Sure enough, when we  were on our way there, the rain started pouring and it did not stop until we were ready to leave.  
 I thought  the kids were going to be cold since they were getting soaked but  they  were all pumped  in anticipation to the game that it didn't matter.  They  warmed up in the field before the game started.  I on the other  hand  got a little chilly since we were just sitting on the bleacher.  I regreted that I did not bring any sweater.
 I have to commend  the coacher because they treat  our children like their own.  They are so nice to them and  the fact that they are not getting paid doing it is very commendable.  
 My son's post is a wide receiver although the ball has never been passed to him yet, he is happy of what he does which  blocking the opponent.  Passing the ball is very uncommon when little kids are playing because the ball is big and they have small hands.  
 Our group of kids are not as big as the other team so I think they were a little intimadated.
 Since most of them just start8ed playing this year, they still have a lot to learn.  Just like me, I could never understand the rules of football before but now that my son is playing, I am sloly learning it.  It's funny, I always ask my husband questions during the game.
 My son doesn't like this set of uniform because it was way too big for him.  The pants and jersey are too long and big but we told him that next year, it would be a perfect sice for him.
 We noticed a big change to our son's body ever since he started playing.  His muscles are getting big and he eats a lot!  Those daily practice is working!
 It's nice that they play agains a team who  are from catholic school as well.
 I thought it was a powerful moment when they all kneeled down and prayed together before they started the game.
 This is Jr. Don's third  game and I can see improvement with their performances already.  In the last two games they played, they did not score but on this game, they had one touch down and another two points.  The other team won with two touch downs but it was a bad game at all. Jr. Dons had 8 and Central Saint had 12.  
 It's awesome to  watch children play.  We keep telling our son to be aggressive but he  isn't there yet.  He is afarid to hurt other kids.  My husband  told him that in order to be good in football, you have to have a little aggressiveness in you.
 Our daughter is a big supporter of her  brother.  She sold most of the raffle tickets that his rother have for his football team.  
 She goofs around when I take picture of her  just like her brother does most of the times.
 This year, 5 boys from my son's grade signed up for football.  There was no one from 5th and 6th grade that's why  most of the Jr. Dons team are little and new.
 Jr. Dons is a  combinationate of  kids from St. Paul and St. Joseph so my son and his classmate are proud to represent their school.  
 Their next game will be this Saturday, it is a home game and I am glad because we don't have to drive somewhere to play.  Good luck Jr. Dons!


  1. That must be fun watching your son play football. Sadly, my kids are not athletic so I don't get to enjoy sports like that

  2. I am not a football mom but a soccer mom instead and I know that no matter what weather occurs, the game must go on. Thankfully my boys love getting wet and muddy...thank goodness for stain removers!

  3. Awww...You have adorable kids. Enjoy! They grow sooo fast. It seems like just yesterday we were attending Friday night football games and now they're both in college! :)

  4. Yup, you have to be aggressive in football. Looks like he is having a wonderful time.

  5. Your son rock it! Football is what my son loves too, of course rain or shine football must go on.

  6. No matter what the weather is, you gotta be there for your kids. I don't have boys but my daughter runs track and field. Show must go on no matter what!

  7. I remember playing soccer in the rain. It was always so much fun. My parents always showed up to watch me so I would do the same for my kids too.

  8. Sounds like a lot of fun! My brother used to play football in school too. It was a lot of fun!

  9. Sounds like your son did a great job. I think it's always fun to play in the rain! Sports are so great for kids too. Glad to see your son is enjoying football.

  10. I never thought sports would be so much fun and more intense when its your little ones you are watching! We are not into football yet, but this was our first year of soccer!

  11. It so great that your whole family supports your son. Sport are great for kids. My girls were competitive cheerleaders. Oh I miss those days.

  12. It's great to get out there and support the family members... It's important to the player, I'm sure your son feels happy to see family there to cheer him and his team on. Wide receiver is an awesome position!

  13. rain or shine it does go on! if they love it is is great to play in the rain, and even better to watch your kids do something they love and have fun outside -- which nowadays can be hard sometimes!

  14. It's awesome that the whole family is so supportive. I hope he has a great season!

  15. So now you have a football player, sis. Way to go! We've been traveling a lot now too for our son's soccer games. It's so much fun though.

  16. My son gave up football when he was 8. I miss the games and all the fun!

  17. Awwww how fun!!!!! I just love football!!!! I have a cousin who plays and we go and watch him whenever possible!

  18. You know, I always check the weather before we go to practice so I can bring an umbrella, but I've never thought about bringing a towel. I'm a first class dork. I bet I do next time, lol.

  19. I remember going to my brothers football game in the rain, I definitely have to say those were the BEST games!

  20. So amazing everyone showed up to be there even when it rained! Hope it doesn't rain on the next game!

  21. It looks like everyone had a blast, soaked or not soaked. I have been debating about putting my boys in football this year but I think we will try out next year.

  22. We dont have football like this in my country but I think it is so cool. I always enjoy watching it in movies.


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