Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Woman's Pain

Hello everyone, how's your weekend so far?  I just got done with my weekend cleaning and taking a break for a while before doing my laundry.  I might skip that part and do it  tomorrow instead.  I am in so much pain due to dysmenorrhea.  I forgot the pain  while I was cleaning though but now, it's back!  Bad Lady in Red, I don't really like you! Lol, NO, I am not  losing my mind, I just want to vent out to ease this pain of womanhood.  On the lighter note, I am sharing you the photo that I saw in the school's wall of art, it is my 6 year old son's drawing of our family.
Here are the other  drawings that are displayed on the wall.  It is so nice to see how creative little kids can be.
I hope you guys are having a great weekend.  It is raining at our end, how's the weather at your end?


  1. Love looking at children's drawings--they may not but all that good-but at least they are honest!! I hope you are feeling better soon-I am certainly glad that part of my life is over.

  2. oh i'm sorry that you experienced such pain, i had too but after i gave birth it all went away.

  3. i HATE dysmenorrhea! for a middle aged woman like myself, it's very irritating, especially when i didn't have it when i was younger. when i asked the doctor why i have it after giving birth to 3 babies, she said it's probably caused by stress.. :(

  4. I had terrible period pain for the past 3 cycles. It's really terrible. Sometimes it comes with a bad headache too which happened to me last weekend. I hope you're feeling better now.

    On the lighter note, I know your son's drawing will cheer you up.

  5. Great picture. Here the weather should be cooler not raining as of this point but then again you never can tell what the weather is going to want to do.

  6. hope you feel better soon and weather here is cool and sunny

  7. Aww what a lovely picture - I really hope your pains get better soon it really can be a nightmare x

  8. Weather is fresh here!
    Hope you are feeling better

  9. I loved this drawing the first time I saw it, I love that the school displays their artwork!

  10. Hope you are feeling better soon. That is a very cute picture your son drew!

  11. That was so cute. I always like to look at those kiddos art.

  12. How are you today sis? Hope everything's okay now.

  13. I hope you feel better soon. It is nice that you save the pictures from your kids to look at when you are not feeling well because they can help give you a smile.

  14. Nice drawing. Amazing how kids got the wildest imagination as can be!

  15. It is always a relieved when you see your kid's artistic creation...hope you'll feel better.

  16. Awe~ AJ did a great job drawing your family. I get excited too when my little man comes home from school and his got some cute little school art. Creative kids, indeed! I hope you feel better mommy. I know the feeling of having cramps. Back then, I get such a bad cramp that I had to go home from class and lay in bed or take medicine, then lay in bed all day until it is gone. It was so bad one time I almost fainted. Now, it is gone and it is amazing how I don't have that bad cramp anymore.

  17. How cute! Love the artwork! The weather was really nice here this weekend. Warm and Sunny. But thats Cali for ya! ;)

  18. I remember my son's drawings when he was still in preschool. During those days, I was free to drop him off at his classroom and to stay for the duration of his school hours in school peeping through their classroom window just to check on what he's doing. I miss those days! Now that he's in big school, parents are not allowed anymore in the campus or in classrooms. Sigh!


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