Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Custom Nail Solutions Kit and Nails

I seldom paint my nails nor go to a  salon to have professional do it.  I only  paint my nails when there is an special occasion.  I admit that I wish that I have beautiful nails but when you have kids, time is your enemy.  I remember winning a giveaway and my prize was a set of stick on nails.  I tried using it but it made me very uncomfortable so I  took them off right away.  I think I am not used to having long nails anymore and since I have very small nails, the  stick on nails  did not fit perfectly on my fingernails.

Custom Nail Solutions sent me this box containing putty, finger trays, Instructional DVD, and a spoon.  This kit will  enable you to create your own stick on nails.  Now this should be done   correctly or else it won't work.  The DVD will  show you the step by step process on how to make them.  Since this would require time, I will just give this to a friend whom I think would love it.
 has a perfect  solution for those women who wants to have  long beautiful nails.  With these custom nail solution, you would be able to save time and money in going to a  nail salon.  You can do this at home as the provide you everything that you need to create your customized  nail style.  

Thank you Custom Nail Solution for this kit!

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated in writing this review.  The product mentioned above was given for FREE for evaluation purposes.  

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hair Accessories for Her Uniform

We bought some hair accessories for  our daughter when we went to the uniform place.  I don't let my daughter go to school with a messy hair.  Although she resisted having her hair done most of the time but I always  tell her that the way they represent themselves in the school or in any public  places would always reflect to us, parents.  

Anyway, those were the new  hair accessories that our daughter has for her uniform.

Sterling Silver

I have been  so lucky lately that I was given   some opportunities to  review  jewelries such as sterling silver jewelry and others.  Below is one of the few  fine pieces  that I received.  I haven't use it yet since I am still looking for a matching earring.  I am currently browsing Slane and oh my goodness, they have a huge selection to choose from.  They have different  neat designs too.

Eyelashes on a Car's Head Lights

We had a dinner  at Eat in Park  last weekend  and as we were leaving, we saw this fancy looking bling on a car.  The headlights has eyelashes  in it.  My daughter blurted "Whoa, that is one stylish car!"  
Would you put something like this on your car?  What's the most bizarre and weirdest  thing you have seen in a vehicle so far?  What do you think pf this one?

Heart and Soul

Are you familiar with a holton h379? It is an intermediate French horn.  I am not particular with this kind of  music instrument but I  do admire those musician who knows how to play this one.  I think a lot of music  influence that my kids has  can be rooted from my grandparent, my Mom, and my husband's Dad.  They all can play music instrument and can sing.  Unfortunately for me, I can't sing  or play that good lol.  I am just happy that both of our kids   love music.  Below is a video  that I recorded with them performing some songs for the  Filipino Bloggers Forum's anniversary.


Pledge Candle from Aurorae

I am very grateful that there are companies like Aurorae Yoga who supports fitness enthusiasts to the fullest.  The founder of this company  is a cancer survivor which inspires me a lot  to  do my  part and stay fit.  Aurorae Yoga is company to visit if you are looking for high quality yoga mats and other accessories.  They sent me this  harmony lavender soy candle or their pledge candle.  

Aurorae's collection of meditation candles  is intended to help you concentrate on a particular state of mind while you meditate.  This is great if you to create a harmony for your mind  and body which is always the goal of   anyone who meditate.  I love the soy scent of this candle, it really soothes me and  gives me a relaxing vibes.  

Whenever  my daughter is a little bit grumpy because of boredom, I ask her to join me  for some  relaxing meditation which she   likes.
I can't wait to get the  yoga DVD for kids that I am suppose to review.  I told my daughter about it and she is excited.  As you can see in the photos above, those yoga mats  we are using are from Aurorae Yoga.  They have  the best yoga mat there is.  Check them out for your yoga  needs.

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT  financially compensated in writing this review.  The product mentioned above is goven for FREE for evaluation purposes.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

These Boots Were Made for Walking

Chelsea boots are very on trend at the moment, although they have actually been around for decades. These boots have a distinctive appearance. They just skim the ankle and instead of laces, they come with elastic pieces of fabric on either side, which ensure that the boot fits the wearer's foot perfectly. The toe is typically quite pointed and there's usually a small heel. Because Chelsea boots are not usually flexible around the instep and are designed to be quite close fitting, it is very important to make sure that you choose the right size, as there is not much room for error when it comes to these boots.
Comfort and style

However, once you have the right size, these boots are very comfortable. They have become the daytime footwear of choice for many women, primarily because they don't tend to cause blisters or aching feet. They can be worn even if you are usually on your feet all day. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why Chelsea boots have remained popular over the years. They combine comfort with style. It is not just about the practicality of these boots. In recent years, they have become one of a popular choice of footwear, simply because people like the look of them. Many women find that Chelsea boots serve as a good alternative to heels, as they feel comfortable, but still allow you to look polished and put together.

When to wear Chelsea boots

In terms of when to wear them, there is no definitive rule, but they do work well during the chillier months of the year. While they are technically not winter boots, they are sturdy enough to be worn when it is icy and snow on the roads and will keep your feet warm and cosy when the temperature drops. However, although fashionable Chelsea boots are best suited to the colder seasons, because they are only just ankle skimming, you can get away with wearing them when the weather heats up, making them quite a versatile addition to your wardrobe, although it is probably best to stick with sandals if it's really scorching outside.


Styling Chelsea boots should not be too tricky, as they tend to come in neutral colours and their simple, clean design means that they can be paired with a number of different outfits. When wearing them with jeans, it is best to opt for skinny or slim fit jeans, as Chelsea boots don't work quite as well with bootcut styles. It is important to consider the length of the trouser leg as well, ideally, if you want to show off your boots, opt for a slightly shorter jean leg length than you normally would. Chelsea boots can also be used to toughen up girl dresses and skirts, adding an edge and making them look a bit more modern. A floaty dress, paired with these boots and a cropped leather jacket would be a good example of this type of ensemble.

Anna Kennedy is a freelance writer who writes about a wide variety of fashion-related topics. She offers tips and advice on everything from how to buy the most fashionable Chelsea boots, to how to create a capsule wardrobe.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Face Painting

Miss Burrito had her  face painted when we went to  Kennywood last month. The company where  my husband work hired an artist to do it for the  employees' kids who came for the company  picnic.  Here is the little Miss patiently waiting for her turn.

Finally after a long wait, she got her turn.

She  was very  happy of the design she chose.

She was very careful not to get splashed with water the whole time that we  were there at the park.  The lady who  did the  face painting was really good.  She can paint  so fast and so beautifully.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Benefits of Relying on Online Services

Urgent care online NYC provides special treatment for patients at home rather than visiting health centers. This is a fast method of treating patients while they are at home and they do not have to visit hospitals to seek treatment. This system of operation is increasingly becoming popular among most people because of its benefits. The popularity is attributed to the need of these patients to access treatment easily, fast and quality medicine. Medical providers who deal with this service are normally qualified. Therefore, a patient does not need to worry about the quality of the services provided.

This service exists to save people from being in pain for long. That means that a sick person does not have to wait as he or she is in pain in order to visit a doctor in the hospital. The essence of online doctors is to save time for a patient, so he or she does not wait for long in pain. With this online service, what a patient needs to do is just call a doctor to the house. Nobody wants to queue in a hospital line waiting to see a doctor.

Instead of waiting for many hours in a hospital, a sick person needs to visit these urgent centers. It is important to have an idea of these providers by visiting their websites via the Internet. People ought to get places near their homes by looking for them online. Choose a reliable online doctor who will offer the right treatment and in due to time rather than one who will delay to come to aid when called upon to do so.

It helps people in their medical needs as it also deals with special services. This includes treating certain diseases and injuries. Therefore, it deals with everything in relation to medical care. The provision allows for acute treatment that heals fast because it takes about fourteen days on the lower end. However, it is important to note that it does not offer treatment for certain diseases including cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart complications. In case a patient suffers from such illnesses, the provider might refer him or her to a special physician.

There are several benefits associated with the use of urgent treatment method. One major benefit of the procedure is that it is convenient because the service is available during the day as well as at night. Therefore, when a person falls ill at night, he or she can be sure to get immediate attention from a doctor.

Another benefit of online treatment is that it is affordable. Most people find this service affordable unlike when one has to visit a health center. This is usually the case when a patient has a medical cover.

Relying on an urgent acre service is beneficial because a sick person has options. The service offers an individual an option of choosing the best doctor to serve him or her. One gets the service from a physician of choice. The service also enables a patient to communicate with the physician before hiring him or her. Therefore, the process gets personal.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

School Uniforms from Educational Outfitters

Our weekend was a busy one (as usual) but  very productive.  We accomplished things that needs to be done.  Our first stop was my husband's work (will post a separate one for it), then we  went to Educational Outfitters, the place where we buy our children's school uniform.  The little miss does not need any  new uniform  yet as her  current ones still fits her.  She spent  at the play area while me and Mr. Burrito were busy at the  dressing room.
Ms. Burrito was very pleased to see her photos be included in the wall of students wearing each school's specific uniform.
The school where they go ti requires two sets of uniform, one for  warm weather and the other for cold weather.  
Mr. Burrito doesn't like trying on clothes so he couldn't wait till we finished.   He played after I gave him the go signal that we were done  trying on some uniforms.

We spent $312 for his uniform and we haven't even buy shoes yet, whew!

I can't wait to see my little man in uniform with tie and everything, I am excited, he is not.. lol.

Supercharge Your Training With Pre-Workouts

Anyone that has been working out for some time will know that it takes a lot of work to get where you want to be. It takes some determination and even if a personal trainer comes directly to your house, it can be postponed and avoided. It takes a certain type of person and at the same time it is something that anyone can do with the right attitude.

Better Living through Chemistry

Pre-workout supplements can help make the difference between a good workout and a great workout. There are even supplements that can change the way that your muscles react to work. It is just a matter of time before you become stagnant and are ready to throw in the towel. It is in that moment when the right supplements can make a big difference.

Bear in mind that the human body alters its chemical makeup and the levels of endorphins that it creates based upon the situations that it finds itself in. That is easy to imagine when thinking of a frightening situation and remembering the way that the extra adrenaline changed everything.

Years of not working out and not taking care of yourself can cause the body to alter its endorphins for a milder lifestyle. This can mean a reduction in dopamine and even in the endorphins, testosterone and estrogen. It can have a snowball effect when lowered endorphins create an even more complacent mentality.

Change takes time

After making a choice to change the way that you live your life, you need to act upon that energy that you have created. It can take time after that for your body to realize that it is in a new “mode” and the body can go back to the old way of acting very quickly. Just like the way that the adrenalin fades from the body right after a scary situation.
During the time that it takes for the body to adjust to your new workout needs, you can use supplements like pre-workout boosters to take up the slack. Some of these can be used forever and others should be weaned off after a month or two. The body will rarely continue to make a chemical that is being supplied by an outside source.

End Results of Using Pre Workouts

You will find that various supplements will make all the difference in the world when it comes to changing your life. They can provide balance and motivation. The body that you are creating will also have higher needs in the realm of nutrition and vitamins.

There is no reason to take the hard road when changing your life with strength training. There is no reason to put time and energy into something without doing everything that you can to guarantee success. There is no reason to start a program and fail down the line because you didn’t do everything you can to ensure that does not happen.

You have started on a new path to success or maybe you have started again after some time off from working out. If the latter is the case, your previous quitting may have been the result of not having the right chemicals in play. You make sure that the children and your pets that the right vitamins and eat well. Do not do any less for yourself.

Your future is going to be bright when you build a strong foundation to your workouts and add the right boosters and supplements.

Drew Littlejohns is in partnering with athletes and others together to help them achieve their goals from weight loss to muscle building. You can find him on facebook, Google+, and Twitter

Monday, July 15, 2013

Artists-Inspired Poses

Inspired by some of the  statues that we saw at the  Art Museum in Cleveland, Mr. Burrito  gave me some poses to  take photos of.  He said that  it's his  "art pieces" lol.  Enjoy my little artist/s.

Mind you, he does not want to be  photographed these days but   on that day in the museum, he was so funny and insisted  for me to take pictures of him.  He even encouraged his sister to pose with him lol.

I Spy Beautiful Eyes

Aging or the inability for the body to completely repair itself occurs as people get older, but other conditions, such as a lack of vitamins can cause the body to age. The skin, while serving as one of the largest organs in the body, takes quite a beating because of its nature to protect the body while serving to rid of the body’s toxins. It shows significant age for a variety of reasons: dehydration, a lack of vitamins, other forms of inadequate nutrition and for the toxins that expel from it. 

These factors and others can lead to substantial wrinkles in the skin. The skin begins to wrinkle when there is a lack of collagen, the skin becomes thin with age, repeated stress and folds create indentations in the skin, one is dehydrated and when the skin’s elasticity is interrupted or halted. The skin surrounding the eyes is particularly problematic for wrinkles. They can occur from squinting, straining the eyes for other reasons or smiling.

Whatever the cause, most women do not like them and for good reason: Even if a woman cannot yet be considered “old,” she shouldn't have to look it before her time. However, to correct wrinkles, there is a crows feet treatment.   JeNu offers this treatment to help correct the damage that has been done around the eyes. The eyes tell much about a person’s age and correcting this one area of the face greatly enhances a youthful appearance. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friends Reunion

They did not see each other for two years but during our  reunion  last month, it seems like nothing has changed.  It was so nice seeing them get reunited again.  I hope that these  sweethearts  would  continue to be friends even when they grow up.

THe last two photos were taken by  sis Dhemz.

Photos were taken when we were leaving the Splashtown,  our last  fun adventure in San Antonio, Texas.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Disappointment in Shopping at JCPenny, Fort Steuben Mall

We went to Fort Steuben Mall  on July 3rd to give Ms. Burrito a little shopping spree for her birthday.  We dropped by at JCPenny to see what they  have on sale.  We found this  black and blue dress that she likes.
The tag says the orig  price is $40 and with 30% off, you would pay $27.99.  We were going to buy it until we found one on the rack (the same dress) with an original tag price of $25.  So we started looking at the same dresses on display and all of the tag under the perforation line were removed except that one that we found.  I immediately lost interest in buying the dress because  the store is deceiving the customer  of what the dress is really worth.  I was very disappointed.

To JCPenny at Fort Steuben Mall... 

If you are going to do a scheme like this, make sure to tell your employees to  do it right or else you will lose more customers like me.  
ON a lighter note, we had so much fun  on Ms. Burrito's  8th birthday celebration.  We went to an Art Museum in Cleveland and headed  down to Headland Beach afterwards.  Will post the photos soon!

Summer Time with Firmoo-Free for New Customers

It's summertime, you can see lots of people wearing sunglasses on the street. They need sunglasses to see without their eyes watering up, or the brightness causing headaches, or the sun's glare blinding them. Picking up a pair of prescription sunglasses at Firmoo.com is a best way to get a sweet summer look. Although supposed new versions of frames and lenses come out in sunglasses every year, the tinted prescription sunglasses is the latest trend among people pursuing fashion. Moreover, you can find new arrivals in July and excitingly get your first pair  for free here as well.
These eyewear carry up-to-date styles inspired by top fashion designers that don't come with the high price tag. They also carry fashion colors for summer, pinks, greens, yellows and oranges, to name a few. In the summer, your sunglasses are an accessory item that everyone notices. Moreover, the timeless look is the cat-eye eyewear taking dominating other styles in this season.
Still have no idea about how to style your pairs? Check out a few ladies modeling their favorite Firmoo eyewear.
(The above model photos are all derived from Firmoo.)
New Customers, check more products for your first free pair at Firmoo right now! You just need to pay shipping. First come, first served!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


meNmommy sent  me and Ms. Burrito a pair of Allison Sweat Suit.  It's mint light bluish  hooded jacket and pants that are very soft and comfortable.  It's great to  wear on Fall season  when you want to go out jogging or go for a walk.  Sadly I can't wear this outside because even if it's in small size, it is still big on me.  Ms. Burrito's pair is big for her as well but it's alright as she can use it when she gets a little bigger.

The size issue is the reason why we  were laying  in bed to have our photo taken and my 6 year old son was the photographer so the quality of the photos are not that great but  he did a great job capturing our smiles.  Thanks Mr. Burrito.  
I like the selection of matching outfits for Moms and Daughters at meNmommy website especially the dresses.  I think  a pair of dress  for me and my daughter would have been nice but it  is never too late, I will buy us a pair if  the budget permits.  Thank you so much meNmommy for letting us try  your line of clothing.

Disclaimer:  The author of this blog was NOT   financially compensated in writing this article but  received the above mentioned products for  review purposes.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Five Most Beautiful and Must See Destinations of the World

Land of legends and the largest island in the world, Australia ranks at 1st place in this list of the most beautiful countries. Its rich landscape is striking. The long east coast and its tropical climate contrast is just perfect with the red, arid desert center. The Great Barrier Reef, the "capital" Aboriginal Alice Springs, the sacred rock of Uluru, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin are all names that everyone has heard of.

Australia is also home to the great outdoors with a territory 12 times of France with only 22 million inhabitants. The beaches of the east coast are beautiful, such as the Whitsundays, which are part of the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world.
Diversity of landscape and culture, Turkey is a country to discover generously, its mountains, cities, beaches and legendary history earns it the 2nd place in this list. Behind the bazaars in shimmering colors, this is a story of a glorious past of an Ottoman empire that has inspired mankind.

Turkey is a bridge between two worlds, East and West. Istanbul is the only city in the world to span two continents, separated by the Bosphorus and has three legendary names that everyone has heard at least once: Byzantium, Constantinople and Istanbul.
Gigantic forests, majestic mountains, lakes, beavers and lumberjacks ... Canada and snowy mountains of the North highlight the splendor and power of nature. The man has learned to live with the ardor to better appreciate the beauty of a huge country, where the seasons succeed each other with extreme creativity. White snow of a harsh winter to shimmering maple leaves in autumn, Canada offers an endless cycle of scented delights.

16 times as large as France, Brazil never ceases to amaze everyone with its contrasts. Besides the human aspect, where the splendor of the Rio Carnival is a perfect example of the ardent fervor that exists in this country, it   predominates Brazil. In Amazonia trépignante, life through the Pantanal wetlands to drought quadrilateral, everything is just a call to the extreme.

A real paradise: a turquoise water at 30 °, the absolutely stunning coral reefs, white sand and coconut trees, this is what comes to mind when one mentions Thailand. But that's not all, because if the hot sun and sand aspect is a big part of representation in this country, there is also Bangkok and its 10 million inhabitants and the Buddhist temples of northern territory of ancient kingdoms founders.

The scenery is varied and the tropical climate allows for an average annual temperature near 28 degrees.

Author Bio:

Doylin Richards is a creative blogger who loves to share his useful knowledge about the famous tourist destinations around the world. Sharing his personal experiences and travel guide to the key tourist destinations is Doylin’s passion. He advises all the hard working professionals including  personal injury attorney Tulsa , doctors and IT experts etc to spend their vacation abroad for a refreshing experience.