Saturday, October 31, 2015

Little Black Dress from a Friend

A friend of mine, gave  me tis Abody little black dress for my birthday a couple of years ago.  I love that it fit me perfectly except on the belly area.  It showcase my  belly fat but other than that, I love this dress.
Losing the belly fat is really hard.  I have been doing  planks, some sit ups, and other  things but I feel like this unwanted fat is  here to stay.  I wish I could discipline myself to do the work out regularly though.  Sometimes, the laziness in me kicks in and I told myself, oh well, I am not the only one with  this kind of problem.  Then when I look at myself in the mirror, I don't like what I see.  I think the solution to this is to  look at myself in the mirror  in order to motivate myself to work out regularly lol, the problem is, I don't like looking in the mirror.
I am just happy that I am healthy.  Even with bulging belly, I am blessed  and fortunate enough to have a comfortable life.  I just need to work on  self confidence a little bit more.
My goal is to keep my active lifestyle.  I sometimes fall on eating not-so-healthy food so I have to work on that as well, to not  to give up on temptation like eating donuts and pizza.  I just can't help it  when  I see my lovelies eating them lol.
This Fall, I promise to keep going on what I have started  this year.  I don't want to  use the cold weather as an excuse for not  working out.  So far, I am  doing okay but I know I can do  so much better of what I am doing now.  I just need  extra motivation.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Health Benefits of Rock Climbing

Rock climbing has long been regarded as the sort of pastime you undertake when you’re young, carefree and blissfully ignorant of your own limitations, much like bungee jumping, sky diving, or voting for the Green Party. You don’t do it for the practical benefits, you do it for the rush, the freedom and because you can just imagine the looks of your parents’ faces if they could see what you were doing!

Or is it just that to it, after all?

In actuality, rock climbing does have many benefits not just to your self-esteem and sense of free-spirited adventure, but also many health benefits too. In hindsight, this may be obvious. Rock climbing involves every muscle in your body to fulfil a very physically demanding task. But what are the benefits exactly?

Stronger Muscles, Stronger Heart
A common misconception about rock climbing is that it’s all in the upper-body and that it all requires is some strong arms and shoulders. This is actually only partially true. Getting up a boulder or cliff face does require a good deal of strength in the shoulders, but equally important are strong legs, careful balance and lean muscles. You’ll have a lot harder time climbing up a wall if you had 300lbs of muscle compared to 220lbs. Indeed, you can expect to see improvements in:
  • Your arms and shoulders
  • Your thighs
  • Back and neck
  • Forearms
  • And your heart – don’t forget that’s a muscle too.
As mentioned above, rock climbing is a very physically demanding exercise that utilises pretty much every area of your body. Even your fingers and toes will get a work out from having to grip and find purchase on a variety of different surfaces. The body becomes stronger, more durable and able to take on more punishment than ever before too long.

Not only does it build strength, but it also builds agility flexibility. As all the movement is very natural and free formed, as opposed to the more rigid and repeated exercises you may undergo in a gym, your body builds strength while also being moved around in a variety of ways. This stretches out the muscles, allowing for a greater range of movement than would otherwise be possible. A rock climber can be just as strong as a weight-lifter while still being able to easily move any part of their body.

Likewise, stamina also improves immensely. Again, every muscle is utilised when climbing, so the workout can be very exhausting. Your cardiovascular system can quickly see its performance improved several times over, allowing for longer, more difficult climbs with less exertion.

The Mind and Spirit
As well as physical health benefits, you can also see less obvious improvements after taking the time to learn rock climbing. Perhaps among the first things noticed is improved confidence. When you can climb up a cliff face like a set of stairs, you’ll quickly learn you can do anything if you set your mind to it. In addition, you’ll also be a lot calmer and more focused as all exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improving your mental well-being and by extension your physical well-being as well.
Your brain will also receive a workout as the activity frequently involves problem solving, working out effective strategies and constantly calculating distances and times. It also demands focus, clarity and constantly thinking only of the task in hand, in many ways a mind-state similar to meditation. The mental benefits that can be gleaned from rock climbing are among the most overlooked, but can also provide the most overall benefit to a climber’s lifestyle and outlook.

Perhaps another overlooked benefit is the ability to teach people to overcome fear and doubt. A fear of heights is quite natural – falling from them can really hurt, after all. However, even those with a fear of heights can undertake rock climbing, and indeed many would say that the mindset is highly beneficial. It means you respect the dangers of the sport and are more likely to take the extra precautions when undergoing it, while taking fewer risks. Eventually, the more you climb, the easier it is for individuals to start driving through their fear and undertaking greater challenges and, through them, greater rewards.

Healthy benefits occur, whether you’re a beginner practicing indoors at a facility or out conquering the great outdoors. Though, if you are climbing up and repelling down big rocks outside, be sure that you don’t leave without bringing all the proper gear. You can store everything in a light-weight, waterproof bag, like the ones Adventure Lion offers, for easy carrying.

Christian Mills is a man who seeks adventure and is always up for thrills. He enjoys the outdoors and shares his experiences and tips into outdoorsports and their benefits. If you would like to learn more about Christian, you can check out his Google+ profile. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pinktober with #BeautyBox5 #ProductReview

October is breast cancer  awareness month and a lot of company are promoting it through their product.  Although this month's Beauty Box 5  products are not breast-cancer awareness rlated,, I am happy that they  are all in pink.  Pink makes me happy.  It rewminds me of the sweet times when my daughter was still little where color pink is very dominant.  Now that she is  older, she is not much of a pink-lover or mybke she never did  like pink  but she did not have a choice because that was my preference lol.  But anyway, on a serious note, I really love this box.  Everything in it is just too cute and pretty in PINK!
I don't really wear make up  but love this Phink Rhinestone Kabuki Brush.  It is so dainty and  pretty.  The last time I had this type of makeup brush, my daughter used it for painting whch I did not mind because I don't use it anyway.  I will  keep this one though because she can use it  when she start  exploring with make up and stuff but she probably would end up  like me, not wearing make up at all.  It was their picture day at school yesterday and she told me that most of her classmates had make up on.  She told me, she doesn't have time for it (she sound like me!).
Both daughter and I have long hair so these hair ties will be in use for sure.  I offered to do her hair yesterday for the picture day but she didn't want me too.  Sometimes, I miss the  liittle baby I had where I can doll up and I don't hear any resistance at all.  Now she wants to do  everything on her own, sigh.  Okay, back to these knotty hair ties.  These prevent snags, breakage, and the dreaded "ponytail dent".
Now this HappyFace Makeup Cleansing cloth is very soft.  I don't wear make uop but I do get  oily face once in a while when I am out so this ould be  to hoave in my purse.  You can just go to the restroom and freshen up using this cloth.  
This would also be perfect for the delicate skin of babies.
This perfect pout long lasting balm stick  have smooth formulas and highly pigmented color that truly last.
The last but not the least is this  mini bottle of the Nubar nail polish
I love it when there's nail polish included in a box because I get the chance to paint my nails lol.  The nail polish dry very fast but it is super thin, it took  give  coating before I attained the right  thickness that I like.
I mean, who wouldn't need a little PINK me uop right?  I am really satisgied of their Pinktober  box!    For those who love  cosmetics,  you may want to check out BeautyBox5, they really do have  pretty selection of five products every month.
Disclosure: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the products mentioned  in exchange of my honest  opinion which may differ from yours. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Being a Work-At-Home-Mom

I am glad that my computer desk has  one of these keyboard slides because it makes it easier for me to slide it away when not in use, it saves space.  We have two computer desk at home but I love this one that I am using because of the keyboard slide.  The other one is bigger but  you have to put your keyboard on top.  Being a work at home Mom i-s really a blessing.  I get to be with my kids most of the times and it gives me opportunitues  to earn income without leaving my home.  It is not the best earning  opportunity but it  does gives me the flexibility to work anytime I want.  It gives me ample time to bond with my kiddos.