Tuesday, January 27, 2015

To the Woman Who Inspired me the Most

Happy birthday to the  the most resilient, understanding, hardworking, and most of all, LOVING woman in the whole universe.  Love you Ma!

To the BEST MOM!

Thank you for  pushing  my hardest best to achieve my goals
You and Papa are the main reason, I am what I became today!
Thank you for supporting my decisions, for believing in me.
for never doubting me, and for the unconditional LOVE
YOU and Papa have for us.

I can't thank you enough 
for everything that you have done for us
All I can do is to pray  
that you are safe and healthy always.

I miss you and Papa so much 
especially when I need guidance 
with my parenting responsibility 
with my  own kids.

I wish I could call or visit everyday
To tell you how much I love and admire you.
It is so hard being away from you.
I know that it is hard for you too.

You are my inspiration and my first rock
thank you for everything that you do!
I ask God to bless you and take care of you.
I can't wait to see you!

To the best Mom, 
We LOVE you!


  1. Happy birthday to your Mama Sis Rose. I wish her more birthdays to come and especially good health.

  2. What a lovely tribute to your mom! I hope she has a very happy birthday this year and for many more years to come.

  3. Aww. That's so sweet! Happy Birthday to your mom!

  4. Dawww. What a wonderful love letter to your mom! I think it's just beautiful.

  5. So beautiful! I feel the same way about my mom...she is my best friend and my inspiration!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to your mom! You've reminded me to call my mom today.

  7. This was so sweet! I love reading people's tributes to loved ones, especially moms and dads.It definitely reminds us of how blessed we are to have those people in our lives, and what an important role we all play as parents. Praying your mom has an incredible birthday!

  8. This is so sweet. Sounds like you are so close to her.

  9. All mothers are precious! I am glad that you were able to honor your mother and give her the thanks she so richly deserves.

  10. That is so beautiful. I bet she's always been a proud momma <3

  11. What a great post! I love the poem and how you dedicated it to your mom! You're such a great daughter!

  12. What a heartfelt and wonderful tribute. Happy Birthday to your mom!

  13. What a wonderful tribute to your mom. I am glad you have such a great mom that have supported you through life.

  14. Awww that is so beautiful about you and your mom. Wish I was closer to mine.

  15. You are an amazing person, and it warmed my heart to read this dedication to your mom. Mom's are our whole world!

  16. This is so sweet! This is such a beautiful way to let your mom know you care.

  17. My mom is my soulmate! There’s nothing I wouldn’t do in this world for her!

  18. Oh! Happy Birthday to your mom, looks like you and your mom have a great bonding.

  19. How great that you have your mother with you! Moms are so special, aren't they?!


  20. This is such a sweet, thoughtful tribute to your mother! She sounds like a lovely person.

  21. What a cute tribute to your mom! Moms are seriously the best aren't they!!

  22. My mother is my biggest inspiration too! She has worked hard to raise me and I will always admire her for that!

  23. This is such a sweet post. Your mom's lucky to have a daughter who values and appreciates her.

  24. Love this! Hope you show your mom this~

  25. That is so sweet. She truly looks like a wonderful woman. You are so lucky!

  26. Aw, what a lovely tribute to your mama! <3 <3

  27. Aww, you're such a sweet daughter. Now you make me miss my mom.

  28. That is a beautiful tribute to your mom. My mom means the world to me and she's been such an inspiration to me.

  29. That's is so sweet of you, sis.Having a mom makes huge difference in life. I just wish I can get my parents pretty soon if their health issue would be resolve so they can stay here whenever they want.

  30. This is such a sweet post for a wonderful Mom. I hope she has an amazing Birthday.

  31. It sounds like you truly have a wonderful mother, this was such a sweet tribute. I was going to say you're very lucky to have her, but I think you are both lucky to have each other.

  32. What a lovely tribute to your Mom! I feel the same way about mine, she just always believes in me, encourages me, and knows just how to communicate with me to get me to see things differently.

  33. What a lovely Post. Sounds like your mom is incredible! Very nice and sweet tribute indeed!

  34. This is such a heartfelt and absolutely wonderful tribute to your Mom! Thank you for sharing. It reminds me to hug my Mom today! :)

  35. That's a beautiful tribute to your mom. My mom has also inspired me more than anyone in my life. It's so good to have someone wonderful to strive to be like.

  36. What a beautiful post. Mums work so hard and love us so much, they need to be told how amazing they are!

  37. What an amazing tribute to your mother! The poem that you wrote was very touching.

  38. How sweet! I bet your mother knows how much you love her.

  39. What a wonderful tribute to your mother! I'm sure she is very proud of you!

  40. Omg what a sweet post for your Mommy!!! I love reading things like this. I hope my daughter thinks this way of me :):)

  41. This is such a lovely tribute to your mother. Mothers are so important and should always be reminded of how important they are.

  42. What a sweet post. I miss my Mom! I hope I have a daughter one day who thinks so highly of me!

  43. What great memories! It is so nice to reflect and remember those we love! I love my mom!

  44. So nice for you to post this about your mom! Has she read it yet? I bet it made her so happy~

  45. Aww, that was so sweet. I miss my Mom as she doesn't live near me.

  46. That is such an awesome tribute to your mom. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  47. Aww, I love posts like this. What a sweet tribute to your mom. Thanks for sharing this with us.


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