Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Family Walk

We have been getting  cool and rainy weather lately so are taking the opportunity when the weather is  nicer and go for a walk.   Soon, Fall will be here and  Winter follows.  Cold weather seems longer than the warm weather.  It's still July  but the weather is slowly turning into  a Fall-like weather.
Our son prefer to ride a bile than walk which is fine with us because he  burns more calories that way.  
My daughter and I are both cold-natured  so we always feel cold  even though it's the perfect temperature for the boys.  I will miss this kind of activities when my kids are bigger and have their own lives.  They grow up so fast.


  1. I cannot agree with you more! Children grow up so fast! It's lovely that you are making the most of their childhood and enjoy it with them. :)

  2. It's great that it doesn't seem to hot in your state, sis. Over here, it's way to hot to go out for a walk.

  3. A healthy get together and nice bonding moment :) Yep! Kids do grow up so fast :)

  4. walking can also relieve stress and a fun way to have a simple and amazing exercise.

  5. I feel cold all the time too maybe because I have not fully adjusted to the weather here in the US. I always need to put a jacket in the car just in case I get cold in the middle of an outdoor activity. Glad your family enjoys walking together!

  6. Good thing, you have a comfy weather in your place. It is good to hear parents do take time to have quality time shared with their kids.

  7. Wow! You guys look and sound so healthy with all the walking you're doing! Not me as I have not walked regularly ever since we moved down south. I should when school starts... to keep me up and going! LOL.

  8. Our weather is unpredictable as well as.I go walking while Little M is riding her scooter while we are waiting my husband to arrived from work.

  9. Kids do grow fast so we try to savor their youth as much as we can and take it all in while they still allow us to hold hands with them and kiss and hug them in public. :) You still have plenty of time sis to really bond and make memories while they are young.

    I like your healthy lifestyle. It's something I am dreaming to achieve but I have yet to really psych myself to do.

  10. I love the shadow picture Sis Rose :-) It looks like you have a peaceful neighborhood.

  11. Sometimes, we have to be outside to observed and at the same time family bonding through walking or biking. Awesome exercise in the morning.

  12. Going for walks is one of my favorite things to do. I am the opposite from you though, I am always hot. Even in the winter I run around in shorts and a tank top.

  13. I can't wait for the cooler weather here in FL to do some family walks! Way too rainy or hot lately still.

  14. We have been having cooler weather here too and I've been thinking of doing a lot more walks now that it has cooled down. I hate summer and the heat!

  15. I love going for walks this time of year! It's so great that you get the entire family to go along with you. I always take my kids with me, but the hubs has a bad knee & doesn't like to go very far.

  16. I love that you are taking so much time to spend with your kids before they get older and make their own plans. Their childhood goes so quickly so it is important to treasure it while you can!

  17. Moments like these are absolutely perfect and will be remembered! I always treasured the little things in life. :)

  18. So cute and so much fun! I would be roasting!

  19. Such great moments to be remembered! I wish my whole Family could go out for a walk together, my Husband hates outside since he works in the FL heat everyday lol

  20. I love taking walks with my kids. Of course it's usually me pushing them since they get tired of walking pretty quick. Walking is actually my favorite exercise.

  21. They might surprise you and still like to do this kind of thing when they get older. ;) Mine do sometimes, and I love it.

  22. Your neighborhood looks nice to walk through. Im in the city and I wish I could feel comfortable to walk with the kids.


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