Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lilla Rose Flexi Clip

A couple of years ago, I had one of the Lilla Rose's Flexi clips.  My daughter love the  Spring bouquet design that I chose for her long hair. She still uses it with her long and thick hair.   I usually  put this on her hair during recitals, it is a very beautiful hair accessory  to have if you have a long hair.
I am glad to have another  flexi clip and this time, it is for my hair.  So now, we both have  our own  flexi clips from Lilla Rose and we love sporting it when dressing up on Sundays for church.
I chose this Daisy flower design as I have  bought a top that has a similar color to this so it would be perfect to  accessorise my hair when I wear it.  One flexi clip like this cost $16 which seem a little expensive but I guarantee that you will get the worth of every dime you spent on this one as they are well made with high quality materials.  
I love how summer it is and it's fun to  wear it as an added color  especially if you are wearing a black color outfit.
When ordering, the sizing is SO important so make  sure to watch sizing and styling video guide so you can buy the perfect size  size for the style that  you'd like to do and  be completely happy with your flexi.  But if by chance ordered  the wrong size, Lilla Rose will gladly exchange their flexi for free within 90 days. There is also a one-year guarantee on defective items.
All NEW customers will receive a FREE flexi when you  spend $40 or more!  Offer valid for U.S. customers only and expires 30 days from date of the purchase. Customer's choice of item up to $16 in value.  This offer is from Rebekah's website, my contact so if you buy and qualify for the  free item, contact her from her website.
Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why Getting a Dog Could Be Wonderful for Your Family

If you have children, and a busy household, you may wonder whether adding a pet into the mix may just make things even more hectic. However, getting a dog can really help your family bond and pull together, as well as giving your children a fun new playmate they can spend time with, and form happy memories with that will last a lifetime.
If your kids have been pestering you to let them have a dog, here are some of the reasons why bringing home a puppy could be a great idea!

Dogs Are Great Company

If you find your child or children need constant attention and will never seem to just play quietly on their own, a dog can give them some company and may well stop them hassling you when you are trying to get things done! A dog can be a really good friend for a child, especially for older children who can take the dog out with them when they go out by themselves to the shops or to the park. A dog can also be great company for you – when the kids are in bed you can hang out with your new pet and relax!

Looking After a Pet Teaches Kids Responsibility

Children can learn a lot from owning a dog. As well as learning about how to treat animals with respect, they can also learn how to take care of an animal that needs regular feeding, exercise and grooming. Depending on how old your child is, they can have different levels of responsibility for looking after the dog, with older children able to walk the dog by themselves, bath him and feed him, and younger kids learning by helping with these things. Puppies can offer an even better learning experience, as your child can see what goes into training a dog to be a good pet, and will learn all about animal psychology and how the way that you reward your pet affects his behavior.

A Dog Means More Exercise for All the Family!

Whether you get a rescue dog or a dog of a breed you choose from a breeder you can find on sites like your pet will need lots of exercise – some breeds of dog need to run or walk for miles every day (though if you let them off the leash to run around you don't necessarily have to cover the same distance yourself!). This will mean that your family will have a reason to stay active in all seasons, and will not be able to skip on exercise just because they don't feel like it – after all, the dog needs it!

Getting a dog can help your family stay healthy and in shape, can teach your kids all kinds of things, and can also make for a great companion that will always be there for you. Why not talk with your family about getting a puppy or an older dog now?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer Night Out with #BeautyBox5 July Box Edition

This month's Beauty Box 5 is perfect for those who love to do Summer NIght Out.  I don't go out or do any night out  escapades anymore ever since I became a wife and Mom.  But it doesn't mean that I  don't like the products that was sent to me, in fact, I love all of them.  The box this month have  lip gloss, lip liner, nail polish, love life skin care collection,  and flash tattoos.
I love both of the OFRA products, the lip gloss and lip liner.  The Mauve lip liner is perfect for the natural lup gloss color.  You can make your pout stand out with just one swipe of the lip gloss.  The lip liner can last  all night long.

This love life skin collection is new one to try for me.  I have never tried this before so it wasd a really nice experience.  It has an ultra soothing effect after you use it.  This line of producct was first created  to help chemotherapy patient's sensitive  skin remover to give their skin an extra glow.  
I don't really use any kind of tattoo arts but I know  somebody that could put this to use.  This would really  add a flare  when you go for a night out.
I love Nanacoco's nail polishes, their colors are vibrant and  I love the fact that they dry very fast.  Please don't mind how messy I did  this  manucure lol. I am not good in painting nails but I sure love the color.
Disclosure: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the products mentioned  in exchange of my honest  opinion which may differ from yours. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Playing Tennis at Marland Heights Tennis Court

We went to the tennis court in Marland Heights last Saturday, the new sports that these have been playing lately in the backyard is volleyball and tennis.  Tennis is such a  good sport to play if you want to burn some good aount of calories.  With  lots of running around catching and hitting the ball, you will sweat in no time.
 Sometimes I wish my kids are not so competitive because they forget how to have fun when playing.  When one is doing great, the other is upset, sigh.
 Hubby and I are  planning to  enrol them in a tennis summer camp next year.  Maybe they will develop their sportsmanship when playing with other people except themselves.
 Hubby and I played a   game and he crushed me lol.  I love it though because I get to this  laughing mode when I play so aside from having fun, I get to  laugh a lot!
It was hot last Saturday so I brought some watermelon
We have been practicing in the church  parking lot, just hitting the ball back and forth.  We  might  go to Starvaggi park this weekend to use the  tennis court there.  I am also lookong for  smaller rackets that   the kids can use as the ones we have are big for their hands and arms.  Any recommendation?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

#ItWorks .. Trying to be a Mompreneur or Wrapreneur

I have been seeing amazing results of  people over Instagram and Facebook about the crazy wrap thing  from ItWorks so I got curious.  I am a stay at home and I also do some online gigs which   helps  a little with our finances.  With two kids going to private school and the loans we have been trying to pay off, it is hard to budget  with one   steady income  coming to our budget.  So I have been trying different ways to help out a little by venturing into online opportunities.    ItWorks sounds promising so I took the plunge and here I am  becoming an independent distributor of this company.
Although I  signed up to be a distributor, I didn't really want to  promote it  right away  because I wanted to try the product myself.  I am a firm believer that I must see for myself first if it works or not before I  try to sell or promote something.  So I signed up and paid for my business kit and waited for it to arrive.
The kit includes one roll of fab wrap (green), one box of  Ultimate body applicator (wraps), a pack of defining gel, and other things hat I need to know and tool that I could use to start the business.  Reading  the T&C, I have some concerns such as paying monthly $20 plus tax on using the esuite website (domains for my  blogs only cost $10 a month but ItWorks is  expensive!), shipping  is very slow, and I am not good in convincing people so I probably won't get any commision lol.
As a distributor, you get to enjoy perks and  bonuses as you build uo your clientele.  There are   successful individuals who have been in the company forquite a while and their bonuses are quite  impressive, from cruises to  thousands of cash.  Who wouldn't want a freedom and flexibility in doing your job right?  But just like anything else, it involves money and time.  It's a littlehard  to start but I do believe I will get there.
So this product that I have is  just some of the many products that you can  buy.  This Fab wrap  is a soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic.  This fab wtap ensures the ultimate body applicator fits flush to your skin.  This helps to tighten, tone, and firm the part of your body that is being applied with the  wrap.
This defining gel is a a body contouring gel.  This enhances the tightening, toning, and girming result.  This deep moisturizing gel helps fight the appearance  of cellulite and improves skin texture.
The Ultimate Body Applicator is a body contouring  wrap that includes  4 applications.  You can see ultimate tightening, toning and firming results whereveryou need them most in as little as  45 minutes and progressive results over 72 hours.
The reason I want to try this crazy wrap thing is because of my mid-section   that  seems to be  hopeless  despite my active lifestyle.  Believe me, I have tried so many tricks, planking, sit ups, you name it.  I have to admit, I was skeptical with this product but seeing results from people makde me hopeful.  So here's the  mid-section part that I amtargeting to address with these wraps.  I took these photos so I can  track the progress (if there's any) before and after I use the wrap.
So here's how it looks like when you apply the wrap.  The smell is great, it resembles the smell of salonpas.  
As mentioned above, it  will only take 45 minutes  to stay in your body then you can remove it.  After you put the  UBA, ypu can   secure it with the fab wrap or you can use any body shaper that you have.  
Here's an illustration from the box.

Here is how my mid-section looks like before using the wrap.  
And here's after using the wrap.  What do you think?
NOTE:  I really want to see if this  works or not so during the time  that I was using the wrap, I did not do any physical workout.  I did not go for a walk or do anything that I was normally doing before this crazy wrap thing.  Of you want to check it out, you can look around at my site or email with questions at

Friday, July 10, 2015

Another 15K Journey We Did as a Family

Last Friday, July 3rd, we embarked on another 15k walk with our kiddos.  Now that they know they can endure the long walk, they kept asking us to do it again and so we did.  It wasn't plan, it was just an spontaneous thing.  We all  agreed to go for a walk after we ate brunch so we didn't leave until past 11 in the morning.  I has been raining here so we took advantage of that dry day even though it was a little hot.
 My daughter prepared  some drinks in her backpack before we left.  (NOTE to SELF:  I have to adjust the date of my camera, it is one day behind lol)
 We dropped by at this Little Critters store  that we have never been into before.  There we found so many beautiful  pets.  Our daughter has been wanting a guinea pig when our bunny died so we  said she can have one  for her birthday.  We didn't buy it yet but we are planning to go back there next week.
 I love that my kids are on board with physical  activities like this.  We are planning to  do a 5k run  in August so this is a great  practice for all of us.
 It's a great bonding for the two and for me and my husband.  They oftentimes  walk together and talk about their friends while hubby and I listens.  
 In dangerous parts, we do  separate into teams.  Hubby get  our son and I get my daughter with me.
 My daughter and I  always comes last because we love to  take photos lol.
 I need a new running shoes, my feet are getting sore from my old Therafit pair.  I have been using this for a couple of year so I think it is time for me to get a new one.
 Hydrating during the course of the walk is very important but the only issue is it makes you want to go to the bathroom, lol.
 Pretending to be a lottery winner, lol.
 Cruising by the City Hall area.
 This is what I like about doing cardio outdoors.  You get o go up or down.  It helps to make you agile.
 They thought this place is for them.  It is a nursery of one of the curches we passed by downtown.
 Okay, here is a muscle battle.  They were asking us whose guns is bigger, lol.  I think my son won, he does some push ups ponce in a while at home.  Passing football with hjis Dad also  help form his muscular arms.
Taking a short break in front of Mary H. Weir Library.  The kids wanted to go inside the  library to  get some cool  wind but we didn't have our  library card so we couldn't.
 A quick snapshot in front of  First Choice America.
 Going up Marland Hieghts, we asked the kids if they want to go to the trail instead of hiking up the Marland Heights Hill/road.  They chose the trail since they have never went that way yet.
 I am glad they chose to go that way because it was so hot already and the trees will give them some  relieve from over heating.
 My daughter is allergic to mosquito bites so we walked very fast climbing the trail.  That doesn't stop me however from snapping some photos of them.
 My son liked the photo of me holding this  tree up so he wanted one too.
 I was very surprised that he wanted me to take photos of him because that seldom happens.
 We came out the  Marland Heights Pool/Park.
 Almost halfway of our jpurney and they still find to smile.  Way to go kiddos!
 My father-on-law was in a great mood when we arrived at his house.  He kept telling us why are we torturing ourselves by walking, lol.  We were so glad he wasn't drunk when we got there.  
 After an hour or so of visiting Dad, we head back home.  My sister-in-law who came  to visit Dad offered us a ride but we said we have to finish our journey walking.
 We took the shorter but dangerous path going backm the Cover Road Hill.  We were scared as we have the kids with us.  BUt the rain was threatening to dump on us so we thought taking this path was the way to go.  MY husband said, never again to take the kids in this road, it was really scary with the children with us.  We were all fine but it's not worth taking the risk.
2 to  3 miles of this road has  no side walk so it's really siky to walk there.
I wish I have this digital pedometer already when we went for a walk so I could have known how much steps it is fro our home and back.  But there is always next time so I will know for sure since I have this already.  I got this Ozeri 4x3razor Digital Pocket 3D pedometer with Bosch Tri-Axis Technology from Germany, in Sport Yellow for review.
This digital pedometer by Ozeri is the world's thinnest and most advanced 3D Tri-Axis pedometer. I have one of Ozeri's pedometer before and I can say that I like this one the best. This 4x3razor utilizes a new advanced 3D Bosch sensor from Germany with Tri-Axis technology that provides superior accuracy in any position, whether up, down, flat, on its side, or at any angle.
I used it the first time yesterday when I went for my brisk walking in the morning around our neighborhood. I love that tis pedometer ships with an installed and extra Lithium battery, a belt clip and detachable lanyard and instruction manual. The first pedometer that I got from Ozeri did not have an extra battery. It also has a small screw driver which is really good and handy when you have to replace the battery.  I love the accuracy of this pedometer.  

This is definitely gonna be put in use with my waks and jogging.  Thanks Ozeri!  You can buy this pedometer  here.

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.