Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Budgeting and Decision Making

I have been enjoying my free 3-month subscription as part of the perks that  I got from writing about a  company from one of the websites I work with a couple of months back.  I get to see movies for free anytime y I want to and it's for free.  Hubby and I recently watched the movie "Jack Reacher".  I have been contemplating if I will keep  this since I like it and it only cost $7.99 a month but then again we have a   satellite which I am ready to  give up because it cost almost a hundred bucks every month.  For me that is  ridiculously high, that's almost an amount I could live on comfortable  for a month in the Philippines.

I checked on the Time Warner Cable if they are available in  my state and got excited when I see it on the list.  I was disappointed though when I  put in my address since it is not available in my area, such a bummer because they are way cheaper than the local provider here.   My phone and internet provider is from this area but my satellite is not so it is kind of expensive for the separate  services.  I hope that  someday soon, Time Warner Cable will be able to expand their services at our area because I really do look forward to saving money  with this three services.  What I find appealing with Time Warner Cable is the availability of television programs, celebrities, music, sporting events and many more.   I really like the Time Warner Cable deals  especially their triple play package.  

Sometimes, working on a budget  is a bit tough especially that my income at home is not  stable.  There are times that  I can earn  more  but there are times that is low as well so  our budget really depends on my husband's salary.  The good thing is that, we have a cushion, which is his retirement pay.  That takes care of our monthly bills and other stuff that the kids needs.  Sometimes, I feel like  I really need to find a job but when I think of my kids being still little, I backed out.  My  responsibility to them is more important than  having a job outside home.  It would be a  difficult adjustment for all of us.  Having said all that, I trust everything up to God.


  1. Truly, budgeting is a difficult task of a mother or even the family as a whole. As always, got to work and save.

  2. I guess if you're ok with satellite then that should do.

  3. Amen to that Sis. Leave everything up to God. Just do the best that you can. You are doing great as a SAHM.

  4. Yes, I have to agree - working on a budget is just tough, but for me.. I just go with my intuition and pray..


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