Monday, October 14, 2013

Church Wedding

When hubby and I  got married in civil, it was  just a formality because we did it a couple of weeks after my father died.  It was a very unfortunate event that we went through.  Everything was planned but my  Dad passed so suddenly.  After  the burial, we decided not to pursue our plans but my Mom said that it was what my father would want us to do.
Anyway, after  more than a year, my husband  said that we should get married again and this time in church  so the whole family could come and witness our union, so we did.  It was on October 12th.

Glad to know that after so many years my  wedding dress still fits!

Looking at  a different perspectives,  what   happened to my father always reminds me that no matter how dark the future may seem, there is always   positive things that comes out at the end.

Ten years after the tragedy, here's what   what my father could have enjoyed if i he's still around.

 I miss you Papa!


  1. You look love Ate! Parang walang nagbago sayo. I love your figure. I hope kung magka-edad na ako, ganyan ang figure ko.

  2. That's a beautiful dress, you look gorgeous!!

  3. Wow, the dress still fits. So blessed of you to have that figure and discipline, Rose. Very inspiring talaga. Anyway, happy anniversary and may God bless your union! :)

  4. What a wonderful idea to have a second celebration of marriage. That dress is so lovely and suits you. The last photo is a beautiful family shot. A sense of togetherness.

  5. I am so sorry that your father haven't walked with you on the aisle on your church wedding, but i'm sure wherever he is that time, he is happier to see her daughter finally married to the right man.

  6. You are so blessed with beautiful family. How nice that the dress still fits you even after so many years have passed.

  7. You see the silver lining and it is a beautiful one. It was good to have your celebration. My dad passed on Christmas morning, It was healing to all of us have our gifts, celebration and excited children later that weekend.

  8. Church wedding is the best! Sadly, I did not experience that.

  9. I did not have a church wedding either. I am so sorry for your loss, it must be so difficult to loose your father and that he did not get to see you get married but I am sure he is looking down on you and happy to see how much joy you have in your life!

  10. I haven't had my church wedding yet. We are planning to do it on our 10th civil wedding anniversary.:)

  11. I had a church wedding however all in all it costed around 100 bucks. I didn't even wear a dress. I'm sorry your dad didn't get to be there. I totally understand mine wasn't gone yet when I got married but he wouldn't give me the time of day really either. He was absent from my childhood and a good part of my life (besides phone calls). I always pursued him though and never let him get away with not being part of my childs life. He was changed a lot by that time. My 93 year old uncle gave me away back then though, I'm glad! He was really the only real man that was in my life as a kid.

  12. Haha naks! <3
    Sigh.. getting married is just the best feeling, hm hmm! yes, definitely the best feeling ever! <3 Though I am not married yet - I just can feel it haha!

  13. i love the cut of your wedding dress. simple yet classy.:)

  14. I love your wedding photo and you still fit in your wedding gown. That's amazing.

  15. Beautiful bride. :) Ooh awesome how your dress still fits! :)

  16. Happy anniversary to both you mare! Wishing you lifetime of love and happiness.

  17. That's sad but I'm sure your papa is happy because you found the right man who will take care of you :) I wish I can be as fit as you are! Tsktsk for my wedding gown someday..maybe. Stay lovely!!

  18. Lovely wedding and family photos. ^_^

  19. I'm not a church wedding because I don't have any friends in Western when I arrived. I don't regret am so happy I got married in Civil though my mother-in-law was asking us to get married in church.

  20. it only means that you are still sexy and fab just like your wed day

  21. Happy anniversary to you and your other half! A civil wedding ceremony is anyway as good as a church wedding, you can't marry in the church if you didn't have the civil your dad saw you getting wed to your hubby under the eyes of God and people, all's good! :) congratulations again!

  22. you still look great, even from before until now, your wedding dress still fits on you that means you never gain any weight at all. lucky you and good genes... belated happy anniversary to both...

  23. very lucky you! my husband and I got married just at home back in singapore with a judge. planning to have a big wedding with friends and relatives anytime soon! envy you for wearing a gorgeous gown on your big day! and glad it still fits you well! sexy prin! nice family photo!

  24. Wherever your papa is right now, i know that he's hapoy because you have such a beautiful family and the most imoortant part of all is that youare happy :) Belated happy anniversary to you and your husband!

  25. As they say, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sis, ganda mo sa wedding dress. Parang hindi nagbago ang figure mo.

  26. I'm sure your father is very happy for you and your family. Your wedding gown is pretty and great that it still fits you well.

  27. such a lovely two looked great and happy...congratulations!!!

  28. Sis Rose,
    You are one gorgeous bride :-) You look beautiful on your wedding gown :-) I am sure that your Papa is looking happily from heaven for your family and success in life :-)

  29. I envy you sis, nothing change with your body. You look exactly the same when you got married. Stay pretty and congrats!

  30. Wow, you looked pretty in your wedding gown and your hubby's dashing in his pina barong too! I'm so amazed how you managed to stay slim sis all those years. I bet, my wedding gown won't even fit me anymore. I got so fat to the point I don't recognize myself. :( I hope my daughter maintains her figure so I can pass my wedding gown to her.

    It's sad that your father missed to see his daughter's union. I'm sure, like what your mom said, it was what your dad would have wanted for you. He's smiling at you from heaven sis. :)

  31. Happy Anniversary! You never aged. Good job taking care of yourself.

  32. This post is terse but so full of emotions! Poignant coz I can feel what you feel. Missing a Dad is heartbreaking but we have got to move on.

    You look lovely in that wedding dress, Rose and you had me in awe when I saw that published at FB and it still fits you right! Very sexy and I adore you for defying age gracefully! Simply ageless! Mwah!


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