Saturday, August 31, 2013

Aurorae Yoga Micro Fiber Towel

I have never thought that I would love yoga as much as I do now.  Yoga is a safe non-aerobic form of exercise which  involves forms of  breathing and  meditation techniques.  It is a form of relaxation  that helps you develop your flexibility, strength, and balance.  I am now  40 and flexibility is a bit harder but through yoga, I am  getting it back.  

I am grateful to companies  that gave me  an opportunity to  review some of their yoga apparel and  accessories as I started loving  yoga.  One of the companies that I am very grateful for is the Aurorae Yoga.  I have work with them a couple of times already when they provided me a yoga mat and a tank top to review.   They also sent me  their   pledge candle which I really really love.  I light it every time I do some yoga at home.

I recently received another  accessories from them  which is is the micro fiber 30x20 towel.  As you can see in the photo, it is  very long.  I am  standing and holding up the towel at the back on the second photo.  The towel will surely absorb  your perspiration.  The towel is very soft which is  so comfortable to wipe your body  when  perspiring.  It is machine washable.

I highly recommend   Aurorae Yoga's yoga mat, towels,  clothing, and other accessories.  If you would   read the review about their  products, you will  agree how customers   love  using them.  

Lighting the lavender  candle from  Aurorae Yoga  while  doing your yoga routine is very relaxing.  
Here are some of my favorite yoga position derived from my  children's yoga book/CD from Bal Yoga.  I don't have a yoga CD for adult yet but for starter, I love doing yoga with my daughter.
Wheel Pose
Tortoise Pose

Jelly Sandwich Pose
If you ever need a yoga apparel and other yoga accessories, please check out Aurorae Yoga as they have a complete selection of them.
Photo: Lavender candle relaxes me.
 Disclaimer: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated in writing the review. The above mentioned product was received for FREE for evaluation purposes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jogging and Stretching

It's been a while since I last jog because of the rain that we were having here.  Well, that's me  making excuses lol.  Kidding aside, I wasn't able to run  when my  kids  got  the school break, we were  busy most of the times doing stuff although I was doing  yoga and other  fitness routine at home from time to time.  

I miss jogging and I miss  smiling the fresh morning air.  Now that my kids are back to school, I will try to   do  my outdoor routine again especially that I gain a pound ever since I stopped running.   Hopefully, I can keep this up.   

Taken this morning before I went jogging.  It's important to  stretch out first before you  take off jogging so you won't shock your body and pull a muscle or something.  That is  it for now, I have a lot of things to do inside the house.  Off to the garden for a while.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dress that is Made in Korea

This is the dress that I bought when we were still living in South Korea.  I don't know exactly  what you call  this style of dress but I love it.  It's originally made in Korea using a very soft fabric.  The brand is called LUL (not sure if it means something or if it's a name).  
You can alter the style on the neck.  It has an extra  string to tie in the  ring  and tie it around your neck if you don't want to  wear the  two strings on the shoulders.
Note:  My 8 year old photographer wants me to make funny faces while she clicks so that explains the above images.  We are just having  fun folks, don't take it seriously lol.

Anyway, I bought several dress over there because the sizes are just perfect for my body type.  Koreans are petite people just like me so shopping for dress over there  was a plus.  Although there are types  and designs that I find very loud but there are also some designs that I love and this one included.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Who needs a Probiotic?

Probiotics are the helpful and healing bacteria that live in our bodies. Every human has several pounds of bacteria that aids in everything from digestion to beating infections. At the same time, many people have bad gut flora due to unhealthy and overly processed foods, ailments or other conditions that decrease the number of quality of your gut flora. You can improve this by taking probiotic supplements, but who really needs them? It depends on your symptoms and overall lifestyle.

Antibiotics are good for killing infections, but they are terrible for gut flora. This is why about 30 percent of patients suffer from diarrhea and other digestive problems. Not only that, but these antibiotics can also decrease your immune system's effectiveness.

You should consider taking probiotics both during and after a round of antibiotics. This will help you feel better, and it can decrease the likelihood of you suffering from diarrhea.

Digestive Health
If you have overall digestive problems, then you might want to consider probiotics. For example, studies have shown that the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, irregular diarrhea and constipation are much easier to deal with and treat if you are taking a probiotic supplement.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that probiotics are responsible for digesting food. If you have a good number of efficient probiotics, then it will be much easier for you to digest food without uncomfortable symptoms. The other reason, which is a relatively new theory, is that good bacteria keep bad ones from attaching to the lining of the stomach.

The stomach lining has millions of spots for bacteria to attach to. This is usually so that the good bacteria has somewhere to stay as food is being digested. If the good flora disappears, then this allows the bad bacteria to take its place. By taking a probiotic supplement, you can avoid this problem.

Urinary Health
There is compelling research showing that probiotics can help with urinary health. If you commonly suffer from urinary tract infections, then a supplement might be beneficial. Just like in the stomach, there are areas in the urinary tract where bacteria attach to. Having good bacteria ensures that the bad ones don't have a place to attach to in your urinary tract.

Another reason is because good bacteria can help break down and purify whatever you digest. This makes it much easier to urinate without any problems. It also greatly reduces the likelihood of infections occurring in this area of the body.

Poor Immunity
Those with poor immunity can benefit greatly from probiotics. This is good for both adults and pregnant women. Adults that took probiotics found that their immune system quickly improved. Pregnant women who take probiotics have children with a 50 percent lower chance of developing allergies.

Probiotics are able to stimulate the immune system. If you are an adult, this is done by increasing the production of lymphocytes. Scientists use these markers to see if the immune system is working. They help improve the immune system of unborn babies and small children by causing a small inflammatory response. This gives the immune system something to fight, which improves its ability to fight infections and reduces the likelihood of allergies.

Researchers aren't entirely sure why this happens, but it has been shown that probiotics can help people that are overweight. For example, men and women who undergo a weight-loss regimen or surgery tend to successfully keep the weight off if they add probiotics to their diet.

Pregnant women also seem to have a much easier time losing the extra abdominal fat if they take a probiotic supplement. Some scientists think that this is because good gut flora aids in digestion, while others believe that probiotics help people recognize when they are full. Regardless of the reason, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that probiotics can help if you are obese or overweight.

Probiotics are good for everyone, but some people need them more than others. If you have digestive, urinary, weight or immune system problems, then probiotics can help reduce these conditions to make life much easier to live. You can get probiotics from capsules, yogurt and other sources.

Kids Back in School: Time for Home Improvements

Kids will be back in school soon and you can finally bring your home improvement jobs in the front from the back burner. How to start and what to do? Here are a few tips to help you get going.

While the kids were around, you know there really wasn't enough time to carry out those home improvement projects that needed your attention. But now that kids are heading back to school soon, there’s no making excuses now!

Before you know it, winter will be upon us and we really cannot afford to be caught napping! The summer heat has begun to wane and with that there’s a surge of energy coupled with the desire to get those long-standing projects over and done with.

Start with the improvements that are really needed as winter approaches. Here are a few ideas to help you along the way.

Caulk and clean your windows
Windows are the main culprit when it comes to energy loss so the best thing would be to clean them thoroughly of all the grime and dirt that has collected on them during the hot summer. Then caulk, weather strip and seal to ensure that your home is kept warm and cozy in winter. If air leakages still persist, consider replacing your windows with energy-efficient ones that will help reduce your energy bills. This will not only increase the value of your home but make it brighter. Window cleaning will be altogether an easier chore.

Insulate your attic and convert it into usable space
If your attic is fairly spacious and has standing room, why not convert it into a den or a space for practical use. By the same yardstick, you can convert your basement or your garage. Your first step will be properly insulate it and make provision for adequate ventilation. This is the best way to keep the heating and cooling systems of your home effective. Then with sufficient storage capacity, some space-saving furniture and a fresh coat of paint you can have that much needed-extra living space for a study room or a kids playroom or a home office or whatever your need is at the moment.

Clean your furnace filter
Do a thorough cleaning of your heating system. Regularly clean your furnace filters,  as larger amounts of energy are needed to blast hot air through a dirty furnace filter. In preparation for winter, adequately insulate the pipes and ducts of your heating system.

Get your garden ready for spring
Now is the ideal time for all kinds of garden activities. The soil tends to be warmer which promotes root growth. It’s not like spring planting which brings with it the potential of a hot dry summer which is not conducive for the growth of young saplings. If you want to get your lawn going, do it now. Moreover, this is the best time of the year to get your gardening equipment and nursery stock at dramatically discounted rates.

If you don’t have a compost pile, it is definitely a great idea to start one in the fall to accommodate all the leaves and other stuff you rake up in your garden before the onset of winter. You will also need to mulch your garden beds with wood chips, compost or other suitable organic matter like straw to help the soil retain ground moisture and protect plants sleeping below.

Once you are done with your gardening equipment and tools, after properly cleaning them, you can carefully tuck them away in the garage for the long winter season when you will not need them.

Do a paint job
Painting your home’s interior can completely change the way your home looks and feels, but make sure it is done while it is still warm and the windows can be kept open while painting is being done

Repair/replace your roof
Find out where the trouble spots are in your roof and deal with them pronto! That way you’ll save yourself more major repairs and even replacement. Take professional advice.

And while you are attending to your roof, don’t forget the gutters especially during this season when falling leaves put additional burden on them. Remember, leaking gutters are a threat to your home. Apart from promoting the growth of mold and mildew, they can be the cause of more serious interior structural damage. Prompt attention can save you costly repairs or replacement.

Add to your storage capacity
Wherever you can find unused space construct additional storage cabinetry so that you do not have any clutter lying around. Allot closet space in an organized manner so that you do not have to spend hours looking for misplaced items. You can buy ready-made shelves to help you organize and make the most of your space.

Now may be the time for at least one remodel 
Finally, since the kids are away at school, this may be just the right time to do that kitchen remodel that’s been on your mind. With the festive season approaching, there’s no better way than to reorganize your kitchen, from its flooring to the cabinets, and from light fixtures, and faucets to counter tops and back splash.
About The Author:
Michael has a natural flair for interior and exterior home décor. He believes home improvements should not only be aesthetic but sensible and energy-efficient as well.  Michael is a freelance writer who has had 12 years of experience as an interior designer. He currently writes for Dallas Champion Window  and other home improvement companies. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top 5 Common Mistakes When Setting Up a Home Gym

Getting in a good workout is a must for many of us – it’s not only a way to relax and reduce stress, but it usually leaves you energized for the whole day and improves general health.

However, going to the gym can sometimes seem like a chore – not only do you have to leave home and go someplace, but you also have to deal with the annoying music, crowded areas with sweaty people and lines at the exercise machines.

The good news is, all this can be avoided if you set up a gym at home – it’s much easier than you think and although it requires an initial investment, it isn’t too big and will pay off handsomely after you don’t have to pay for a gym membership.

However, there are things to consider when setting up a home gym, otherwise you might end up spending much more than you really needed and have a gym that’s simply uncomfortable.
Here are 5 things you must take into account when you buy home gym equipment:

Our Mini Gym at Home

1. Buying Equipment without Proper Planning

When you decide which room in your house will become your personal training station, the first thing you must do is make all the proper measurements and plan ahead where will you place all the equipment.

This starts out with you getting measurements of the room, thinking about what equipment you’ll be getting and measuring space for it to fir in.

Remember to take into consideration that even if the equipment fits by itself, you’ll need to have comfortable range of motion when using it, so plan for that as well.

2. Not Doing Proper Market Research

Even though you probably can find the simpler things like barbells, weights and dumbbells pretty easily, there are things that you need to look at carefully before making a purchase.
Cardio machines or cable machines greatly vary in price, and for good reason – you really shouldn’t buy the cheapest models, because they are usually made out of cheaper materials and will end up breaking when used extensively.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t go and shop for gym equipment online and find the best prices available, but you should still understand that materials do matter, especially in machines that are exposed to high levels of stress during use.


3. Buying Equipment that You Don't Need

It's common to want to fill your home gym as much as possible - after all, when you're setting it up, you're thinking that you'll be using everything.  The truth is that you don't need all that unnecessary faddy gym equipment.

Stick with the basics - barbell, weights, dumbbells, a rack and a bench.

Of course, you might need more things depending on your personal preferences, but be sure that whatever you get you'll be using in your workout routine, otherwise it'll just be taking up space.
Also, don't fall for the always advertised all-in-one multi exercise machines. These rarely, if ever, deliver what they promise and end up costing you a fortune and never really showing results for it.

4. Not Considering Appropriate Flooring

Remember that you don't go to the gym to read, you go there to have an intense workout, so you're probably going to sweat quite a lot.

That's why it might be a good idea to set up appropriate flooring - consider that you'll have to wash the floors often, so a carpet is probably not the best option, as well as tiles.

A good choice is getting rubber flooring - it's easy to wash and will be easy to maintain.
Additionally, consider that accidents do occur, so if you ever accidentally drop a barbell, a tile floor would probably be permanently damaged, while a rubberized floor can cushion the fall.

5. Not Making the Gym Comfortable

When setting up a home gym, sometimes people are overwhelmed by the equipment and spacing issues and forget about perhaps the most important aspect - you'll be spending your time sweating through grueling workouts and you'll need all the motivation you can get.

So you have to think not only about the equipment, but also about the look, the feel and the atmosphere of the home gym.

That means that setting up a stereo for music is essential to pumping you up during the workouts, as well as having the look and feel of the gym constantly motivating you to push yourself further - whether with posters or pictures, you'll need that nudge when you're trying to finish that last rep.
Also, remember to place a mirror so you can see yourself while working out - not only will this help with motivation and tracking progress, but it's also very important when keeping an eye on your form, so you perform the exercises properly.

A home gym, when set up properly, can become the place you can leave all your everyday worries and focus on yourself – a place that you can set up anyway you like, to suit your personal needs.
Consider these simple tips and avoid the mistakes that could turn out costly. A  home gym is a special place for any man and it must be prepared properly -  if you’re setting one up, you better do it the right way.

Michelle Forsyth is a self-employed writer and blogger with a BA from Melbourne University. When Michelle is not writing or blogging she spends time with her two kids and spends time shopping online. Her favorite website to score some good deals is!

Dressed Up Day

I am so glad that  my kids had so much fun bonding  with Izzy this Summer.  They were inseparable.

Looking at the photos, you might not believe that Izzy is younger than my daughter.  She is only six while Ms. Burrito is 8 years old  already.  Despite their age gap, they get along so well.
They did so many fun stuff and  playing dress up was one of them.
Feeling wacky and goofy hehehe.
My kids wishes that Izzy lives nearby and not in Wyoming.
I hope that they could visit again next year s  the kids can  do some  catching up.  

Fashionable Dresses at 24/7 Frenzy

Oh yay, I won again for the second time  in a  giveaway sponsored by  24/7 Frenzy, this time hosted by DealSavvyMom.  T%his is one of those moments where I have a gut-feeling that I will win and I did.  I do seldom enter giveaways  because I am not that lucky but sometimes, I always have that intuition to enter.  Anyway,  I just received the  e-certificate  code from 24/7 Frenzy so I  immediately browsed around their site.  I love the following dresses.  

I love the colors of this OVERLAP FRONT CAP SLEEVE PRINT DRESS - BLACK LIME ($49.99) but daughter said it's too much going on, sigh.

I like this Strappy Floral Print Dress, it is simple but it is on sale for  $14.99
I'll wait for my husband to arrive and asked which  one should I pick hehehe.  How about you, which would you choose?

I have my choice already but I am having issues on how to pay the shipping.  The situation is that, the  e-gift certificate  would pay for the dress but I have to  pay the shipping.  Paying the shipping isn't the problem but the  set up of their  check out process.  I can't pay the shipping without cancelling the gift certificate as it would only allow me to use one mode of payment.  I am a bit frustrated.

I think, I might end up using the certificate for clothes with low price just so I don't have to pay for the shipping, sigh.  I contacted their  customer service,  they replied and apologize  for the inconvenience but they never explained how am I going to pay for the shipping without canceling the  gift certificate.  I emailed them again, explaining the situation but I haven't gotten any reply so I am kind of screwed, whew.

Disclaimer:  Photos are not mine.

4 Different treatments for thicker hair

Thinning hair can be a real drag. For many women (and guys too!) our hair is part of our identity, and we all want to look our best. While that may sound superficial, they say that first impressions last, so when you want your first impression to look healthy and well-groomed, there are a few different ways you can improve the thickness of your hair.

Overall health check

If your hair has suddenly thinned or you are experiencing bald patches, get thee to the doctor. There are a number of medical conditions that can cause hair thinning, so if this sounds like you, it’s time for a check up. On the other hand, if you thinning hair has crept up on you and you have a clean bill of health, it may be that you are experiencing hereditary hair thinning. One way to check this is to look at your closest relatives. What do your parents’ hair look like? Your siblings? Chances are you will all have similar hair types.

Wash with care

Experiment with washing your hair less. It may take a week or two for your hair to adapt, (it may feel a bit oily while your scalp adjusts to the change) but if you can get away with less washing, your hair is less likely to become dry and brittle. While we’re on the topic of shampooing- check the label on your shampoo. Avoid brands that use sulphates, as these harsh detergents have no place on your beautiful hair. Go for good quality shampoos and conditioners. Hairdressers recommend applying a deep-conditioning mask at least once per week.

Style guide

When styling your looks, avoid heat treatments as much as possible. Heat damages the hair and increases the likelihood of hair breakage. Opt for naturally air-drying your hair, and only apply hot irons or hairdryers on special occasions. If you love the poker-straight locks that are achieved using hair straighteners, at least try to get a few days out of them (see above tip about washing your hair less!).

Quick fixes

To add extra volume, try clip-in hair extensions. These are quick and fun for a special occasion, and unlike weaves or glue-in hair extensions, they won’t damage your hair in the process. If a more subtle effect is required, consider keratin fibre sprays, which effectively ‘fill in’ the thin areas of your hair. Visit for an example of this kind of product. If you aren’t experiencing hair-thinning, but would still like more volume, try styling your hair using volumising sprays, which can give the illusion of up to 30% more hair. Whether your hair is just a little bit limp, or seriously thinning, there are a number of ways you can achieve thicker hair. For best results, take a multi-faceted approach, and try all four of these different treatment options. Written by Amelia Stuckey

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Onzie Yoga Wear

After a  really busy day  yesterday, my husband decided to take the kids to the swimming pool  so they could enjoy a relaxing time in the water.  I decided to stay and do some yoga.  I am starting to realize that at 40, I am not longer that flexible, argghhh.  My  back is hurting right now  from the camel pose that I did yesterday.  Camel pose requires you to kneel and  you have to put your hands on your heels behind you and lift your hips up high.

Anyway, the yoga apparel that I am wearing is courtesy from Onzie.  They sent me not only the racer bra top and capri pant but they also sent me  their popular prints, which I am going to review at my shopping blog.  It would be nice if I have  like the model's body, wishful thinking here lol.  The capri pant are low waisted.  The sizes available is X/S to M/L.  The full flex fabric will allow you to  have a maximum mobility and stretchability.  It is made of 80% nylon and 20% spandex.  It is  also available  in different  summer colors just like you see in the selection below.  So if you  love colors, this would  be your opportunity to  get the color that you love.
These images aren't mine
I like the racer bra top because it is very comfortable to wear and it's really sexy  at the back.   It is also available in different bright colors that you will like. The front neck like is slightly  v-shaped and  it has a very strong support.
racer bra top - $38 (photo isn't mine)
Giraffe pose 
Onzie's products are proudly made in USA.  For more details about their  products, please visit the website or like their Onzie Yoga Wear in Facebook.  Thank you Onzie  for your generosity in  providing me four pieces of workout apparel.

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT  compensated financially in writing this review.  The products mentioned above was provided for FREE for evaluation purposes.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Carpet Cleaning

We have a very busy day today.  My husband took a day off from work so we could do all the stuff that we need to do.  We  left home early and went to school to register the kids, paid the tuition, get their books and we head out next to the car  garage to have our car inspected.  By the time we came home, I was very exhausted that I decided to stay home and  vacuum our carpet while my husband and kids went swimming in the pool.  I wish that I could hire the Same Day Carpet Cleaners Brooklyn to do the job for me but I can't.  As a stay at home mom, one of my main   thing to do at home is clean to make sure that my kids are  not inhaling  dust and other things at home.  

carpet cleaners brooklynMy husband steam cleaned our carpet last month and  I vacuum it  every so often every week.  We have two dogs and one sheds like crazy so it is a must that I clean our  carpet  regularly.  For those who are looking for a professional cleaner though, you can check out the Same Day Carpet Cleaning services.  You can view a free cleaning demonstration at their website on how to properly   treat stains and other things that you need to know when cleaning your  rugs and carpet.  You can also enjoy the 15% off coupon by visiting their website.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Romantic Handmade Clothing from HolyClothing

I received this lovely Baby Doll Mini Dress this morning from Holy Clothing.  The Fedex Guy  came early and delivered the package.  I was still in my jammies when he came, so I probably smelled  coffee when I talked to him lol.  Anyway, HolyClothing sent me this red hot viola  Retro Velvet Lace, Gypsy Hippie Baby Doll Mini Dress for review.  I love the material  they used, the detailing,  and the design.

This lovely dress  makes me  feel like  I am one of those Indian princesses wearing one of those handmade and well-thought designed  dresses.  The renaissance design is exquisite and the  A-Line full flaring hem makes it so much fun to wear.  This is ethnically handmade in India using 2 luxurious fabrics and laces. I love the intricate Bohemian embroidery on the hem and  on the cuffs. 
As you can see, it is a little bigger  for my body size but glad that I can tie it at the back to tighten it up and make it look perfect  in the front.  The back ties ensures a  perfect fit to your feminine curves. 

My little Bud wanted to be in the photo so yay for that.  This  dress would be perfect to wear around Christmas time in here.  It's long sleeve will provide me warmth during the  cold season.

You may join their growing Facebook community, like them, and be part of their romantic handmade clothing industry.  HolyClothing  is an Indian-based company  with huge selection of  beautiful  clothing.

They actually have so many selection that I found it really hard to choose as I want  them all lol.  I am glad  that I chose this one because it  was perfect for my  height and I love the color.  This is available in different colors  but red is my favorite color so Picked  this red hot viola.

Thank you so much HolyClothing for this beautiful Viola Velvet Lace Embroidered Gypsy Hippy BabyDoll Mini Dress.

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated for  writing this review.  The  product mentioned above was provided for FREE for evaluation purposes.  Opinions  are 100% mine.

What is the Alexander Technique?

You may have heard about the Alexander Technique in health circles or read about it in magazines, but how many of us can honestly say we know what it is, what it entails and what it is for? Lots of people could benefit from the Alexander Technique but may just know nothing about it, so it’s important that we educate ourselves on this useful form of therapy which can be used to treat a number of health conditions to improve a patient’s quality of life and reduce pain and anxiety.

Alexander technique at The Physio Therapy CentreThe Alexander Technique uses gentle guiding touches and instructions to help patients suffering from a range of conditions to improve their posture and correct their breathing technique to help reduce pain and make every day living more comfortable. It can be beneficial for all sorts of people, from pregnant women to people suffering from Parkinson’s disease to musicians who find themselves with aches and pains from constant playing.

The  therapist will instruct you to perform a range of breathing and gentle stretching exercises to help you correct your posture and loosen up the body. Stress and ongoing tension of the muscles can lead to stiffness in the body, and this technique helps to relax the muscles to decrease pain in the back, neck or any other part of the body.
Furthermore, this technique can be used to improve balance. If you play a lot of sport or spend a lot of time standing on your feet, you may find that poor posture means you are constantly slumped to one side or distributing your weight unevenly between feet which can lead to pain and spinal curvatures over time. This helps to readdress that balance so that your weight is spread evenly through the body, using similar practices to yoga.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is becoming more and more common these days as more of us spend time working at computers in the same position for hours on end. The Alexander Technique is a good way to ‘reset’ the muscles and help them relax into a position that won’t cause you any further discomfort.
When you’re pregnant, your stance naturally changes as you have to readjust the balance of your body to accommodate your growing stomach, so you need to learn to shift the weight appropriately to help you move around more easily and manage the extra weight. When the body fails to do this in a safe, comfortable way, some help from a therapist skilled in the Alexander Technique can help you to learn a safe posture to keep you comfortable throughout the pregnancy.

Okabashi, more than a Shoe!

I am pretty sure that you have  experienced  wearing Okabashi  footwear already as I have seen some  blogs that I visited with great reviews about these shoes.  I am fortunate to receive a pair for review as well.  Okabashi sent me this Splash in pink color.  This beautiful pair of  Splash sandal has a wedge heel which I love.  You can basically use this  when you go  to a pool during the day and  transitioned it for a perfect  footwear  on night out.  

Okabashi's shoes are proudly made in the USA and it is 100% recyclable.  A perfect way to  help our mother nature right?  Its signature microplast material provides anti microbial, anti-slip, anti-odor, and vegan friendly.

Other feature of this sandal that I love is the fact that it has a massaging insole, an ergonomic food bed,  and with a superior  arch support as you can see in the photo.  Okabashi guaranteed that this would last for two years so that would be  great.  Lastly, aside from its durability, it is also  waterproof and dishwasher safe.  I am  curious why  it's dishwasher safe and not  washing machine safe?

Anyway, my skin looks even darker with  this color but I love the fit and  and feel of these sandals.  Pardon for the spider veins in my feet hehehe.

I believe in Okabashi's slogan which is "More than just a shoe" because  it does really make your feet  comfortable wearing their  footwear.  I have been wearing this since it arrived and loved it!  So thank you, Okabashi!   You can get in touch with them by liking their Facebook page or by visiting their website through the links in this post.

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated in writing this review.  The product mentioned above was provided for FREE  for evaluation purposes. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Soda Drinks vs. Natural Drinks

Soda drinks are very enticing to our taste. They offer a different kind of satisfaction when taken cold. It can be addictive too, especially the colas though its sugar energized us.  It will take enough courage for one person to say no to soda drinks especially if he used to drink it every day. The difficulty of keeping it away from the children and young ones is imminent. Once a child tasted it; he would always want it. That is why parents are having problem in getting rid of it from their children’s diet.

Parents understand the high susceptibility percentage of their children when it comes to diseases. We understand that while kids are still young, their immune system is not yet fully developed to fight against serious diseases. Therefore, almost all parents are doing their best to encourage their children eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. With rising number of patients suffering from diabetes, cancer and heart diseases, some dining tables does not contain soda drinks anymore but water and smoothies alone.

Parents understand that nothing can beat the benefits you get if you  drink water and smoothies instead of having a can of soda drink or other juice alternatives. If you are a parent, who is heading in this direction, you may find it hard to start.  But you need to encourage your children to drink water and smoothies in every opportunity you get. You can browse online some available excellent recipes for you to prepare.

Health experts discovered some wonderful ideas where a parent can teach their children eat vegetables is by using creative blends that are surely delightful to their children’s taste.  Many of the smoothies recipes include vegetables that are not so attractive to the children when eaten directly but can certainly become so irresistible when serve as smoothies.

By buying this idea, parents can ensure that they are able to somehow integrate healthy diet for their children using healthy drinks. The next problem they have to face is how to turn the whole eating diet in a healthy and well-balanced one. This time it is not only limited to drinks served in the table but also to some other solid foods for the meal.

Well, this can be difficult to work out but certainly a worthwhile advocacy to push through especially if your children’s health is at stake.