Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friends Reunion

They did not see each other for two years but during our  reunion  last month, it seems like nothing has changed.  It was so nice seeing them get reunited again.  I hope that these  sweethearts  would  continue to be friends even when they grow up.

THe last two photos were taken by  sis Dhemz.

Photos were taken when we were leaving the Splashtown,  our last  fun adventure in San Antonio, Texas.


  1. Isn't that sweet! It's nice seeing friends even for once in a while. The kids are growing too fast for their mommas.

  2. It is always good to meet up with old friends. They look very happy together. Take care Diane

  3. these kids looks adorable. i think they'll stay friends forever.

  4. Awwww it's awesome when friends get together especially after having seen each other in a long time. Great photos! Made me smile.

  5. what a great picture and everyone looks so happy

  6. It is so nice to see friends who are happy to be together after not seeing each other for a while.

  7. What a nice get together as friends

  8. Too cute
    Wonderful that despite time and distance the bonds are stromg

  9. Kids are amazing, they might not see friends for a while but when they do it is like they are always together. I hope my kids have friends from their childhood all throughout their lives. Hope yours do as well.

  10. True friends is rare, so when you found one I bet cherish it.

  11. they're like siblings! so precious!

  12. That is really nice and I hope that they continue to become friends when they grow up. Trust is the key to maintain the friendship. That when in doubt, ask. Once the trust is tarnish, its hard to mend. I hope their friendship will go beyond no bounds.God bless them.

  13. i love these pictures. beautiful and priceless.

  14. Kids are great! They are always able to just pick up where they left off. and P.S. GO STEELERS!!! :)

  15. What cuties! They probably will continue to be friends. I am still friends with my bestie from when I was 11 years old. we live miles upon miles apart but still talk. She beat me to 40 this year hehe in feb but mine is coming in oct and 40 for me too......

  16. They're so cute together. Three of my favorite kiddos in the blogosphere. Always make me smile.

  17. Ah, friendship formed at an early stage will forge a lasting one. It's so nice to expose your kiddos to social interactions and tat way, they develop friendships even from a distance and nurture it to last a lifetime. I still have my friends from way back in elementary days and whenever I visit the Philippines, it's always as if, we just had a chat yesterday. Nothing changes, only our ages hahahaha. :)


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