Monday, July 21, 2014

Haircut, Fitness Recap, and Family Bonding

Here's   a recap of  my fitness routine last week but first off, I trimmed my hair  last Saturday for a fresh summer look.  I don't go to  a hair salon to have my hair cut, I do it with the help of my husband.  Sometimes, I need him to  polish the back part of my hair.
Back to my fitness routine, I have gained two pounds  during our  beach getaway.  I blamed it to the yummy crabs over in Maryland lol.  Although, we walked everyday while we were there and I ran by the shore barefooted one day (July 8th) , it wasn't enough exercise  for me.  So yes, I gained two pounds lol.
Anyway, here is my recap last week.

July 14 - I walked 3.265 miles on the treadmill and burned 701 calories in  56.54 minutes (almost an hour).  I also did 20 squats.
July 15 - I managed  to  lessen the time  by over a minute  and burned more calories.  Walked 3.516 miles this time.  I also did 10 minutes hula hoop and 20 squats.
July 16 - I was going to work out but hubby encouraged me to do a power walk with him so that's what we did. He took a panorama shot of me in front of the community college  in our neighborhood.  I did not burn much calories but I had fun walking with my husband.  I also did 10 minutes planking.  =
July 17 - today wasn't my best day.  I woke up at 2:30  that  night  because I heard our medicine cabinet opened up.  I checked and it was my son, he didn't want to wake us up and was trying to get something for his leg cramp.  I told him that he is not allowed to get any medicine without us, I gave him some meds and  went back to bed but I could not fall asleep.  That affected my  cardio performance. I only ran 3 miles and burned 650 calories in  almost 50 minutes.
July 18 - My husband asked me again to  go on a power walk with him instead of working out at our  mini gym in the basement.  So I went with him, our son rode bike along side with us.  
July 19 - I reduced my time to one minute from last time and only walked 3 miles.  Calories burned was 639.  I enjoyed  a fresh squeeze lemonade after my  walk.
July 20 - I decided to take a break  with my cardio.  Believe it or not, my toes are having blisters and some  calluses already but hey, no pain no gain,  right?.  It makes me feel good though when I do cardio and  I feel so much stronger.
This week, I am  focusing on some ab work out and let's see what I could accomplish.  By the way, lost the  pounds I gained plus some.  


  1. It is great to see you are accomplishing toward your goal on fitness. :)
    As per haircut, I rarely go to a hair salon either.

    1. I know right? It's expensive and it doesn't really satisfy me so I just do it, it's FREE!!

  2. Nice haircut and great job in reaching your fitness goals.

  3. Your hair looks really cute. Way to go on your fitness goals! You can do it!

  4. first of all let me start with your a gorgeous young lady and I personally would love to have the figure that you have BUT we are always our own worse critic! lol 2nd GREAT job on ur hair..wish I could do that BUT I can even draw a straight line and thats WITH a ruler I would never try n cut my hair id give myself that zigzag look lol!

    1. Thanks a lot Dawn, although I am not so young anymore, being 41 lol. In my 9 years of living here in the US, I only went to the salon once. I did not liked the cut that I got so I never went since lol.

  5. I so need to get a hula hoop! I always loved playing with them as a kid & I can only imagine the type of a workout my body could get from it now.

    1. It's fun to do hula hoops, my daughter does it too with me. It's a fun bonding.

  6. You are s beautiful! I wish that I could cut my hair and actually have it turn out well! Lol. Your fitness routine motivates me to get up and go!!

    1. Thank you Alexandra. I am glad I can motivate you, come and work out with me lol.

  7. I enjoy seeing how people stay active during the week.... it really is motivating. I'm currently pregnant and doing even a 1/3 of that seems insane, but once little one gets here I really want to get in shape!

    1. Awww congratulations on your new addition and good luck on the delivery.

  8. Love the new cut! You look amazing, I would pay for your body, but congratulations on working so hard to achieve your goals. Keep up the excellent work!

  9. Sexy and fit body plus a beautiful family! How I wish I also have the discipline to get back in shape, maybe soon hehehe

    1. Thanks! It's hard to get back when you completely stop with your work out routine but you have to keep going hehehe.

  10. I am a Marylander at heart living in Virginia right now.. I blame the carbs in the breaded fried seafood too.. lol, Kidding, Seriously, You make me want to work out at the beach! You make it look fun, and even with the weight gain, positive. Loving your attitude and, lemonade with the Mint leaf! YES!

    1. Yes, the breaded fried seafood are good and sinful, I indulged on those when we were there lol.

  11. Nice haircut. I'd say I can never do those kinds of exercises, I am too lazy for that. ROFL. But hey, seeing your physique, who knows? I think I am gaining weight and will soon have to shed some pounds off. ;)

    1. Hi Jo, hubby and I agreed that if we want to live longer, we have to start taking care of our health, so keeping fit is our long term goal!

  12. That's so cool you can cut your own hair! It can be a big money saver.

    1. It is a big money saver and I don't have to drive to the salon to have one lol.

  13. Wow! You're now my new fitness idol. I go to the gym 3x a week only and I'm thinking if I should add 1 more day. :)

    1. Awww thanks, three times a week is fine sis. I can do it more than three times since my gym is just here at home, I can do it anytime I want to.

  14. Nice haircut sis. You really have a good time doing your fitness routine,and i say wow!. hope i can also find enough time for my cardio exercises but seems time is too elusive by now. :) maybe i'll reserve for some future time.. hhehehe

    1. Even just small exercises counts, kahit sa bahay lang.

  15. Fun post to read on a rainy Thursday afternoon. Sis, I like your haircut. Ano yan shaggy na naka-layered.

  16. Woot! woot! Well, hello there, fitness guru! I envy you for your dedication to stay on the track of healthy living. You remind me of my mom, years and years ago. She learned to love running and wanted everyone in the family to love it too. (Good luck with that!) haha. Anyway, she won the gold medal for the Women's 40 years and over. She was 42 when she won.

    1. Hahaha di naman fitness guru sis, just staing fit that's all. That's very commendable what your MOm did. I would have continued what she started if I were you hehehe.

  17. try to do intervals and mix your running with siwmming or other cardio available. then you will lose more weight. our body get used to the exercise we do everyday so we are not maximing the routines at all. changing gym routines and do intervals works great

    1. I am not really trying to lose weight. MY goal is to stay fit and strong and tone down unwanted flabs hehehe. But yeah, I do other things too except running. Running/walking just makes me feel good!

  18. Good for you sis! Way to go.

  19. I admire your dedication and discipline! Something I've been lacking lately to be honest. I want to sign up for a race too so that I get motivated to work out. Keep up the fantastic work you're doing to make you stronger and fit!

  20. I admire your drive and passion to stay slim and healthy, and I also like the fact that you have a husband who gives you a free haircut. You save a lot of money from that, sis!

  21. Way 2 go! You are doing awesome! I wish I could have the will power you do!

  22. yan ang may future! kudos for your dedication mommy...all for the love of the family more than yourself for sure.
    go! go! go!


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