Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Relaxing Mother's Day

Hello there fabulous people, howdy?  I have been slacking in doing  blog-related things this week, I just don't have the motivation.  I have to concentrate on finishing some product reviews though before we fly out to California to see how  your votes  affect my daughter's Doodle4Google entry.  Whatever the result will be, THANK YOU to all of you who voted for her.  Your time is surely  appreciated.
Anyhow, how was your Mother's day Mommies? I have a very relaxing one at home.  Our daughter cooked a special breakfast for us, then we went to the church and attended mass.  

After the mass, we drove by  KMart's garden to look at some plants.  Most of my  plants did not survive the harsh Winter so I am thinking of replacing them, especially my roses.  

 Our simple adventure could not be completed without few snaps hehehe.  The prices of plants are still high-heaven so I will wait till it goes down a bit before purchasing the plants that I want.
 Then we  head out and visited  Dad to his home.  Ms. Burrito was jumping around and dancing in front of his Pap so I took some shots of her.
A relaxing Mother's day is all I wanted and I got it.


  1. Belated Happy Mother's Day. Your kids looked like they had a wonderful time. Miss Burrito is so fun to look at ... she is sooo bubbly and energetic. :)

  2. What a beautiful happy family you have, you must be so proud, Happy Mothers Day x

  3. Hahaha! How did you do that shot for Ms Burrito's hair sis? Ang galing! I had one relaxing Mother's Day, too. Stuck at home kami kasi ang lakas ng ulan dito that day. When it stopped, we decided to go out and find something good to dine. I had the sweet assurance of my housemates' love and gratitude and that is all that matters. Simpleng kaligayahan, so to speak! Lol.

  4. I had A simple yet so meaningful mother's day celebration. I loved everything I got from my husband and my kids. Hubby did the cooking. Wishing it's mother's day all day, everyday! :)

  5. I really love that photo of Ms. Burrito with flying hair. It reminded me of shampoo commercial back in the Philippines. I had a normal day, cleaned the house and cooked dinner. Hubby was not home and had to go to work. Anyway, there I days I get special treatment by my family but it doesn't fall into any occasions.

  6. Nice photos of mother and children....lovely and also a family bonding time. Belated happy mother's day!

  7. Belated Happy Mother's Day! sweet kids, cool mom... happy family! :)

  8. Lovely children bonding with parents...nice to look at.

  9. Happy mom's day! Love the jump shot photos of R.

  10. Love the second to the last photo. My mother day you asked? Well, we went to Church of course, lunch out then went straight home because hubby needs to finish some work. Didn't have to cook though so I'm still glad. LOL!

  11. oh, the results is near, wishing Rylie the best of luck Rose and I'll keep her in prayers too, I really super love her work, but like what you said, win or lose, Rylie is already a BIG WINNER, and am sure, the experience will bring her much lessons and inspiration for the days and years to come. She is so talented.

    glad you had a wonderful Momther's day, and love that jumping photo, her hair swayed very nicely :)

  12. Mommy Rose,
    I am glad that you had a relaxing Mother's Day, you deserve it the most :-) You have such beautiful kids. I love the playful side of Miss Burrito :-)

  13. belated Happy Mother's Day sis you deserve it! Family time is the best gift ever.

  14. a well-spent mother's day celebration indeed! belated happy mother's day uli sis...:) good luck kay Rye, when are you guys flying to cali?

  15. Relaxing day indeed. Nice photos specially that of the girl with the flying hair. :)

  16. There is nothing like the love and appreciation of our children to make life worthwhile.

  17. ahhh..the day of mother to be more relax from all the stress and errands...thanks for sharing.

  18. i had a relaxing Mother's Day too. aren't we blessed? :D

  19. Aww how sweet and so much fun - belated happy Mothers day

  20. Belated happy mother's day! It's clearly evident that you had lots of fun on that day.


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