Tuesday, March 3, 2015

#PostNatalFatBurner Might Just be the ONE!

I only weighed  80 pounds  before I  got married,  Very tiny, you might say but  with my height, it is just normal.  I gained weight once in my early 20s  which made me feel really heavy so I  work hard to  lose it and after that, I maintained my   80-85 pounds  weight till in my 30s.  Then I gained a little bit of weight after  two pregnancies .  I lost some of it but not the belly fat, I am still working on it till now.    

I lost my  mojo  in continuing my  fitness last month  because of the horrible  winter weather that we are having.  I got tired of using my treadmill so I  slowed down a little bit.  But to redeem myself from slacking off , I started  doing my workout again today. Losing this belly fat that I gained during my pregnancies is a complete struggle for me. I am sure that I am not alone with this problem, don't you agree?

A few months back, I was able to try the FitTea Detox and loved it.  It really worked for me because it gave me   enough energy to do all my  workout.  Now I am wondering if the   FitTea PostNatal Fatburner might just be the one to help me get rid of this belly fat.  I swear if  this baby fat is completely gone, I will be wearing a two piece during summer time lol.  For now, I am contented  with bathing suit that hides my belly.
For those of you who is struggling to lose the baby fats, you might want to look into the FitTea's PostNatal fatburner. It is a good alternative if you are researching for an herbal supplement to assist in getting rid of stubborn baby fat. FitTea's PostNatal Fatburner  claims to use 100% natural ingredients.  While FitTea's PostNatal Fatburner is safe for use in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, it is always best to check with their doctors first to make sure that you won't encounter any complication.
FitTea is giving away 30 bottles of this fat burner to 30 different people so if you are interested to try it, enter the giveaway below for a chance to win. I am entering myself because I want to try it and I hope that I win.

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.


  1. I need to lose about 10 pounds, so I would love to try this. I will do whatever it takes to lose it.

  2. I think you're not alone in wanting to curb all those fats and be back to the figure you once had before pregnancy. Thanks for sharing the FitTea Detox. I have also heard good reviews about this product.

  3. I need to lose about 50 pounds seriously! I wish I was in the USA, I would try it for sure.

  4. This is such a great way to help mothers lose the baby fat. It's a difficult struggle for most to do. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I've heard really great things about FitTea, and I'm looking forward to trying it. I know I'll never have my pre-baby body, but it would be nice to get relatively close to it.

  6. You look amazing as-is but I am glad this has helped you get your mojo back haha. Very cool they have natural products like this to help.

  7. You do look pretty amazing but I completely understand the weight issues. I'm trying to lose a few stubborn baby belly pounds.

  8. You are definitely not alone! I think you look great, but we all have things we want to change about our bodies. This sounds like it might be very helpful in reaching your goal.

  9. I have heard a lot about this lately. I might have to give it a try soon. I'd love to lose some weight.

  10. It has been a while since my skinny jeans fit me and I would love to find a product that would help me get back into them. This sounds like an option for me.

  11. That sounds like a nice way to stay healthy. A lot of people are looking for ways to sort out their weight.

  12. I've tried the detox tea too, and my fave thing about it was it was tasty! If I had the baby weight to get rid of still I'd def. try this product.

  13. My wife need this thing lol, I know different woman need this fat burner, I'll pass this to my friends.

  14. This seems like a good product. Tea has so many great benefits!

  15. Sounds like a great product. I've been hearing some great things about this. You look great by the way! I'd love to lose a few pounds myself. I use to be about 100 lbs before having kids and now I'm about 120. Normal for my height but I'd still love to lose a few extra pounds.

  16. This sounds like something that might actually work. I've heard that tea is good as a fat burner.

  17. I am also in need of loosing a good bit of weight, I love natural supplements to help in this area. This sounds like the perfect one, especially for lactating mothers. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Sounds like a good product. I seriously need to lose a bunch of weight. I will have to check this out.

  19. Wish I had heard about something like this after my first! I had gained 70 pounds, thanks for sharing.

  20. There are so many factors that go into getting rid of belly fat. It's good to know that people have many different options to consider when they want to make a change. So far, going on the Wheat Belly worked best for me. Great giveaway - 30 bottles is very generous!

  21. I may need this after I give birth, Mommy Rose. Aren't you holding a giveaway? heehee

  22. You look amazing indeed and I love them shorts along with your tank top shirt. I could loose a few pounds and definitely need a energy boost so I will have to try the FitTea. My sister had a baby a few months ago so I will pass this on to her. Thanks for sharing.

  23. I've head about this tea and was wondering how it was. I might need to check it out now.

  24. Sounds like a great product! I actually need to gain few kilos

  25. Wow! This sounds like a really great product! I love fat burners!

  26. This looks like a great product. I have to show it to my friend who is pregnant.

  27. I totally need to to check this out!

  28. I'm reading so many good reviews of the product that I might give it a try. Sounds great!

  29. Sounds like a product that can help those with weight loss goals. Nice giveaway tie in.

  30. I've heard amazing things about this! I really need to get back in shape!


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