Disclosure: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review. I was provided with the products mentioned in exchange of my honest opinion which may differ from yours.
Last week was the coldest so far this Winter season. The kids only had one day of school because of the severe freezing temperature. It is so hard to keep warm during Winter. Gladly, I received three candles from Jackpot Candles to review. The arrival of the candles couldn't be more perfect for the weather condition that we had. We really needed something that could lift our moods and spirits. I have worked with a candle company similar to this before but Jackpot Candles has so many great features that I love compared to them because in every jar of candles that you order, you can choose if you want ring, necklace, or earrings.

I love the fact that every jar of candle is securely packaged in its own box. The bubble wrap really protects it from being damaged during the transit. For the price you for each candle, it is so worth every cent of it as you will get a surprise halfway through burning the candle. The jewelry's price inside the candle varies so you never knew if you are getting a 5,000 dollars worth of jewelry.
The first one that we lit up is is the Ocean Breeze Jewelry Candle . I wanted our home to be filled with ocean breeze scent to somehow eliminate the cold by setting our moods with an ocean scent.
I chose necklace for this one. The kids love this one as it reminds them of our grand time last summer in Ocean City.
After burning the candle for about 3 hours, I can see the foil already and I got very excited.
I used a fork to take out the jewelry inside the candle. I normally use my tweezers but this time I didn't.
I was a little bummed out when I opened the foil and saw that some wax went inside the zippie bag. The jewelry was coated with it so I had to wash it.
After taking the necklace out and cleaned it, I then punched the code to find out if I hit the jackpot or not. The necklace is worth $30 only but it's okay. If you think about it, I'ts such a nice surprise that you get aside from the candle that you paid for.
My daughter said that she will wear this necklace during St. Patrick day at school. She even write "LOVE" using the chain to express her emotion lol.
I could not wait to try the
Lilac Jewelry Candle because it smells so good even when its not yet lit.
I so love the lilac! It fully reminds me of what I would be enjoying outdoors in a few months.
I chose a pair of earrings for the lilac candle. Imagine my excitement seeing the foil emerge from the soy candle. Just like the first candle that I lit, the jewelry on this one is soaked too. It made the jewelry smells so good but I really dislike that the the zippie bag isn't secure to keep the candles away from the jewelry.
The earring is worth $19 dollars. I love the heart-shape design of it. The Lilac scent is my all-time favorite. It smells so good that it soothes my cold body. The last one that I chose is the
Valentine Candy Hearts Jewelry Candle. What cool about Jackpot Candles that I think other's competitors don't have is their option of making the customers pick what kind of jewelry they want and not only that, you can also determine the size of your ring before ordering.
As I previously mentioned, I worked with another company that also sells candles with jewelry but theirs are all ring and there is no size option which is a bummer. The ring that I got back then was pretty large so I could not even use it lol.
But anyway, back to the Valentine Candy Hearts, the scent is very mild but I still like it. This could have been a nice one to light up during the heart's day but it came a little later. This one took me a little longer to burn before I could get the jewelry out.
The value of the ring is $26 so if you buy the candle and paid $24.99 for it, you basically got the candle for free.
I love the design of this ring and it' fits perfectly on my finger because my size is available to their option, yay! This ring matches the earring that I got from the other candle so I kinda hit the jackpot, didn't I?
Here are the three beautiful pieces that I got out from the candles.
Lighting candles during winter season is such a relaxing thing you can do. It would really warm your soul on freezing days. These candles would make a great gift for any occasion. If there's anything that I could think of that I did not like is the fact that the jewelries were all covered with soy wax. I think, they should improve their packaging of the jewelry. Maybe use a thicker foil that would surely secure the jewelry from not getting saturated with the soy wax. Other than that, I love the packaging, the price, the scent, and the options of choosing the jewelry you want and the size of the ring.