Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Custom Nail Solutions Kit and Nails

I seldom paint my nails nor go to a  salon to have professional do it.  I only  paint my nails when there is an special occasion.  I admit that I wish that I have beautiful nails but when you have kids, time is your enemy.  I remember winning a giveaway and my prize was a set of stick on nails.  I tried using it but it made me very uncomfortable so I  took them off right away.  I think I am not used to having long nails anymore and since I have very small nails, the  stick on nails  did not fit perfectly on my fingernails.

Custom Nail Solutions sent me this box containing putty, finger trays, Instructional DVD, and a spoon.  This kit will  enable you to create your own stick on nails.  Now this should be done   correctly or else it won't work.  The DVD will  show you the step by step process on how to make them.  Since this would require time, I will just give this to a friend whom I think would love it.
 has a perfect  solution for those women who wants to have  long beautiful nails.  With these custom nail solution, you would be able to save time and money in going to a  nail salon.  You can do this at home as the provide you everything that you need to create your customized  nail style.  

Thank you Custom Nail Solution for this kit!

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated in writing this review.  The product mentioned above was given for FREE for evaluation purposes.  


  1. I haven't done my nails in years! Something like this would be so cool to have! Those nails look remarkable in the photos!

  2. i envy those who have pretty nails just like this.. hmm maybe it's time for me to have a new nail look..

  3. Those look amazing!
    I should take better care of my hands but as you say home and mitherhood kind of get in the way

  4. My nails grow long without me doing much-I rarely if ever even have them polished (I am a klutz and end up with more polish on the side of my finger nails then on the nails themselves if I do it myself) I do think I know a couple of friends who would be able to use this as they manage to do a marvelous job on their own nails!

  5. Never seen anything like this before. Pretty cool.

  6. I haven't done my nails in such a long time. I do my toes regularly but just forget about my hands. My daughter would love it if I got something like this for us to share.

  7. Oh my I would love this!!! I used to go to the salon and get my nails done all the time. I could not keep up with it though.

  8. It's gorgeous, I have one and I can't wait to review it.

  9. i learned years ago i can't do my own nails i'm not coordinated enough

  10. I probably only had been to a nail salon once back when I was in Philippines upon encouragement of friends, after that, I never went back, I just did not like the feel of others doing my nails, I got restless, and if I remembered correctly, because I was so bored and restless, I got a cut :( Anyway, I enjoy doing my nails though, but not as gorgeous as these here :) since I can't have very long nails, I can't type nor write if I have long nails. this would be helpful for french tip which i love doing, but just on a shorter nail :)

  11. My favorite style is always french tip. it's a bit hard to do but I can pull it through. Hehehe .

  12. I am not a nail person but these are fabulous

  13. I want to get my nails done, it's been so long. I love the french top they are so cool!

  14. i have always admired perfect long nails since personally i have difficulty growing my nails long, it's very inconvenient + my nails tend to break when they are longer. this sure looks like a fab + nifty idea + i bet a lot of women would love to try this product!

  15. My cousin will be trying this out for me. I am curious how she would like it :) It looks cool!

  16. i am still waiting for my nails to get done so i can finish my review.:)

  17. Wow what an innovative idea for women who loves mani! :) For sure my mom would love this!

  18. Oh my! That looks difficult to do. It's great though that you get to save plenty doing your own nails than going to the salon.

  19. Lovely products for doing your own nails at home without having to pay that much every time you go to the nail salon. Lovely nails mommy. I rarely get to paint my nails and make it look all nice and pretty.

  20. Ever since I can remember, I always have my nails cut short. It is already a norm to me that it's like that and whenever I let it grow long, it already feels awkward and uncomfortable. I think that product you told is perfect whenever I like it look long and just like you, I don't have a lot of time tinkering such. So good for your friend who will gonna own that. :)

  21. that's pretty nifty...I want one!

  22. okay, I don't want to offend anyone, but seriously, how will you wash yourself properly with long nails like that? :P And how will you do household chores and stuff. :P I love getting a mani/pedi or doing it myself, but I've never grown out my nails as long as that, that just looks uncomfortable for me. :P Again, I don't want to offend anyone, it's just my preference to keep my nails long enough to cover my soft finger part but short enough to be able for the iphone to know I'm touching it. :P hahaha! :P


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