Friday, March 6, 2015

Staying Active Despite the Weather

For the last two weeks, the kids only had two days of school and 8 days of cancellation.  I am worried that their summer vacation will be affected by this and their stay in school will be extended.  But there's nothing really we can do but to deal it with it.  Anyway, despite  the weather blues,  my family keeps busy and active  indoors.  
The kids do  their  cardio running around  the house    for their exercise and they sometimes workout with me.
 Our kids are outdoor lovers so  no matter how much I want to keep them  inside, we do go out  and enjoy the snow.  We have  done this three times this winter and I think I am done lol.
 The extreme cold  is getting a toll on my skin so I am using this creme to  heal the dryness.
 We do their snow days homework  after breakfast .  Daughter prefer doing her homework on the floor   while my son and I do his homework in the dining table.
 Since they are off from school most of the times,  I let them help me  with household chores.  Teaching kids  these  job around the house is important while they are young.  It's a lot  harder to train  kids when they are already grown up.

After we do  cleaning, washing dishes, and doing laundry, we  do our fun stuff, board games.  Sometimes we play monopoly but most of the time, scrabble.  Also part of their daily routine is practicing piano for at least 20-30 minutes.

Then we read  for  30 minutes  before they could finally  play  minecraft in their iPods.   For the past two weeks,  daughter have finished two books.

I only allow then certain  time everyday on their gadgets, that way it wont affect their study time and time with us.
Hubby and I couldn't be  happier raising two   wonderful kids.  They are a handful sometimes but  sure worth every  second  of our  time spending with them.  They are the reason why I don't mind setting aside my career.  They are our priority so  choosing to be a stay at home Mom is the best decision  that hubby and I   have made.  


  1. I love that you put your kids to work :) My kids enjoy helping out around the house, too! And it's a good life lesson!

  2. That is a great way to do it. It's good to teach them about life and getting things done in the right way. Not to neglect any of their duties and still a time for fun and games. Awesome

  3. Winter is a hard time of year to keep the kids active. Can't wait for Spring! Your ideas to keep them active are great ones.

  4. Sometimes it is just way too difficult to stay active because of the weather! Although, it is usually the heat here rather than the cold.

  5. Your kids are too cute. I am happy to see your are keeping the kiddies active even with the cold weather!

  6. I guess living in CA the only time we get off from school is from fires so no one really wants the time off. That is a great idea that you have with the kids. I am going to have to do something like that when I have some extra time off so that I am less overwhelmed when I am working.

  7. Always important to stay active. I know it gets harder in winter, even I don't want to leave our house!

  8. Love how you guys stay active! Beautiful grat kids jndeed

  9. Despite it looking freeeeeezing, it looks like you guys had a fun time together. There is always something special about those little moments like this.

  10. Im over winter too. The snow keeps coming and coming. It is hard to keep active in the winter but you have great tips

  11. It is very important to keep active year round! I love that you found ways to stay active regardless of the weather! The pictures are adorable!

  12. I am so over winter this year it has been awful here!!! I love that you find ways to keep your kids active even in the winter!

  13. We did not even experience winter here! but love the idea of keeping the kids busy through out of the year :) Your kids are adorable.

  14. I love looking at your pictures. It's a refreshing change to see everything help and happy. Keeping busy through winter can be hard so I agree, you gotta keep busy.

  15. You're raising your children well! :) They have so many activities every day and it's really great for you to be supportive and show that you care.

  16. It's hard to want to be active when the weather is cold and dreary. All I want to do is cuddle in a large blanket in front of the fire! ;) Oh, and when I was a child I used to love doing my homework on the floor like your daughter! :)

  17. We are enjoying winter and allowing our little ones to enjoy it as well. They went back to school yesterday well rested.

  18. Your kids are adorable and I'm loving that you put your kids to work too. Household chores are never fun but having a extra helping hand makes it a little better ;)


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