Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I am doing a 28-Day Detox Challenge #FitTea Review

Disclosure: The owner of this blog is part of the consumers who were sent  an item to  write this review.  This post is  brought to you by #FitTea but all opinions are mine alone.

Aside from my regular walks around our neighborhood and sometimes to the park, I also do  some fitness activities at home.  I do some yoga, pilates, and  I do a lot of planks especially when I am visiting blogs and I need to wait for the pages to load.  
To test my  strength, I even did several 8-mile run and one of which was with my husband.  He showed me a trail where he used to  go for hike when he was growing up.  It was a very special day for me and my husband.  It was kind of   a date because it was just him and I.  We took the opportunity to go on a journey while the kids were in school and he got to show me   part of his childhood memories.

I did 8 miles run without my husband which really made him nervous because there  are  sexual offenders  on the way to  my destination but I told him that I am extra careful when I do it alone.  I  usually go on the main road when I have nobody walking with me that way, it is safer and  nobody will attack me in a busy  roadside anyway.  But  of course, it is always at the back of my head when I go alone coz he is right, you can never really get your guard down these days.  We need to be vigilant  and aware of our surroundings all the time. Let's face it, some people get attacked even in the parking area so it is just a matter of time.  I always  pray to God to spare me from harm though and I think He always does.

Our children are so inspired that they wanted to  try the 9-Mile walk as well.  So we  did it on June 13  with them and I couldn't be more proud  of our kids for the strength that they've shown during our journey.  
The hardest part of our  9-mile walk was the  climbing of the  steep hills in Marland Heights and  Greenbrier road.  It literally tested their  body strength so I was very surprised when they  woke up the next day and they were not sore.  
I think I underestimated my children's physical capabilities  in terms of doing this kind of  activity.   I think that their  halthy eating habit have paid off with this journey.  This  taught them a valuable lesson that it is  important to keep active and  eat healthy food so that they will have enough energy to do things.   
Doing those kind of outdoor activity with my family  is physically draining.  Thanks goodness I can rely  on FitTea to boost my immune system.  Not only that it help give me extra strength, it also promotes fat burning which is what I am after in taking this 28-day detox challenge using the FitTea.  This  tea  also promotes and soothes digestion and lastly it acts as an antimicrobial.  
I have tried their tea before and I really liked it because it does give me that extra boost that I need especially when I am  jogging or  doing my fitness routine here at home.  Not to mention that I need extra energy now that my  children are  on school break.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is not an easy job if you don't have the strength  that you need to tackle the daily chores and other things in taking care of your family.  
Do you see the  tummy bulge in the photo below.  I have been trying to get rid of it so I am dedicated in  doing my routine. I am hoping that  with this  detox challenge it will help me a bit  to  reach my goal.  We will see because this stubborn belly fat  seems like it is here to stay for a long period of time.  It is just frustrating that I have been  doing my best to try to tone down but I am not getting any result.  
If you can remember, I have posted how this FitTea helped my husband lost  almost 40 pounds last year when he participated to the biggest loser  challenge  at his work.  He is participating also this year that is why, he was glad to see this  tea in the kitchen.  So yeah, we will be benefiting big time on this detox challenge.  I can already feel the  extra energy that FitTea is giving me everyday after I drink a cup oft his tea.  
How about you, do you have fitness goals this summer?  Do you want to participate in the  28-detox challenge.  You might want to check out....

"Give us a few weeks and we'll give you a new waistline".  Come back to see the  FitTea result.


  1. I think you look amazing. With that being said, I have been wanting to do a detox for a while now. I think it will help clean out my system.

  2. You are so active! If I was half as active as you, I'd be doing well. Thanks for sharing FitTea. It sounds great.

  3. I'm not sure if I could commit do a hard core detox, but devoting myself to healthy eating and physical activity? Definitely! Looks like you and your family will have some great and healthy memories.


  4. That fit tea sounds amazing, it must do wonders being on that detox! Been a detox myself and they do show good results.

  5. I'm so sad my fit tea never arrived at my door. I was really looking forward to trying this and doing the tea detox. It sounds wonderful! - Jeanine

  6. What a cool way to stay fit. I still haven't managed to try the FitTea yet. It sounds really effective.

  7. What a great way to stay fit! I love tea and would love to try this. You look great!

  8. This 9 mile hike idea is exactly what I need! I don't think I could get my whole family to do it with me though.

  9. Planks are my go-to every morning, plus 30 minute walk for cardio! I need to mix a few more things into my routine though, it's getting repetitive. Thanks for the great ideas! :)

  10. A 9 mile walk. I'm impressed. Way to keep your kids involved with you guys too!

  11. You looking good already! I plan to do something similar after this pregnancy. Can't wait to hear more about this.

  12. Lookin good! It's so nice that you and your kids can live a healthy lifestyle together. I have been taking my daughter to sunrise yoga and going for walks a lot. You are an inspiration to them and you are setting a great example!

  13. It's so much fun when you do it together. I used to walk alone daily, but when my mom and dad joined me, its as if we can just keep walking. I want to try this tea.

  14. Wow great job! Family workouts are so much more fun and great overall for everyone. It's amazing when you have the support of your family, it helps you go so much farther.

  15. Doing planks while waiting for pages to load is a great idea, I used to do something similar while playing video games, doing pushups during load screens. Keeping the family active together is a great habit to get into.

  16. I have tried many different teas, but I'll have to say that this tea is my favorite! One of my fitness goals is to go hiking more.

  17. I definitely need to try this tea. I've not heard of it before. Great idea with the planks too! I'm going to have to try it!

  18. Yes! I do want to try this challenge. I've read that flat tummy tea is another good detox, which I've been meaning to try... for the same reasons you mention - to get rid of the belly bulge (ugh!). Good luck!

  19. I have been thinking of doing a detox program. I have heard really good things about Fit Tea from a few friends that are using it.

  20. I have been thinking of doing a detox program and I have heard some good things about Fit Tea. I have a few friends who are using it now and love it.

  21. The hiking trails looks like so much fun. I miss hiking, we went growing up in colorado. You should download the React Mobile app. It will allow you to send alerts from your phone if your in trouble. Plus, it's uses GPS to help locate your phone/you in the event of trouble.

  22. I will have to give this tea try. Great photos.

  23. Wow and I will be cheering you on every step of the way! Your exercise looks very strenuous to me and congrats on hubby losing all of that weight last year too!

  24. By drinking a lot of water amid a home body detox arrange, you can maintain a strategic distance from the reactions, for example, migraines and ordinarily muscle a throbbing painfulness.How to quit alcohol addiction


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