Monday, May 26, 2014

Budgeting for your Bathroom Renovations

Managing the bathroom budget can be the most difficult of any home renovation task due to the many special materials, challenging spaces and the need, sometimes by law, for contractors. According to the Choice Bathrooms website, the average home owner will need to set aside between $19,000 and $26,000 from their total home renovation budget just for this purpose.

The difficulty is that many bathroom renovation projects experience budget blowouts because of unexpected price increases in one area or unavoidable construction issues in another. A good way to better manage the bathroom budget is to divide your total into sections and distribute or adjust it as required. Here are some suggested budget line items to help you keep an eye on where the money is, or should be, going.


There are some things a home renovator, no matter how skilled or experienced, will have to place in the hands of a tradesperson. The plumbing is one of those things that, unless you hold the relevant qualifications yourself, someone else will have to do for you. Investigate the costs of plumbers in your area. How much you are going to need to set aside is going to depend on how many outlets and inlets you are going to reposition.


As with the plumbing, only trained professionals are allowed by law to work on the electric power points in your house. Again, investigate costs of local electricians, try to estimate what you want done and how much it is going to cost, and sent aside the required amount.


The right tiles in a bathroom can mean the difference between a mediocre, and spectacular effect. But those magnificent tiles can be costly. Take some time to pick the tiles you want. Choose carefully. Once you have chosen your ideal tiles, budget for them with a little extra in case you need to call in a professional tiler if something goes wrong.

Fixtures and fittings

This is the area where you need to show some constraint and be aware of how much money you have to spend. Quite frankly, there are some magnificent taps, shower screens, sinks and baths available but they all cost a pretty penny. It can be quite easy to overspend without even realizing it once something fancy catches your eye. Look at what is available, do the math and purchase in accordance with your limit.


Finally, you have the vanity and storage space to consider. You have two possibilities here. There are many pre-made options on the market that are of good quality and sturdy construction. The other option is to hire a cabinet maker and have the vanity made to order. This is a better option if you have an unusual space and are having difficulty finding cabinetry to fit. Work out the costs of each and go with the option that suits you most.

The funding for each budgeted section can be adjusted to suit the project, moving cash from one area where money has been saved to another should additional work be required. But it is a good rule of thumb to expect the unexpected and set an additional 10 per cent aside to cover any surprise extras.

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