Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Alcoholic Mixer Options and Serving Suggestions

Alcoholic mixers are very popular in many cities; this is why dozens of bartenders are now giving their customers healthy options. According to experts, vodka soda and whiskey and gin are worth trying because both beverages have a lot of nutrients and vitamins.

Vodka Soda

Vodka and soda is the best choice for people on a diet. The beverage doesn’t have many calories, so you can drink it once or twice a week after you finish your fitness routines.

Whiskey and Gin

A whiskey and gin mixer is a very healthy drink option because it can be made with bourbon, which has around 97 calories per ounce. If you like flavorful beverages, this mixer won’t let you down since you can modify the ingredients to make the drink more sugary. However, before you make any adjustments, always consider the calorie count.

Serving Suggestions

If you’re going to make healthy mixers in your home before a party, try to select delicious options that will please your guests. Fruity, frozen drinks and various wines are great options for small gatherings and luncheons.

The amount of drink that you should serve will depend on the time of the day and the party theme. If everyone will attend the party at night, you can prepare and serve plenty of beverages. A great host, however, always creates a starting point so that each guest can enjoy all aspects of a party. During the first hour, all guests should get two drinks. Later, each individual should get one drink every hour until the end of the party. This formula works well during parties that have 12 guests or less.

Important Advice

When your party is over, you’ll probably have a few bottles of alcohol that are half full. If you store everything correctly, you won’t have to toss various alcoholic beverages in the trash.

After a bottle of alcohol is opened, the liquid slowly evaporates. When this process happens continuously, the favor of the beverage will be affected. This is why you may want to buy products that can seal all of your bottles efficiently.

Healthy party beverages are worth buying, but you must practice wise drinking habits since most mixers have a lot of sugar. Over time, many bartenders will develop new healthy alcohol mixers because their customers have discussions often on social media.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Do Not Disturb: Pampering in Progress

We just had our 13th year Wedding Anniversary a week ago and I couldn't be more happier  with this guy who still gives me butterflies to my stomach everytime.  I know that sounds  cheesy but it's true and I am not shy to tell the world that.  He makes me smile and laugh all the time and I love him  very much for that!
 So on the day of our anniversary, I was very happy that he took a day off, I thought that was very sweet.  I have been bugging him to goo to the doctor and have his skin lump checked and he has been putting it off.  I am glad he  scheduled one on our anniversary so that's what he did in the morning.  The doctor was worried about the lump  growing on his skin so he was advised to go to a specialist.  He had his blood work done but we have yet to get the result.  I hope and pray that it's nothing serious.
I was gonna cook at home but he suggested that we check out this Thai and Japanese restaurant  called Papaya out in Robinson Mall area. So after his doctor's appointment, we head out to the place and it was already 2:30 at that time.  When we arrived,  they just closed and won't be opened  again  till an hour after.  Such a disappointment!  We drove all the way there but  only to find them close, ugh.  We did not wait  because our son had a football game later that day so we just went to another restaurant to eat.
These two kept us entertained while we waited for our food.
I was already stressed out because we didn't have much time to eat and drive back home for our son's game.  I tend to mess my hair when I am stressed out  and it is evident on the photo. 
Watching the  football game with  our son's team relaxed us a bit.  I am glad that I have this Beauty Box 5 to have a little me-time time after a  long day.  The August box contained Retinol spa treatment mask which was my favorite.  It  also includes  hair ties which is perfect for my long hair, an olive natural  beauty elixir that is perfect for my skin, a hot oil therapy treatment, and facial exfoliating brush.  I don't exfoliate that often but glad to have this brush.
So that night, I put the sign Do Not Disturb: Pampering in Progress on my door and I had my 10-20 minutes me-time pampering my skin and hair.
BeautyBox5 is really a good subscription if you want to try  5 different products every month.  I love trying new product especially for my hair and skin.  I hope they include some  type of new perfume  next month or lotion that I haven't tried yet.  

Disclosure:   The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review. I was provided with the product/s mentioned to help me facilitate this review but opinions are my own.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

13 Years and Counting #LOVE #Marriage #WeddingAnniversary

"As lace signifies refined beauty and elegance, so a marriage of thirteen years exemplifies polished and perfected love.  The passage of time has created a delicate but strong object of beauty."

Our marriage is not  flawless nor perfect but I can say that it becomes stronger and stronger  as years passes by.  Some people have  predicted that we won't last long but here we are, we have known each other for 14 and married for 13 years.
We are so different in so many ways but we somehow work together so well. Here are 13 things that we are so different.

1. He is opinionated, I am not..
When it comes to certain topics like politics, he voice his opinion of what he believes in and I like it because I am not into politics but he gives me plenty of ideas.  Being a former military guy, he always based his  opinion on facts so you can't really argue  with him about it.  Politics is something that his family don't really talk about because they often clash.
2.  He is a talker, I am not
What I love him being a talker is that, he doesn't just talk of nonsense, everything that he talks about  make  sense.  I am a very good listener so I love when I can learn  things from somebody who love to talk like my husband.  

3.  He is a spender , I am a saver.  He love to shop more than I do.  What I love about it is that, he can shop but he always asks my permission  about things that  he wants to buy before purchasing it.    When I was single, I live off of what I can afford, I never had a single credit card but that chanfed when I came here.   I don't like having debts as it stresses me out.  I remember when I firt got here in the US, his credit card debts is almost 14 thousand and it made me worried.   So I straightened out our finances and within a year, we paid off his  14k credit card debt.  

4.  He is a planner, I am not.    When it comes to doing trips and vacations, I always  rely on him  to do that.  He is really good in finding deals and setting up things. I do the packing and prepare all the things that we need for the trip.

5.  I love  fish, he  doesn't.  But he loves sushi  and I don't!  Wheneer  I cook fish at home, he is not  into it although he etas what I cook lol.    When we dine out though, he always  eats sushi and I have nothing to do with it.

6.  I love to  organize, he does  not.  It doesn't bother him if the house is messy but it drives me crazy.  I want things in order so when things are at mess, my brain is scattered all over the place and I can't work like that.  

7.  He is a generous gifter, I am more practical.  When I give gifts, I always  think of practical ways of what the  person needs but he loves to spend on expensive stuff.  I grew up without any  fancy stuff so it doesn't really matter what I receive as a gift.  He made me realized that over here it's different.  

8.  He tend to have MaƱana Habits, I love doing things "Right now".
Whenever I want to  do things, I want to do it right away because if you put it to the next day, chances are you'll forget it.  He drives him crazy  sometimes but it makes  the things needed to be done, DONE right away.  
9.  He loves to drivem I do NOT!  When we go on a roadtrip, I feel bad for him because he does all the driving.  I have no desire in driving.  I feel like the world is a better place if I don't drive so I would love that to stay that way.  I know it is necessary as we have kids but as long as I can avoid it, I would.  My driver's license is only used for identification purposes.  I love that he respect my decision about it.
10.  He is a big Kid at Heart, I am on the Serious side  .  He loves to play with kids and I love that about him.  I am more laid back and  love to do serious stuff with the kids.  
11.  I love to cook, he does not.
My love for cooking did not start until I met him.  When I was single, I never liked to cook.  I usually buy  ready-to-eat food  because I was just living by myself.  My husband love to eat so when I met him, I thought of  learning how to cook  because my Mom used to tell me that  my husband wouldn't like it if I can't cook.  Now, I love cooking for  my kids and my husband.  He is not fond of cooking.  Although once in a while, he offers to make breakfast for us.  
12.  He love to bake, I do NOT!  
Baking is not my forte, although I bake  sometimes but I don't love it.  I think that has something to do with what we had  growing up.  We didn't have oven at our home, the very first time I  experienced baking was when I was in high school because it was one of the majors to choose from when you reach 3rd year.  I  would have loved to choose dress making but I couldn't afford to buy materials so I chose food trades as  we  do contribution for every  meal we cook or bake.   My husband on the other hand love to bake, I am so glad my daughter  got my husband's interest in baking.
13.  He love SWEETS and SALT!   Me, not so much.
When it comes to sweet, he doesn't say NO.  That's his biggest downfall in maintaining  weight (or losing).  I  can eat sweets but not too much.  My level of salt is low but  his is pretty high.

Well, that sums  up our 13th year for now.  Our differences  is what makes our relationship stronger.  Here's to more years of  love and happiness!  May God gives us both a long and healthy lives to enjoy our future grandkids.  

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Woods Of Oklahoma is a Perfect Place For Your Summer Vacation

If you have been searching for the perfect spot to plan your summer vacation, the woods of Oklahoma would like a word with you. Have you been longing to get out of the city and back out into the pure, clean air of the country? Have you been searching for a place to rest easy for a while, free from the tedious chores of your busy work day? Maybe you've just been longing for a taste of the quiet, serene life that only the countryside enjoys.

Getting Out To The Country Is Easier Than You May Think 

One of the main reasons why you have been putting off a trip out to the Oklahoma woods is probably your concern over spending too much money. What's the point of spending all of your budget on the lodging arrangements, then realizing too late that you have almost nothing left to enjoy yourself with while you're there? This is why local companies, such as Beavers Bend Log Cabins among many others, have done their best to keep costs down. This way, the maximum number of campers can enjoy themselves in the woods, guaranteeing a profitable season for all parties concerned.

Getting Back To Nature Doesn't Mean Blowing Your Budget

As noted above, there are plenty of cost effective ways to have a fantastic time in the Beavers Bend region. You can spend your days camping, fishing, kayaking, hiking, or just curling up by the fire and relaxing. The woods of Oklahoma are a haven for weary people who need to reconnect with nature for a time to get their balance back.

It's A Great Idea To Spend Time Out In The Woods 

It's always an excellent idea to spend quality time out in the woods. Whether you're enjoying the benefits of Beavers Bend cabin lodging or roughing it in a pup tent, the pristine night air and peaceful surroundings are sure to have a beneficial effect on you and your loved ones. There's a special quality about the woods near Beavers Bend that is able to take away your mundane worries and cares and replace them with a feeling of deep peace and restfulness. If it's been too long since you had that feeling, you know where to go to get it back, and there is no better time than now.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Latest Diet Crazes That Have Everyone Talking

Diets can be the topic of conversation amongst many of us these days. From the latest craze to the miraculous results. We all want to look our very best. Sometimes that means wanting to lose excessive weight. It can in fact be a great thing for our health to get back to an ideal weight. Which is why I thought it would be good to explore some of the latest crazes around. Maybe it might inspire you to give one of them a try.

The juicing diet

Juicing has increased in popularity over the years. Once seen as a way to detox the body before dieting it has fast become a diet in itself. With many people like Jason Vale releasing books claiming you can lose seven pounds in seven days. It’s a great way to detox your body, but is it something that can be sustained?

The blood type diet

This is a very personalised diet based on your blood type. Each blood type has foods that are great for them, and some that are not so good. This is because blood groups are developed over time and evolution has a big role. Which is why eating can be different according to your blood type. As an example, blood type O does well on a meat centred diet. This is because this is the Blood type O is the oldest blood group. Blood type A suits a more vegetarian based diet where as blood type B consumes dairy better than the others. It’s one of those crazes that has took the whole world by storm. It’s actually been pioneered for some time, but has gained in popularity recently.

Taking supplements to aid weight loss

Taking supplements has been a way many people have lost weight over the years. New crazes become popular all the time. The latest supplement being the best and so on. There has been things like Raspberry Ketone and Garcinia Cambogia. All of which are natural products that are designed to aid weight loss along with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. If you are unsure you could do some research as to what the best ones are. There are reviews on garcinia cambogia online that could help with any questions you may have.

Paleo diet

The paleo diet is gaining momentum each month and is becoming a preferred way to diet. It focuses on the eating habits of our ancestors. So eating grass fed meats and whole foods. The diet supports you eating the food , which is high in protein, teaming it with high intensity workouts to get the desired effect.

Clean eating

Clean eating is one of those things that has advanced throughout the years. Eating clean means that you are getting your food from the source. So your vegetables are straight from the vegetable patch, your meat is straight from the farm. It means eating food with little or no intervention from source to mouth.

There are some amazing crazes out there, which one are you going to try?