Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bike Riding for Better Sleep

We have been hitting the road with  our bikes as the  weather is getting cooler.  Soon, it would be freezing and our bikes would be parked again in the storage.  I wish that Summer weather will stay hehehe.
The last day of Summer will be on Friday and the weather is suppose to be in the 80s.  According to the weather channel, it would be the last  day where it would be warm.  Right now, it is chilly at our end.  
I am glad that we invested in  buying each of us a bicycle because  we were able to ride altogether.
We have been riding bikes after their school and when my husband   comes home from work.  It is one activity that wear them out and make them sleep better at night.


  1. This is indeed a great family activity! I love that you guys are very active!

  2. this is a great activity to stay fit as a it!and you have such cute kiddos:)

  3. I used to love biking riding as a kid I would be on my bike most days - been years now though hopefully one day I shall ride again though :).

  4. Wow, so sweet family. I wish my family can be like that too - so much activities! <3

    Bonding kung bonding! <3

  5. The kids love to ride their bikes also. They only get to ride them inside the house though. There's no safe place for them to ride their bikes outside as we live near a major thouroughfare and streets are always busy.

  6. I miss biking and I hope I can do that again together with my family just like you. That was a nice family bonding and exercise at the same time.

  7. Wow, how fun! I wish we could all have bikes so we could make biking a routine that we could do together! Lovely photos of your family!

  8. I can not believe summer is over already. I live in Florida so it is summer year round. We are wanting to plan a trip to go see snow (I have only seen it twice both times in Florida which does not count!). I am glad you got your family out and active before it was over. Now to start seeing the posts of the snowball fights!

  9. We biked as a family only once, about 3 years ago. I hope, we can get back to it soon.

  10. this is a fun thing to do together, can't wait for fall weather to go out!

  11. That must be fun. That's one thing that my husband and I had been thinking for awhile now. We want to bike but we don't have bikes.

  12. Biking with the family! I wish I could do the same. Hey, iIlove Ms. Burrito's hair color!


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