Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Advantages of Getting Your Kids Cycling Early

Cycling is a fun, cost effective activity for the whole family; think about it, your first bike, the pedals and the spokes, the immense happiness you felt as you flew from the guiding hands of Mum or Dad into the street for the first time. Alone, in control, free. While many of us are hesitant to let our kids fly the coop too soon, into a world of dangers and unwelcome surprises, cycling really isn’t one of those activities we should be over-thinking. Introducing your young family to the world of bikes early will allow you to jump back on the pedals sooner; your road biking or weekend BMX’ing days are far from finished. But why start early, will your kids really benefit?

Get Up and Get Moving

Cycling with toddlers and young children (even if you have to purchase a tow-along gig or a baby seat) will provide the impetus you may have lacked to move forward in the fitness stakes – cycling can help you to churn the cellulite clinging to your thigh and tone up your butt, enhance your self-esteem and put a positive spin on post-natal stress.
And for the kids? We’re routinely encouraged to push them out doors, into the sunshine for at least thirty minutes of exercise per day. In an increasingly technological world, this is easier said than done. If you live close to school grounds and they’ve reached an age we’re you can trust them to respect the rules of the road, cycling to and from school will ensure their daily physical needs are met without waging war on screen-time.

Encourage Independence and Boost Communication

From a young age, we spend our lives figuring out the best ways to give our parents the slip; a common sense skill like cycling will help you teach kids communication skills, boundaries and responsibility, as they become more confident with new terrains and learn from unfortunate accidents. It will also allow you to gauge how the little ones deal with problems and mishaps.
Kids like to feel trusted. By giving them the tools to tour the neighborhood with confidence and a mode of reliable transport, you increase their involvement with the local area and open the doors of their social life. This investment will be returned one hundred fold, as kids are more likely to open up to parents who respect their need to explore the world.

Become Involved

Family rides might sound a little naff, but heading out on the weekend as a united troop on wheels can do wonders for good old family bonding. Fresh air is good for the soul and it needn’t be boring; there are usually a variety of paths around town that offer challenges and resistance. Time out of the house will get the kids to open up and unleash some school yard frustrations.
But where do you find the right bike for your child? Places like and bricks and mortar stores offer a range of brands and sizes for every stage of your child’s development.


  1. They are so happ with the bicycles :)

  2. my son learned to ride his bike even before he knows how to speak. haha and I am glad that I started so early because he is very independent and he knows that he can do it because I am always at his back supporting him.

  3. Plus, it's definitely a time for bonding and keeping the whole family healthy too! <3

  4. I miss our bikes so much! My husband and I are thinking of doing a bike ride trip like going on a trip for days on our bike. We would go to a town somewhere, park our vehicle safely and take off from their on a bike trail and just ride until we can no longer do it. My husband used to do that along with his sister and they would go on bike rides for days until they get tired and ready to go back home. Anyway, biking together is fun and you won't even notice that you are working out. I miss our country road bike rides where we used to go 10 miles. Oh man! This made me want to take our bikes that are in our old house in Kansas and take them here to WY. There are lots of mountains here or hills to go on biking. hehehe.. It would be fun mommy. Lovely family pics.

  5. Well aside from burning the fats on your thighs and keeping you healthy, you also get to bond with your kids and hubby. Nagiging happy ang experience. Hihi. :)

  6. Ykaie rides her bike outside the house and I encourage it because she gets her exercise that way.

  7. My two kids also love riding their bikes even if they only get to do it here at home. Unfortunately, our area is not safe enough for them to ride their bikes outside. When they're a bit older, we can take them to the sports park where they can ride their bikes in the designated bike lane.

  8. Bicycles are on the christmas list for my kids.:) Can't wait to go riding with them.

  9. When hubby bought me a bicycle, the shop ordered the right size for me. You all look great with your bikes. It's such a fun day with the family.

  10. It started with walking my kid around, then I started towing my kid around in a cart on my wife's bike. In the last 3 weeks my body strength has been such that I can now ride from my house near Oakridge Mall on Los Alamitos creek trail all the way to Santa Teresa park. (9 miles uphill, 18 round trip!!) electric bikes


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