Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Microfiber Towels and Flip Flop from Aurarae #ProductReview

Now that winter is in full force, I am back to  doing my  workout indoors.  I don't go to the gym  so I just use my   fitness stuff at home including  treadmill, core ball, yoga, pilates, jump rope, and  hula hoops.  
Hubby and I are continuing our fitness goals that we started a couple of years ago.  We are not getting any younger so staying  healthy is our main priority.  We want to be around  with our kids and possibly see our grand kids.   Below are just some photos I post on  Instagram.   

So far, we are doing good.  It's not a rigorous  exercise regimen,  even little   activities is fine as long as we  keep moving and  stay active.  
Anyway, I got this Women’s Yoga Mat Flip Flop from Aurorae and I am loving it. It became my favorite slip on footwear that I regularly wear around the house.   I love how  invigorating  this flip flop  feels in your feet when you walk.  Auraorae's flip flop is made  from  real EVA Foam yoga mats and are available in many of their  Aurorae yoga mat colors.  They  are eco safe and free from toxins which is great so you don't have to  worry about it.
This is so soft that it  provided my feet comfort.  I hurt my left foot  before New Year when I was organizing my son's  toys.  I accidentally dropped  one of his big trucks on my foot and it immediately bulged up.  The next day, my whole foot was all bruised.  I think I  had a n internal bleeding, as you can see it is still  bruised when I took this photo a couple of weeks after it happened.
It didn't bother me  during the first week but on the second week, it  was painful.  I still can't  bend my toes  for now but it is getting better.  Hubby said it might have been the cause when  I fainted while I was doing my exercise and feel on my knees.  I didn't even feel  it came, it was  so sudden.  I don't remember falling, the only thing I remember when I opened my eyes was  my two dogs licking my face as they always stand  by me when I am at the basement  working out.  My husband wanted me to go to the doctor but I am fine.  My knees hurts and all bruised up but I think I will be fine.  Having said that, my #1MileaDay goal was put on a hat for now.
A photo posted by rose (@chubskulitrose) on

Photos below were taken before I hurt my knees.  For now, all I can do is hula hoops and  some arm exercises.
Working out at home is  convenient, the only downside of it is  lack of  motivation sometimes.  I sometimes tell myself that I would do my work out later on which is a big mistake because when you do it later in the day, you are already tired so you don't do as much. 
I prefer doing it in the morning before  doing my online tasks because my energy is still full.
It has been  a while since I did yoga so it feels so good to be able to do it again.  Planking is a good exercise too.
Anyway, aside from the flip flop, I also got this swim towel from Aurorae.  It is super absorbent and  lightweight.  I brought it during our  Kalahari adventure last weekend.  This towel  will be great whether you plan to stroll on a beach, linger poolside, picnic at the lake or sail off shore.  Aurorae's towels are  over sized yet compact which I really like.  It is available in  many colors such as Bermuda Sands, Caribbean Breeze, Cayman Island Coral, Fiji Sunset, Kauai Coast,   Pacific Twilight, and  Sanibel Sunrise.  Mine is the Mediterranean seas color.
Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.


  1. That's kind of scary that you fainted! I'm glad that you are OK though. Those flip-flops or something that I've been looking for. I used to have similar ones and they were so comfortable.

  2. Wow, you are really serious in keeping fit. Those stretches would hurt me! I have heard a lot of benefits of doing yoga but I dont think my body would stretch that far!

  3. Oh, your poor feet! That brings new meaning to "no pain, no gain." Yikes!

  4. Great job on working towards your goals! I really want to try those yoga mat flip flops they look so soft!

  5. Ouch! That is really early in the year for a first injury. You are rocking the fit routine though so keep going - good luck and be careful!

  6. They have awesome products! I've worked with them in the past as well.

    Sorry to hear about your injury! That looks painful : (! Keep up the good work, though!

  7. I think it's amazing that you are sticking to your goals. I wish I could set and keep goals. Don't overdo it though, fainting spells are pretty scary. What if you had been in the tub or driving or something? Yikes, you might want to talk to your doctor.

  8. Ah that truck must have hurt! Those flip flops definitely sound comfortable though. I like having a pair of comfy flip flops for home.

  9. Those flip-flops look co comfortable. We all need to be careful with injuries. It’s never easy to recover.

  10. OMG - I hope you are okay! Looks like your knees took a beating!

  11. I've worked with them in the past as well and have loved their products. I am currently in PT for my rare form of arthritis and my therapist has me doing several of the exercises you are doing above for core strengthening. You do them much better though, keep it up!

  12. Wow look at you! Yoga is one of my favorite forms of working out. You seem to do great at it! That swimming pool looks super fun! My daughter would love that!

  13. I am sorry about the injury, but you are doing a great job. You look so fit.

  14. Yoga is one of my wife favorite form of exercising. Looks their products have a good quality! She will surely like that.

  15. Injuries are what has set me back in my yoga progression. It's nice to see that you found a product that helps maintain form and not slip.

  16. I just started Hula Hooping this year. It has been a fun way to exercise. I love the look of these flip flops. They look so comfortable.

  17. I really adore a good soft pair of supportive flip flops!

  18. Great stuff for exercising! I love the flip flops and they look really comfortable!

  19. Awesome to see you so dedicated to working out. I'd get that fainting spell checked out.

  20. You've been killing your fitness goals! It can be tough to stay motivated to work out at home. I like working out in the morning too and having that energy for the day.

  21. I am so sorry that you fainted, but I would definitely go to the doctor just to get checked out. I REALLY need that towel! I take a few water aerobics classes at the gym, and their towels are not very absorbent!

  22. I'm sorry you fainted! I'm glad you are able to do yoga again, it's so good for your mind, body and soul.

  23. sorry you fainted. You are so good with yoga poses. I try to stay motivated this year, do a little exercise at home


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