Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fall on Fleek: #BeautyBox5 September Edition #Review

I can't believe that September is almost over, time   just flew  by.  This month's edition of Beauty Box 5 is about Fall.  It includes Shimmer Powder in Snowflakes, Eye Crayon, Sincerely Mini Roller, Lemon Rinse Gentle Clarifying Treatment, and Tints and Sass Lip and Cheek Stain.
 I have tried this Bellapierre in a different hue before and thought it's a fun thing to use to create a  dramtic  look in your eye.  I actually used it when my daughter had the recital.  This shummer powder in snowflake  is a good one too.
 This Elizabeth Mott's Lip and Cheek stain is fun for a quick fix.  It's a tiny bottleand it is made in Korea which reminds me of our great  stay in the saud country.  I used this last Sunday and my daughter was like "Ohh.."
 Now ud you want to be abombshell, this cosmetic eye crayon  might be perfect for you. You can use this along your upper and lower lashline to create smoky smudged effect.
 I am a perfume kind of woman so this Harvey Prince  Sincerely mini roller  was a real treat for me.  The scent is very mild and it last all day!
Now that summer has gone bye-bye, it's time to restore  the damage that  intense heat from the sun did to our hair.  I love this  Beautiful Nutrition Lemon Rinse Gentle clarifyung treatment.  I used it  last Sunday and it made my hair shiny.
I am not sure if you can see it but this is the day I used  them all.  
Disclosure: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the products mentioned  in exchange of my honest  opinion which may differ from yours. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Filipino Martyrs Celebration

The Filipino Martyrs was celebrated last Saturday, September the 19th at St. Joseph Gymnasium.   There was also a mas  at the church but we did not attend it because I was asked by a friend to help her in the  food setting at the school.   The kids  have participated into the school choir and sung a couple of songs  during diner time.  
I went to school earlier  because we had to prepare/arrange the food into place before the mas   finishes. 
My daughter came  with me . I am sure that she was bored to death while waiting for her friends. U am glad she went with me because she got to watch my  bag and t she got to reserve a table for us.
The whole gymnasium was filled with tables and chairs for guests and parishioners to sit and eat.
I took  these photos  by Madonna High School while waiting for them to leave since  we were pushing carts of food going to the   St. Joe's building.
I missed to watch the kids performed as I was back in the  hallway, serving food. Glad hubby took some photos.
We did not  stay very long after dinner was over  because the kids had to serve   at the morning mas he next day. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Loose Knit Long Sleeve Top

I bought this Loose Knit long sleeve top with slit at the back in lemon color for  $5.99 online.  I finally wore it last Sunday when we attended the mass at church.  My husband  said it looks good but my daughter did not liked it.  I wore it anyway fdpite my daughter's objection, lol. I paired it with the white Levi's jeans that I also got on sale last year for $14.99.  Yellow and red are two of my favorite colors.  Thanks to my husband for snapping the pics.  
 Anyhow, later that day.  We went to an open house by the Pennsylvania Avenue and was amazed of how  a plain-looking house on the outside could be so great inside.  We love all the high end stuff that they put in there.  I love this chandelier that they put in the master bedroom, couldn't help but take a picture of it.
 We all loved the sun porch whih is huge and it also has a wrap-around deck.
 I love the it over-look a  hill  which would be beautiful in the Fall but I don't like it that most of its land is going down hill which is a bummer.  
 I am not showcasing the lampshade on this picture but the saying on the wall.  I know you can relate, dotcha?
 My son's favorite prt is the  basement.  It is equipped with pool table, dart, and other  games.
It also has a jacuzzi at the back which is nice but for me, I prefer a pool more than a jacuzzi. This house  is beautiful inside but the location is right by a main road which is a  minus for my preference  of location.  
 These photos were taken at the  downhill backyard.  There is a  pond  but we couldn't see it since they did not clear  all the  weeds  around it.
 Ut's funny when we look at houses, our kids  immediately plans on what they will do if they like the house.  They were both saying for us to buy the house because they love what's inside.  The owner is leaving all the  wall-mounted TV and a[ppliances and  most of their furnitures are negotiable as well. This would be great to buy except I don't like where it's at.
 My husband is a compulsive buyer  sp everytime he  sees something that he likes, he would like to buy it.  I on the other hand always weighs the pros and cons.  

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nature at Its Best

On school break, my kids goes to the piano teacher's house instead  of going to the  Music place where they normally take their lessons.  I love going to their piano teacher's house because they have a huge  yard and it's adjacent to the wood so we get to  walk around and enjoy the nature.  I decided to bring my camera one day so we could take pictures.  
 My son usually goes first  so my daughter  and I  walk around and see some wild animals.   Turkey, deer, squirrel, chipmunks, and beautiful  birds are  just some of the beautiful wild animals that we see out there.
 If I would be given a choice, my ideal home would be in the middle of nowhere with a lot of land.  I can see myself  planting fruits and trees around the property and   make me a big garden for vegetables.
 When you have kids, loving close to the  woods is advantageous because  kids can learn so much.  We found this tree with a lot of bark  mushrooms growing in it.  They asked me what its called and luckily, I have my phone with me and we googled it since I wasn't sure.   These bark mushrooms according to SFGates:

Typically grow in the form of conk.  These are also called a bract or shelf. Although some varieties of bark mushrooms are harmless, some cause what is called white rot, and some cause the more serious brown rot. A few mushrooms that grow on bark are edible, but most are not. Bark mushrooms most often grow in cool, rainy coastal areas and on the shady, north side of trees.
 I remember when I was a kid, my father would bring us in the woods and we would pick some mushrooms and  he would cook it.  They were the best mushrooms that I have ever eaten.
 Going to the woods with my kids   helps me reminisce my childhood.  We didn't have fancy toys but our childhood was great.
 I am so glad that my children love outdoors  just like my husband and I.  I wish we could afford  to buy a  house with a huge land  so they will have plenty of space to explore.
 Speaking of   houses, we recently looked at one property  over in Angeline Homes.  It's the area where  well-to-do family lives.  We  made an offer to it even though the house was small because it has a big backyard (1.2 acres).  The owner however don't  want to come down to his set price so we  let it go.
 I mean, we love the location and the  big backyard but the fact that the house was smaller than our current one made us  backed down as well.  It's not really worth it.
 The interest rates for  housing loan is suppose to  increase in the next few months so we were trying to   get a property  while   the interest is still low.  Unfortunately, the owner of the  property that we liked did not  accept our offer so we are stuck here.
 I don't really mind living in our current house because it is in the middle of everything.  In fact, I thought for sure that this would be our  retirement home when the kids are  older.  It was  our plan until  the other side of the street is getting filled with renters.  Ever since, the renters  flocked in, we have seen  cops \many times here and that made us  think of changing our plans.
I told my husband that we will be staying here for now because its beneficial for us since it is near  the school and we could just walk.  
Time will come, we will get the house that we really liked.