Friday, June 7, 2013

Cutting Edge Therapy with Zeta Products

Working online is a dream job for  Moms who like to stay at home, take care of the family, and at the same time, earn a little bit.  I work at home and I spend most of my time typing in my keyboard.  That somehow build up muscle pain  from my  palms up to my  arm.  My right arm is the mos painful sometimes.  I have to use   my pain  ointment to ease the pain.  My husband teases me sometimes and told me to stop blogging.

Anyway,  I was looking for something that I could use without   taking any pill or applying something on my skin and gladly found Zeta Technology's  cutting edge therapy products.  I  have been using these two for two days now and I can attest it's  effective result.  I received two of their   products, the the Zeta Touch Stone and the Zeta Universal Wrap.
The Zeta Touch Stone is intended for hand therapy.  It's  great for athritis, repetitive  stress injury, stroke recovery, stress reduction, and strengthening.    This has a strong emision that can be  used as a heat and cold therapy.   I  put them in my palm and  gently squeezed them to relax my tired fingers.  
J43rucf9hs6ty2w1kagqti497qrdnbch  The Zeta Universal Wrap is a support wrap that  can be used on wrist,foot, neck, elbow and ankle.  As I have mentioned above, my arm is  sometimes painful especially if I  have so many  tasks to write and I don't take a break through out the day.    It is laboratory tested and verified  for safe yet strong far-infrared  emission.  My husband even want one as he work out a lot as well.

Other products of  Zeta Technology Group  includes Zeta Disc, Zeta Touch Stone Acupressure style, Zeta Trigger Point, Zeta Compress Zeta Bath Boost, Zeta Heat Pack and the two products that I mentioned above.    So what makes Zeta products effective in treating  physical pain and discomfort??   They  have  a specific wavelength emission material called Zetathermide built in in every product.    The good thing abut this is, you don't have to take any pills nor apply  lotion or ointment, hence no side effect.  So check them out!

Disclaimer:  I received the products mentioned above for FREE in exchange of my honest review.  No monetary compensation was received in facilitating the review.


  1. Here is your Z word! I was looking for your U words but couldn't find it
    Anyway thanks for your visit to Oz.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  2. I should buy that Zeta touch stone for my aunt who suffers athritis:D

  3. wow im gonna be needing some of them too! my left leg always hurt after a run coz i had a minor problem b4 from gymnastics.

  4. I think we all need one. Very helpful to eliminate pain

  5. I can be thankful ! I have nothing and don't need nothing ! I keep myself fit with 10 min soft stretching Yoga gym each morning.

  6. I could certainly use one of their products for my poor aching shoulder!!

  7. Never heard of these products before but I'm so glad you wrote about them because this will be extremely helpful to my mom. She has arthritis and problems with her hands/wrists. I'm gonna check out the company now, this should be very helpful. Awesome!

  8. that is perfect therapy for our tired hand :-) the abs exercise you did is very challenging Sis. I do not know if I can do that :-) Kuddos to you :-)

  9. I love Zeta products :D they really helped me a lot especially the universal wrap :D

    I can only imagine how painful that abs workout you have mommy rose, the body sore would be unbearable if that was me doing that hehehhe.

  10. Wow! That's a very interesting product it got me so curious! I want to try that touch stone, too!

  11. I like that wrap as well Sis :-) I bet it does help your hands and wrist when they are pain :-)

  12. Why is it fitness and staying healthy can be so darn painful sometimes! I will check into this for my wrist.

  13. i need tthe Zeta stone as i am also suffering of right arm pain like you do..:-)

  14. that is one cool product to have for heavy computer usage. i need one. :)

  15. i think my mom would love the zeta touch stone.

  16. Why do I haven't start my fitness routine yet?! I so admire you for being so determined and patient.. Way to go! :)

  17. i like the zeta touch stone product, i think i need as well

  18. i like the zeta touch stone product, i think i need as well

  19. I may be a healer by profession but know what? I really hate taking in medicine and as much as possible rely on more non-invasive/ natural methods of healing myself :) something like zeta products would be something I would love to try too for my aching muscles which I often have due to over using my hands :) thanks for sharing and may you have a lovely weekend at home doing what you best :)

  20. I like the Zeta stone, I think that will be a great help for my right arm.

  21. Wow! classy ang mga products na ito. I am just using tennis ball for hand therapy and worn out cottong linen as wrap. So crude naman ako. .

  22. Wow! I love this item :) Perfect for someone who wants to get fit! Nice.

  23. Hay... flat tummy is every woman's dream. Ok, maybe not 'every.' Hala bira sis. You look great na talaga.

  24. it might be a dream come true for me to have a flat abs, never have one ever since. and not even hoping for one anytime soon. way to go to your exercise.

  25. My father can use that Zeta stone because he has arthritis.

  26. seems to work for you!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  27. that product is perfect for my mother


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