Thursday, May 28, 2015

Family Get Together

We had a busy weekend last week.  On Friday when we visited Dad, we  found a note  on his table that  a relative from Virginia is visiting.  Although we  had an appointment that day, we made sure to make time for it to see the family.  
 The last time we saw them was  during my brother-in-law's funeral so it was a good time this year.  Although they were sad to see Dad's  health condition is.  My father-in-law's health is not doing so well but we are thankful that he is still around.   
 I just hope that the siblings could come to a decision on what is best for Dad.  My husband think that Dad would get a 24/7 care from a home but my SIL thinks that it would kill him if we moved him away from his own home where he lives alone right now.  My husband's point is that, Dad can't live alone especially that he can no longer see and the fact that he drinks doesn't help either.  My SIL wants us to take turn  in taking care of Dad's which I totally understand because I  caiome from a collective family where we take care of our parents when they are old, no question asks, that's just  how our culture is.  But over here, it is different.  
 I am willing to take care of my FIL 24/7 if he could live with us but having a two bedroom house, my husband does not like the idea.  I can't be at his house  for long because I also have two kids to care of and my husband is always working,.  On his days off, he does his online classes.  Right now, no decision is being made and I am afraid that one day, when we visit, Dad would be laying on the floor, lifeless.  He is a second father to me and I love him dearly so I want the best for him before he goes. I hope that his kids can set aside their differences and come to a decision.  It's hard for me to see when Dad is drunk because it reminds me of my father who passed away because of it.  I just wish, they did not start him drinking because now, it is hard to break from it.   I can only pray that God will always look after him because we can't be there 24/7.  
On the lighter note, after visiting the family, we left early because we had a family pirtrait appointment.  One of the family photos will be used for the church directory but we had fun  with the pictorial.  The photopgrapher was  really good, he made you feel very comfortable in front of the camera.  We ended up  paying one package ($178 and some) although we didn't plan it but we love all the shots so it was a well-spent money.
 I took a snap of the two when the photographer was taking shots of them.  Will share all the photos when we  receive them.
It was a busy day but we were happy to see the family.  Here's us with the fur babies when we came home.  My buddies are not really keen in taking pictures these days anymore but I tink they would appreciate all these photos when they are adult already and have their own family. I wish my parents could have took pictures of us when we were growing up  but we never had family photos so now that I have the means to do it, I take pictures every day, whether they like it or not lol.  Thanks for visiting.


  1. How fantastic that you were able to make time to see your out of town family. It is always great to catch up and see everyone - especially after a long time of not seeing them.

  2. I LOVE that last picture. It's not really a family get together without the 4 legged members!

  3. It is a hard decision to make with your FIL. I know that my grandma really didn't want to leave her home, but once she went into assisted living she loved it. It was just like a little apartment, but she had someone there when she needed them. I'm sure you all will make the right decision.

  4. Get togethers are nice to see family you don't see often. Even if it for a sad reason. I had one two weeks ago because my sister is needs a tumor removed from her head that is causing sever issues. Good luck with your FIL. I hope the right decision comes easy for your family.

  5. Such a lovely photos! Family is the most important thing in my life too :D

  6. I'm probably going to have to make similar decisions myself soon. Hard to know what is the right one. Glad you had some fun while you were there.

  7. My parents are in their 80's. I'm thankful that they are in good health, but there will come a day when we will face major decisions. I would take them both in a heartbeat. I just wish I lived closer to them.

  8. I was in a situation like that recently, it's definitely not easy. I'm glad you guys were able to have some family time!

  9. How nice! I love being able to see out of town family nice to get to have that special time. I wish I did it more - jeanine

  10. It is so great that you were able to get to see family and they were able to see your father-in-law. My thoughts are with your family and FIL.

  11. Looks like you had a blast with your family! I love summer time because that's when I really see mu family!!

  12. We are going to have our family photos done this year. I am so excited to get our whole family together to take them.

  13. What a nice picture of your family members. I am sure you had a great time. I'm looking forward to seeing my family members soon too.

  14. I love how focused on family you are. I really enjoyed reading this and feel saddened by the decision you have to make in regards to your FIL. BTW, you all look great :) Definitely money well spent.

  15. That is a nice photo of you and your family including your fur babies. Growing up, I remember having our family picture taken during Christmas. It is a family tradition that we still do now actually.

  16. It's always so lovely to have a family get together. Sadly we don't have them enough, except at big events like important birthdays and anniversaries.

  17. Isn't it always so nice to visit family? So happy to hear that you were able to spend time with yours. =)

  18. I love that you're so family oriented! And the pictures here just warm my heart :)

  19. What a fun day with your family. I love having lazy weekends at home with mine!

  20. I love the picture of your son and daughter together. They will appreciate it later. I am sorry your father in law is not doing well, Mine is not either, and those are hard decisions to make.

  21. It is so important to spend time with family and to take pictures because you may regret it later. These are all great pictures and I totally love the bottom one with the fur babies. I hope everything works out for your father in law. Thanks for sharing.

  22. How fun! It's always fun when my family and I get together, alas it's also very seldom since we all have busy, conflicting schedules.

  23. Love your family photos. I hope that I don't have to make that decision for my parents anytime soon. I can see how hard that would be.

  24. I bet the pictures will come out great. I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. It is hard to see someone we love get older and sicker, and even harder when trying to determine how to care for them. I hope you all can come to a solution that is beneficial to all of you!


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