Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Eggs Coloring

I can't believe that March is almost over, time flies very fast! I was thinking the other day that my late brother could have been 42 years old.  He died at a very young age, he was only 38 years old.  It hurts to know that my sister-in-law has moved on already and living with another  guy.  I can't blame her  as she is still young, I just  feel bad about  my three nieces as they resent  what their Mom did.  Oh well, nothing I can do but to pray for them.

Anyhow, back to my senses (lol), one of the many fun things to do for my Burritos during Easter is  coloring eggs.  We did that last weekend (yeah, I know, too early), but that's what they want to do so we went along with it.  Then yesterday, we did some egg hunting inside our home, just for fun!  
After the fun, these  eggs  turned into the yummy part, deviled eggs!  Will post it  at my Food blog soon.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Family Dental Insurance

When my husband started working again, our dental insurance  got doubled.  The one that  he  has for life from the military and  the one that the  current company that he  works for   provides to them.  It is so nice that we have two dental insurance now because our bill  is being sent to the primary provider first first then  whatever is left unpaid  is being  billed to our next insurance.    We still have to pay for our annual deductible though but it's not much so it is still better.  For a family of four, it's advantageous to get  a family plan.  There are also dental insurance for individuals that you can get.  If you are looking for a good dental insurance plans that would fit your budget, check out the link I have provided in this post and  use their  search box for a free quote.  Shopping around for  a good insurance coverage plan  is pretty much easier to do these days  because there are companies that provides  services in order for consumer to find the best deal there is.  At, you can compare different  dental insurance  plans from different   companies.  

I am so glad that we have very good providers as it helps us save money.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fresh Spring Look

Imagine me singing the tune of "Twelve Days of Christmas" on the first day of Spring. Crazy right? It was the song that came to mind because of what happened to my hair in school.  I'll give you my version of that song at the end of the post hehehe.  

Anyhow, it was my scheduled volunteer  duty at the school cafeteria last Wednesday, the very first day of Spring.  It was a bit cold there so I went to the  kitchen and I stood  in front of the oven, I think I got so close that my hair  started   burning.  I I noticed it when I smelled  a burning hair.  I grabbed my hair at the back and my hands just got a full  of burned hair.  OMG!  Some of the Moms got scared but I was okay as there was no fire.  The oven was just hot that my hair  got burned.
When I came home,  I looked for the thinning shears that I bought  last year  and cut my  hair.  I cut maybe  four to five inches long.  So here's my  fresh Spring look.
Thanks  to my daughter for the photos.  Below is my version of the song  12 Days of Christmas lol.

On the first day of Spring, I accidentally  burned my hair..."

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Perfect Christian Gift

Some of you might have seen the  review I did for the Bible Verse Certificates that I received  from at my main blog.  They gave me two which I am grateful because I found the perfect  spot to hang them.  Below is the family history that my husband has ordered from a guy he knew  from the Navy.  He was from England and work for a company that  provides family history.  
According to the history, Cottrill's came from England.  I think I will make  separate  post about it  next time.  Anyhow, here are the two  Bible Verse certificates.  I hanged them besides the Cottrill's history.  I think that these certificates would be a great keepsake for my kids in the future.
 Bible Verse is something that you can give to your  Christian friends and family for  any occasion.  There are different styles that you can choose from  in 8 1/2 x 11 size.This is available in English and in Spanish for only $12.95.  Oh, a perfect one to give as a gift for Easter.  You can browse their selection by visiting their website or you can view and  like their  Facebook page.

The  Cottrill Family
The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O yea princess; I , even I, will sing unto the Lord; 
I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel.
Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father 
of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow nor turning.
Consider how I love they precepts: quicken me, O Lord, according to thy loving kindness
O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvelous things: His right hand, 
and His holy arm, hath gotten them the  victory.
The earth is the Lord's , and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.
Render unto them the recompence, O LORD, according to the works of their hands.
I will extol thee, O Lord; for thou has lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me.
Look thou upon m, and be merciful unto me, as though unset to do unto those  that love thy name.
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be yea lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall  come in.
For his anger endureth  but a moment; in his favor is life, weeping may endure for a night, 
but joy cometh in the morning.
And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: any shall see it, 
and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.
My mouth shall speak of wisdo; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.
I am the Lord: that is my name, and my glory will I not give to another, neither 
my praise to grieven images.
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love 
thy salvation say continually, the Lord be magnified.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is 
he that is in you,than he that is in the world.

And thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all they might
Deuteronomy 6:5

Disclaimer:  The above-mentioned products were given for free in exchange of my honest review.  There was no monetary compensation involved in manifesting this  review.  All opinions is 100% mine.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lilla Rose

Lilla Rose was very nice for giving me a chance to review one of their high end Flexi Hair Clip.  I chose their January's Flexi of the month, the Rosey Heart (in the photo)  to review but unfortunately, they ran out  of that one and won't be available till Mother's day so they sent me something similar to it, the Spring Bouquet.  Still beautiful though.
My daughter  love it so much that she  has been using it everyday when she goes to school.  What I like about this Flexi Hair Clip is that, you can use it in multiple hair style such as ponytail, half-up ponytail, tails up, and french twist.  
Ms. Burrito is really happy that the Spring Bouquet flexi hair clip matches her  new  wrist watch that a friend of mine have sent us this month.
Thank you so much Lilla Rose for giving me a chance to try one of your   Flexi Hair Clip!

Country Club Retirement Campus

This joyful of my father-in-law hugging his younger sister was taken when celebrated his 90th birthday last year.  The family have gathered to celebrate his birthday at my brother-in-law's residence in Chester.  We are so grateful to God that He continually blesses Dad a  good health.  He is turning 91 in few more months and he is  still in good health and living on his own at his  house.  
He does not want to go to a senior community  center.  He  would rather live by himself and that   is what  he is most comfortable with.  We sometimes worry about him because his  one eye can not see anymore and we are afraid that he might hurt himself.  But I guess God is watching over him because he is doing pretty well considering his age.  The only thing that is bothering him is  his shingles.  My husband sprays him with medicine ever time we visits him.  

I was looking at the Country Club Retirement Campus at Ashtabula and it looks very nice.  The assisted living ashtabula oh is located at the wooded part of the Ashtabula River which is  not far from lake Erie.  Although it is conveniently located across the Ashtabula  Medical Center, the facility has their own skilled nursing services provided for the seniors.

In addition to spacious apartments and suites, Country Club Retirement Campus at Ashtabula also features:

  •  Community room available for parties and events 
  •  Private dining room 
  •  Living room with fireplace 
  •  Beauty and barber shop 
  •  Beautifully landscaped grounds 
  •  Daily postal service Resident garden areas 
  •  Computer with internet access 
  •  Two story atrium with lush foliage and a waterfall 
  •  Fully equipped exercise gymnasium 
  •  Life Enrichment Center including juice bar, social area and pool table and WII entertainment game system
For seniors who just want to live   a life  with less worries, the said  place is the perfect choice.  

Qualities to Look for When Looking for Skin Tight Lotion Products

Skin Tight Body Firming Lotion - for firmer, smoother, beautiful skin!Individuals who are looking for skin tight lotion products that can help regain their skin’s elasticity and smoothness should not worry about a thing because there are many products out there that will help them in their goal.

On the other hand, such benefit can also be a dilemma because there are many products that flood the market are ineffective and are just a waste of money.

For this reason, skin experts advise those who want to make sure that they will purchase the right product that will complement their skin needs to look for certain qualities. Some of them are explained below.

Able to Fight Free Radicals
Free radicals are atoms or a group of atoms that are detrimental to the skin because they damage its healthy cells. If their development is not stopped they can cause wrinkling, sagging, and other premature aging symptoms.

Therefore, those who want to achieve tighter skin are encouraged to turn to products that contain high amounts of antioxidants or molecules that are able to counteract the accumulation of free radicals.
Some of the most powerful antioxidants that effective skin tight lotion products contain are natural Vitamin E, green tea extract, and aloe Vera leaf juice, among others.

Enhance Collagen Production
Medical studies show that the depletion of anti oxidants is one of the reasons why the skin develop wrinkles and begin to sag. In order to counteract the tale signs of aging, interested individuals are advised to boost the amount of collagen in their body.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to use skin tight lotion products that contain natural collagen. By doing so, they may remove age lines, wrinkles, and other skin problems.

Contain Hyaluronic Acid
The said acid is a naturally occurring substance that is found in the human body; its shortage hinders the production of elastin and collagen bonds. In the long run, it may lead to sagging skin.

To safeguard hyaluronic production in the body, interested individuals need to utilize skin tight lotion products that contain rich amounts of the said acid.

The truth is anyone can effectively and efficiently achieve tight skin with the use topical products. Interested individuals should simply turn to products that contain the qualities that are mentioned above. By doing so, they can achieve tight as well as fair skin in no time at all. Furthermore, the entire mentioned benefits can obtained without shelling out huge sums of money.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I meant to post this last year but  forgot to.  I clipped this from a  local newspaper.  Miss Burrito wrote this and submitted it to her teacher.  I think the teacher forwarded it to the local news paper.  I am not sure how it happened but one thing for sure, my child has  a thankful heart.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Shutter Bug

I am a shutter bug, when I am stressed, I usually pick my camera up and go out so I can take some photos. But since the weather is so cold, indoor shots would do. When my favorite subject in photography (My Burritos) are not home, Me, Myself, and I becomes the subject (so walang kokontra lol).  Ms. Burrito  gave me a go to "borrow" her top so there you go  "Me, Myself, and I".  
I would like to thank EinaRrah again for these beautiful personalized wrist watches that she sent for me and my daughter.  She sent me a  bunch of post cards and  book marker first then a few days later, I received this package from Hongkong.  At first, I wondered  who it came from because I don't know anyone from there but when I opened the package that's when I saw who it came from.
Ms. Burrito is very happy to have her won watch as she knows how to read time now.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Urinary Tract Infection

As I have mentioned in my previous post in this blog, Ms. Burrito has been carrying  a high fever on and off since last Thursday  last week.  She felt a little better last Friday so she went to school but at twelve noon, she called me to come to school  and pick her up.  She was so sick again that day and the whole night.  The morning of Saturday, I gave her  a good bath then she felt better but at night time she was fevered again, sigh.
We were getting so worried  about her  fever coming on and off so we  brought her to the hospital yesterday.  She was dehydrated so the doctor gave her an IV, am intravenous device for delivering  electrolyte solutions, medicine, and nutrients.  They ran some blood tests (took five tubes of blood from her).  I am so glad that she is a tough kid, she never  cried or whimper when they were sticking needles on her.  She's definitely tougher than me. 
The result of the blood test  came back and the doctor said that she has a Urinary Tract Infection or UTI.  We never suspected that she has a UTI as she did not have a difficulty in urinating but the doctor said that the infection is not in her urethra but in the bladder.  

"UTI are infections of the  urethra, bladder, ureters, or the kidneys which comprise the urinary tract.  UTIs are diagnosed usually by isolating and identifying the urinary pathogen from the patient.  The symptoms and signs vary somewhat depending on sex, age, and the area of the urinary tract that is infected."  These are some if the infos I read at
I am just glad that it did not impede her urine flow as it is very painful.  I had a UTI before and  it was an excruciating pain.  I did not send her to school today as she is still very weak although there is no fever anymore.  She  vomited this morning so I am letting her  eat some  saltine to settle her stomach.  I feel so bad because she lost her appetite, she doesn't want to eat anything.  She is taking antibiotics and I hope that she would be completely healed soon.

Thanks for all who included my daughter  in their prayer, it is greatly appreciated!

The Health Benefits of Montmorency Tart Cherries

As we all know, recovery is essential to sports performance, and needs just as much attention as your training. Rest days are important for a number of reasons, physiological and psychological. Physically the body needs to rest, this allows the muscles to repair and rebuild. Psychologically it is important to relax and unwind.

In relation to your training, Montmorency tart cherry extract is an ideal solution to reducing oxidative stress on your body which exercise causes. Various studies have covered their positive relationship to recovery, reducing muscle damage, inflammation and impressively, tart cherries have shown better anti-inflammatory activity than aspirin.

One of the benefits of these cherries is that they are a very potent antioxidant. They have a very high Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value; the ORAC scale is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities.

It is recommended to take 2g with 50ml water and to consume immediately after exercise. 30 minutes, post exercise, shows the greatest increases in cellular structure. Consuming Montmorency cherry extract can help promote muscle recovery and growth, and by combining this with a fast carb supplement could help prevent muscle damage and be an ideal recovery supplementation.

Montmorency cherry extract can be used as part of your training recovery process. Not only extremely high in antioxidants combating the oxidative stress but it has been reported to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Great on its own or it can be enjoyed with other products, such as Vitargo, Dextrose, Whey Protein Isolate and Creatine.

Terry Arena is a monster of a man. Some say he was born with a beard. When he's not benchpressing twice his own bodyweight, Terry can be found consuming 4 litre containers of full fat milk, mixed in with his favourite sports supplements.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Outstanding Reading Ability Award

One of our bonding moment..
Hello World, how y'all doing? My daughter was fevered last night so she did not go to school today.  Not so sure why she got sick but she had a playdate last Tuesday with her best friend.  Her friend has a lot of  pets and I know that Ms. Burrito is  allergic to  rabbits that's why we  did not bring our rabbit in this Winter.  I know that she  could not resist petting her friend's bunny so it might be it but I might be wrong.  I am still thankful that they invited her over, they live in a rich neighborhood which is the opposite of our abode so she get to experience different environment.

On the other note, I am so impressed of Mr. Burrito's progress in reading.  He doesn't enjoy reading as much as Ms. Burrito does but we read  everyday anyway because I wanted him to  be able to improve of what he have learned  already.  

I was surprised when he came home last week with a reading award during Dr. Seuss' birthday celebration.  We read three books that day and he read it with a very little help from me.  He can read pretty well now.
They will have a mass on Thursday next week and he was assigned to read two  readings.  He is excited  and anxious at the same  time but I told him that he is going to  be just fine.  My little man is not very serious compared to Ms. Burrito but I know that he is  equally smart as her.  He just wants to goof around all the time.  I hope that he would change when he grows up.  He is starting to build his self confidence  now that he can read.  
I want to thank my "Nanay" here in the neighborhood for giving me this pair of  leather gloves.  I don't have an MIL, she passed away before I got here so  having someone like  "Nanay Ruth" is pretty amazing.  My Burritos called them Lolo and Lola as they treat my kids like their own grandchildren.  

Ms. Burrito bakes stuff with her Lola most of the time especially during summer time.  They also learn different tricks from their Lolo especially outdoor stuff.  We are so blessed to have them in our lives.   I am so happy that they always want to get involve with  what we do especially kids events in school.

Anyhow, I have been encouraging my Nanay to start a blog as a hobby because she is retired already and I think that she would like having  to interact with blogpals  on her  free time.  I helped her set up a blog yesterday and I hope that it would be a start of an enjoyable  hobby for my Nanay.  If you can spare a minute or two, would you please help me welcome her in the blogland?  Here is her blog  Ruth's e-Kitchen & Beyond.  Thank you!
With Lolo Don and Lola Ruth during Mr. Burrito's Christmas Play.
Link  with me every Friday through ColoConnection.  You can post any color that you like.  Just click the badge below  to link up. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hugging Sally

It's fun when you have a daughter like mine who love to be photographed, especially when she is not making weird or wacky  faces lol. 
These photos  were taken in one of my FIL's bedroom upstairs.  Below is a sweet shot of her hugging Sally.
I read  and copied this at my friend's Facebook wall.

Wishing you all a great weekend.

Friday, March 1, 2013

ABody Dress

Hello world, I just got done filing all the  paper documents that we have last year.  I usually file them before the  end of the year but I wasn't able to do that  till today.  I also put away our Christmas decorations the other day.  I  am glad it's all done.  Do you still  file  printed  documents?  I bet most of you just  browse your documents online.  I want  printed ones for important stuff because it is easier to get them when you need it.  Everything is labeled from A-Z, I am used to doing that from my former work as a Secretary in school  so I am kind of recreating my former job hehehe.
I received this black lace ABody dress and a Bolaro shoes from a Dear Friend of mine last Christmas.
Tonight will be our  Burritos' first piano lesson, we will be  meeting their teacher when my husband comes home.   Just posting this one real quick before I cook.  Ciao for now, gotta prepare our dinner.  Busy, busy, busy..

Support to your Wrist

In recent years pain at different Joints of the body has become a widespread ailment. It has been contributed to the increasingly sedentary lifestyle of modern times.  People are spending a lot of time with computers, mobile phones which puts direct pressure on the fingers and wrists. As result people are often ending up with tremendous wrist pain. There are few typical symptoms that indicate problem with your wrists.  For example, you can feel a tingling sensation in the fingers or wrists. Also you could experience temporary numbness in those parts of the body. Another notable symptom is when you are developing a tendency to drop things from your hands and often feeling weak in the hands.  These conditions generally appear when holding a phone or a steering wheel, or while picking up a heavy object. The pain generally spreads from the wrist up to the arm and sometimes even down to the fingers. This generally comes from repetitive use of hands.

If your condition is not treated properly on time then it can lead to muscle and nerve damage both temporary and permanent. Therefore doctors are advising the use of wrist support when necessary. We must not forget that our entire body is inter connected and if we let the problems go untreated then that pain can spread over other parts of the body. Especially if you are working with computers for long hours, it will be better to use wrist support as a preventative measures. Many people do not like using such support tools unless they are compelled to, but it will help if used beforehand.

In this age of technology, dealing with wrist pain issues has become easier than before. Wrist pain can be avoided by using proper support. Wrist injury is also common in gymnasts and other sports persons. They use different types of wrist supports to prevent or heal wrist pain.  There are many support products available with different attributes that will give the users fantastic results. You should buy one that is suitable for treating your wrist condition. If your wrists have encountered sprains or strains, then there are wrist supports- wraps for treating that. Also there are wrist braces that come with dual stabilizers. You can wear one and still enjoy full functioning of your fingers. These modern wrist braces have a contoured shape that makes the wearer comfortable.

There are many different types of wrist support available that will fulfil every possible need.   The people who are into heavy work and have to wear work gloves will have to use the smaller braces.  Light supports are made with light weight materials. For more severe cases there are supports that are made out of strong materials.  If you want to keep things simple, use classic style wrists braces that allow finger the maximum dexterity so that you can get your tasks done. What it actually does is that it restricts the flexing of the wrist. Once you have the proper tool you can easily concentrate on your normal life.

For More Information about wrist support and other support equipment feel free to visit: